Haldor Lillenas

Haldor Lillenas
Short Name: Haldor Lillenas
Full Name: Lillenas, Haldor, 1885-1959
Birth Year: 1885
Death Year: 1959

Rv Haldor Lillenas DMus Norway/USA 1885-1959. Born at Stord, near Bergen, Norway, his father sold their 15 acre farm in Norway and emigrated to the U.S., buying a farm in Colton, SD. After he built a sod house, the family (wife and three chldren) also came to SD in 1887. They moved to Astoria, Oregon in 1889, where Lillenas learned English and began writing song lyrics at an early age. In 1900 the family moved again to Roseville, MN, where he worked as a farm laborer and began attending a Lutheran high school at Hawick, MN. He sold a few songs at age 19. At age 21 he began writing more songs, encouraged by some earlier ones becoming popular (“He set me free” was one). His mother died in 1906 and his father returned to ND, but Lillenas decided to move back to Astoria, OR, to finish a chemical correspondence course he had been taking. There he found employment in a chemical factory. He started attending a Lutheran church, but one evening he heard the song, “Tell mother I’ll be there”, sung at a mission. It made him decide to commit his life to Christ. An elderly lady who worked there told him about Jesus, and he began attending the Peniel Mission, a holiness rescue mission in Astoria, OR. He started working at the mission himself. In 1907 he moved to Portland, OR, where he worked with the Peniel Mission there, the mission paying most of his expenses. He was appointed leader of the mission. He saw many there come to know Christ and felt called to the Lord’s work. He joined the First Church of the Nazarene in Portland. Soon he enrolled in a ministerial course of study by correspondence. Soon afterward, he joined a vocal group associated with the Salvation Army called the ‘Charioteers Brigade’, which held street meetings and revival services throught much of CA. As a result of generous donations made, and efforts by his pastor, A O Hendricks, he was able to attend Pacific Bible College (later renamed Pasadena College), Los Angeles, CA. He also found part-time work to help support himself. He was soon a music director at a local church, and was preaching and writing songs. He also studied voice at the Lyric School of Music in Los Angeles, CA. While at Deets, he met and married Bertha Mae Wilson, also on an evangelistic team. Both preached. She was a songwriter like he. They practiced music at her father’s house and found that their voices blended well. They had two children: Evangline, and Wendell. They eventually became elders in the Nazarene Church, and she eventually became an ordained minister as well. He also studied music at the Siegel-Myers School of Music Chicago, IL. He composed songs for cantatas, Christmas, Easter, and special day services. He also used several pseudonyms in their composition. He traveled as an evangelist, then he pastored several churches (1910-1924) at Lompoc, CA, then Redlands, CA, and later in Indianapolis, IN. While there, In 1924, he founded the Lillenas Music Company (bought by the Nazarene Publishing Company in 1930). His wife preached at their pastorate until he was able to get the company up and running. While they owned the company, they published more than 700,000 hymnals. He worked as an editor there (after selling his company) until his retirement in 1950, becoming an advisor for them until his death. Also that year Lillenas purchased a 500 acre rural estate in Miller County, MO, where they built an Ozark home called ‘Melody Lane’. Lillenas joined the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP) in 1938. In 1941 he received an honorable doctorate degree from Olivet Nazarene College, Bourbonnais, IL. In 1945 Bertha died of cancer, and later that year Lillenas remarried to a Lola Dell, and they lived in Melody Lane until 1955, when they moved to Pasadena, CA, attending the Nazarene Church there. They also made three trips to Norway after his retirement, and he wrote three books during that time: “Modern gospel song stories (1952), “Down Melody Lane (an autobiography): (1953), “Motoring 11,000 miles through Norway-A guide for tourists” (1955). In 1955 they toured Israel and sponsored a Palestinian Greek Orthodox family he had met as immigrants to the US that included Sirhan Bishara Sirhan (born in 1944). After they arrived in Pasadena, the Sirhan family stayed with Lillenas for several months, after which the Sirhans moved to a home Lillenas rented and furnished to them. When Mary Sirhan’s husband abandoned her and her two sons and returned to Jordan, Lillenas ensured that they were able to remain in the US. S B Sirhan was the convicted killer of Robert Kennedy. Lillenas wrote some 4000 hymn lyrics, supplying some for evangelists. Four of his song books contain his hymns: “Special sacred songs” (1919), “New Sacred Songs”, “Strains of love”, and “Special sacred songs #2”. He died at Aspen, CO. He is buried at Kansas City, MO. He was an author, editor, compiler, composer, and contributor. He edited and compiled over 50 song books.

