1 Are your robes all stained with sin?
Bring them now to Jesus;
He will make them white and clean,
Blessed, blessed Jesus;
Oh, believe the promise sweet,
Come, and kneel at Jesus feet;
Sinners at the mercy-seat,
Find sweet rest in Jesus.
Oh, that deep and cleansing flood!
Oh, the pow’r of Jesus blood!
Glory, glory be to God!
All may come to Jesus.
2 Hear that voice so sweet and low—
‘Tis the voice of Jesus;
He will wash you white as snow;
Oh, the love of Jesus!
Oh, accept the Son of God,
Trample not upon the blood;
‘Tis for you the crimson flood,
Come, oh, come to Jesus. [Refrain]
3 Come, my brother, come today,
Bring your sins to Jesus;
He will wash them all away,
Oh, be clean thro’ Jesus;
He is waiting to receive,
Do not thus his Spirit grieve;
He will save if you believe,
Blessed, blessed Jesus. [Refrain]
Source: Triumphant Songs No.1 #117