1 We are willing workers in the open field,
Sowing in the morning for a goodly yield;
Sowing seeds of kindness, sowing seeds of love,
That shall bring us fruitage for the home above.
We are willing workers, joyfully we sing!
Sowing, reaping, gleaming, for our blessed King!
Out upon the highways, in the hedges, too,
Finding ev’rywhere a work of love to do.
2 We are willing workers out amid the grain,
We will wield our sickles all along the plain;
Reaping for the Master we so dearly love,
Reaping for garners in the realms above. [Refrain]
3 We are willing workers in the fields so white,
Toiling from the early morning until night;
Gleaming ‘mong the briers, searching ‘mid the leaves,
Bringing to the Master many golden sheaves. [Refrain]
Source: Crowning Day No. 4 #234