John Perry

Texts by Haldor Lillenas (563)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A crown of thorns my Savior woreH. L. (Author)English3
A friend have I who standeth near When shadows fall over pathways drearHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
A glad invitation is ringing todayH. L. (Author)English8
Glorious Redeemer is the Savior of mankindH. L. (Author)3
A la lucha, ¡Oh Cristianos!Haldor Lillenas (Author)Spanish3
A light on my pathway to banish the nightH. L. (Author)English3
A lovely song is singing in my heartHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
A message in song I am bringingH. L. (Author)English3
A pilgrim am I and a strangerHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
A river of life, unbounded and broadH. L. (Author)English4
A Savior have I more precious to meHaldor Lillenas (Author)English10
A Savior of infinite love I have foundHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
A Savior wonderful is He, beyond my fondest dreamingHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
A song of triumph rings, upon the breeze it singsHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
A vast, unmeasured distance layHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
A wonderful Healer once walked among menH. L. (Author)English2
After the day is endedHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
After the shadows cometh the sunshineHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Alguien va conmigo de la vida en el correrH. L. (Author)Spanish2
All of my trials will flee awayH. L. (Author)English2
All on the altar, nothing reservingHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
All to thee, my blessed SaviorH. L. (Author)English2
Along the pathway of the yearsH. L. (Author)English3
Amid the turmoil and the strife we turn to TheeHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
An open door, an empty tombHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Antes vivía esclavizadoHaldor Lillenas (Author)Spanish2
Are you building today for eternityH. L. (Author)English2
Are you distressed on life's weary roadHaldor Lillenas (Author)English4
Are you lost on the highways and byways of sinH. L. (Author)English2
Are you tempest tossed on a sea of strifeHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Are you walking the path that is leadingHaldor Lillenas (Author)English11
As a golden sun that's settingHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
As the mighty rolling tide of the oceanHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Be kind to the lost and the helplessHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Behold the loving Savior standsH. L. (Author)English18
Beholding God's word as a mirror I seeHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Born again, redeemed from sinHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Break forth and sing of Christ the KingHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
Bring your burdens to the MasterH. L. (Arranger)2
Can it be that my soul is dyingHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Can we find an hour so preciousHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Can you turn from a friend who loves youH. L. (Author)3
Christmas bells are chiming over all the earthHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Church of God, awaken, heed the Lord's commandH. L. (Author)English8
Close to the heart of Jesus, Close to His wounded sideH. L. (Author)English3
Close to thy heart, blessed SaviorH. L. (Author)2
Come over on the other sideHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Come, while the door is openH. L. (Author)English2
Coming to Jesus I found wonderful peaceHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
Coming to Jesus my Savior I foundH. L. (Author)English48
Conmigo irá mi Señor por el valleH.L. (Author)Spanish2
Creeds there are unnumbered everywhere we goHaldor Lillenas (Author)English5
Dainty flowers, leafy bowersHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
Darkness will flee and the morning shall dawnH. L. (Author)English2
¿Debo yo vivir en grande incertidumbreHaldor Lillenas (Author)Spanish2
Deep within the heart of GodH. L. (Author)English2
Dewdrops of mercy are fallingHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Do you have any rivers to crossHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Do you know Jesus, the Friend of the friendlessHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
Do you know the language of Canaan?H. Lillenas (Author)English2
Do you love the blessed Savior? Are you in the narrow way?Lillenas (Author)English2
Don't turn Him away (Chorus)Haldor Lillenas (Author)English1
Down deep in my heart flows a river of peaceH. L. (Author)English3
Down in the depths He found meHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
Dusky hands are reaching for the bread of lifeH. L. (Author)English13
Empty and vain seem the things of earthH. L. (Author)English2
Encontré un lugar do decansarHaldor Lillenas (Author)Spanish2
Es segura base la verdad de DiosHaldor Lillenas (Author)Spanish2
Every day I am writing a recordHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Every passing moment, every fleeting hourHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Fainting pilgrim so wayworn and wearyHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Faithful little workers we must beHaldor Lillenas (Author)English4
Far away from my friends, yet there's One who is nearH. L. (Author)English3
Far beyond all human comprehensionHaldor Lillenas (Author)English7
Far I have wandered, sadly I've squanderedH. L. (Author)English7
Fathomless the love and matchless graceH. L. (Author)English5
For me to live is Christ, O what wondrous thoughtH. L. (Author)English2
For the cause of right we've enlisted to fightH. L. (Author)English3
Friends have walked beside me here belowHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Gathered in an upper chamberHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Give me the dear old Bible as my guide each dayH. L. (Author)English14
God is able to save the lost, save the lost save the lostH. L. (Author)English8
God will not forget me, He who loved me soH. L. (Author)English2
God with us, is the name of our KingHaldor Lillenas (Author)English11
God's blessed hand would thy destiny moldH. L. (Author)English3
God's grace divine shall ever safely guide meH. L. (Author)English3
God's love is an ocean so boundlessHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
God's truth is like a hammerH. L. (Author)3
Gone is my burden of sin and shameH. L. (Author)English3
Gone is the guilt of yearsH. L. (Author)English2
Grace there is sufficient for each trying hourHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
Gracious is the promise of our living LordHaldor Lillenas (Author)English6
Gracious the cheering words Christ doth speakHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Great is the boundless love of the SaviorHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
Great is the Lord of the earth and skyHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
Great is the marvelous mystery of grace divineH. L. (Author)English4
Guds Ord står fast som det trauste fjelletHaldor Lillenas (Author)Norwegian2
Hail to the glorious PotentateHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
Hallé un Salvador AdmirableH.L. (Author)Spanish3
Happy birthday, happy birthdayHalodr Lillenas (Author)English1
Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you (Lillenas)H. L. (Author)English2
Happy Christian children are weHaldor Lillenas (Author)English4
Have you felt the touch of the nail pierced hand (Lillenas)H. L. (Author)English2
Have you found redemption through the Son of GodHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
Have you heard the sobbing of a thousand million soulsHaldor Lillenas (Author)English5
Have you received the blessing, Have you been saved from sin?H. L. (Author)English2
Have you seen the surging massesH. L. (Author)English2
Have you struggled with a burden that has often bowed you low?Haldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Have you wandered far away on the mountains cold and grayHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Hay retiro sagradoy felizHaldor Lillenas (Author)Spanish2
Heaven is in my soul todayHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Heavenly Father, I am waiting At Thy mercy seat todayHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Holy Spirit, breathe upon us, Fill our hearts with perfect loveH. L. (Author)English3
Holy Spirit, God most holyH. L. (Author)English2
How can I in sadness pine when I have JesusHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
How could Jesus love me soH. L. (Author)English3
How good is God, His mercies manifoldHaldor Lillenas (Author (chorus))2
How great the expanse of the love of GodHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
How oft I've walked life's weary roadHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
How rich is the mercy and grace of our LordHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
I am a stranger, an exile from homeHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
I am determined to follow JesusHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
I am not only saved from sinHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
I am on the gospel highway of the ransomed and the blestHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
I am rejoicing in Jesus, He who from sin set me freeH. L. (Author)English9
I am rejoicing in Jesus todayHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
I am resting, sweetly resting On the rock once cleft for meH. L. (Author)English2
I am singing and rejoicing every passing dayH. L. (Author)English4
I am singing day by day; Singing on my homeward wayHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
I am singing on my homeward wayHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
I am so happy in Jesus, since he redeemed meHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
I am trusting in Jesus' precious bloodHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
I am walking day by day (Lillenas)Haldor Lillenas (Author)2
I am watching for the coming Of my Savior and my KingH. L. (Author)English6
I believe the Bible, blessed book divineHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
I came unto Jesus confessing my sinHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
I can never be the same since that unforgotten hourHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
I cannot choose the path that I would treadHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
I cannot sing as I shall singHaldor Lillenas (Author (refrain))English2
I come to Thee, my living LordH. L. (Author)English2
I come to Thee, Thou living LordH. L. (Author)English3
I could not fathom God's majestyHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
I found such a wonderful SaviorH. L. (Author)English19
I had known the joys of forgiving graceHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
I have a Savior, wondrous, strongHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
I have a Savior whose love will abideH. L. (Author)English3
I have a shepherd who sought meHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
I have been saved by the power of JesusH. L. (Author)English3
I have come out of Egypt and its bondage drearHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
I have fixed my eyes on the things on highHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
I have found a deep peace that I never had knownH. L. (Author)English19
I have found a friend who cannot falterHaldor Lillenas (Author)English4
I have found a precious resting placeH. L. (Author)English15
I have found a secure foundationHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
I have left old Egypt's strandH. Lillenas (Author (Chorus))English1
I have left the land of nightHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
I have left the wilderness beyond the rolling tideHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
I have many reasons for loving the LordHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
I have moved out of sorrow into gladnessH. L. (Author)English3
I have taken up my cross for JesusHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
I have tarried for the power, It has come a mighty showerHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
I heard a song, a song of hope and cheerH. L. (Author)English2
I hunger to know more of JesusH. L. (Author)English1
I know a name that can drive away all sorrowHaldor Lillenas (Author)English13
I know, I know, I know, I lost my sin and woeHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
I know not how my Savior could save a soul like mineHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
I looked within my heart in search of lightH. L. (Author)English2
I lost the world with its sin and shameH.L. (Author)English9
I never can forget the momentH. L. (Author)3
I never knew, until the Savior found meH. L. (Author)English2
I once could not see the dear SaviorH. L. (Author)English2
I remember when the Lord spoke to my soulH.L. (Author)English16
I sail today a seaH. L. (Author)English3
I serve the Lord from day to dayH. L. (Author)English4
I shall stand one day at the great white throneH. L. (Author)4
I sing of grace so full and freeHaldor Lillenas (Author)English5
I walk with my Lord in fellowship sweetHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
I wander over the weary worldH. L. (Author)2
I wandered far in a weary landH. L. (Author)English2
I wandered through the wildernessH. Lillenas (Author (chorus))English2
I was full of sin, Now I'm pure withinHaldor Lillenas (Author)English12
I was lost in sin but Jesus took me inHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
I will be what He wants me to beH. L. (Author)English2
I will lift up mine eyes to the mountains (Lillenas)H. L. (Author)English2
I will not sing earth's transient songHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
I will say yes to Jesus, Yes to His blessed willHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
I will sing a song of the home beyond the blueHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
If nights are long and days are drearHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
If the way seems long and wearyHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
If the world and all of its wealth you gainHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
If there's trouble anywhere, and your soul is near despairHaldor Lillenas (Author)English10
If you would a blessing beHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
If you would work for the Master todayHaldor Lillenas (Author)English10
Iglesia de Cristo dice el SalvadorHaldor Lillenas (Author)Spanish2
I'll never let go of JesusH. L. (Author)English2
I'm nearer to the land of joy and peaceH. L. (Author)English2
I'm rejoicing today, As I go on my wayH. L. (Author)English2
I'm trustingly walking along life's wayH. L. (Author)English2
In a world where life is a fleeting thingHaldor Lillenas (Author)5
In Christ my Lord my needs ' all abundantly suppliedHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
In Jesus I found such a wonderful friendHaldor Lillenas (Author)English4
In tender compassion He sought meH. L. (Author)English2
In the battles for the Lord there always isHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
In the battles of your life you never shall defeated beHaldor Lillenas (Author)English5
In the dark heathen night they are dwellingH. L. (Author)2
In the days of old, of which we are toldH. L. (Author)English2
In the fields of laborHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
In the shelter of the rock of agesHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
In the upper room in Jerusalem, On the day of PentecostHaldor Lillenas (Author (chorus))English4
In the vineyard of the Lord are many workers it is trueHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
In the wilderness shall streams be foundH. L. (Author)English4
In the wondrous realms of graceHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
In your search for wealth and the gleam of goldHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Into a closer fellowship with Thee LordHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Is anything too good for JesusHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
I've a Friend given who is always nearHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
I've enlisted to fight for the cause of rightHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
I've left the land of Egypt with its bondage drearH. L. (Author)8
I've someone to help me when I am in needHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Jesus came down to this world of woeHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
Jesus is the children's Friend, Bless His holy nameHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Jesus, my Redeemer, is my dearest friendHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Jesus, my Redeemer, saved meH. L. (Author)English2
Jesus my Savior is all that I need, He's more than a friend to meHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Jesus needs your service every passing dayHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Jesus once came to earthHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Jesus only is the world's great needH. L. (Author)English3
Jesus the Savior is more than a manH. L. (Author)English3
Jesus will walk with me down through the valleyHaldor Lillenas (Author)English27
Junto a la cruz de Jesús encontréHaldor Lillenas (Author)Spanish2
Just a little sunshine, just a little cheerH. L. (Author)English3
Just for today I'll walk along life's journeyHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Kind is the hand of the Father of loveH. L. (Author)5
Let my life speak for Thee, dear LordHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Life's sunshine may be checkered with its shadowsH. L. (Author)English7
Lift up your voice in jubilant songHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Like the fragrance of flowersHaldor Lillenas (Author)English13
Like the stars that brightly shine above usHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Like the sunshine after rainH. L. (Author)English12
Line up, line up for Jesus, go forward to the fightH. L. (Author)English5
Little hands can lift a burdenHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Living forever O marvelous thoughtHaldor Lillenas (Author)English12
Lo, a voice is calling out across the watersH. L. (Author)English4
Lo! the fields are white for harvest, Ready is the golden grainHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Long my stubborn will kept saying to the MasterH. L. (Author)English2
Look on the brightest side of lifeHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Lord, I am pleading, hear Thou my prayerH. L. (Author)English7
Lord, I am waiting at Thy feetHaldor Lillenas (Author)English5
Lord, let me die to selfish desiresH. L. (Author)English3
Lord, make me a winner of soulsHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
Love divine, O what mystery unfathomed!Haldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Love divine shall ever be my songHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Many are groping in darkness todayH. L. (Author)English2
Many are the deeds that I can never doHaldor Lillenas (Author)English6
Many things may seem obscureH. L. (Author)English8
Many weary years I vainly sought a springHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Many years have drifted, like a mighty, singing streamH. L. (Author)English2
Maravilhosa graça! Graça de Deus sem par!Haldor Lillenas (Author)Portuguese2
Maravillosa gracia, De Cristo rico donHaldor Lillenas (Author)Spanish2
Maravillosa gracia vino Jesús a darHaldor Lillenas (Author)Spanish5
Merrily sing your songHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
'Mid the changing scenes of a changing lifeHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
More than I fancied that he could beHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
Must I live in doubt and fear, not ever knowingH. L. (Author)English4
My happy heart today with joy is singingHaldor Lillenas (Author)English4
My heart is ever singing praise to Jesus for He isH. L. (Author)English2
My heart is full of joy that nothing can destroyH. L. (Author)English3
My heart is singing a glad new songHaldor Lillenas (Author)English4
My heart is singing, the bells are ringingH. L. (Author)English3
My heart is with jubilance singingHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
My heart is yearning for my homeHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
My heart with joy is singing since I found the LordHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
My home is where my heart isH. L. (Author)English2
My hope of salvation is steadfast and sureHaldor Lillenas (Author)English4
My soul is clinging to JesusHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
My soul is filled with joy and gladnessHaldor Lillenas (Author)English16
My wonderful Lord, my wonderful LordHaldor Lillenas, 1885-1959 (Author)English2
Never be afraid to speak for Jesus, Think how much a word can doHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
Never give away to sorrowH. L. (Author)English4
No compromise with evil shall be our battle cryHaldor Lillenas (Author)English5
No more my heart is lonelyHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
No one but Jesus can hear my prayerHaldor Lillenas (Author)English4
No other name found on earth or in heavenH. L. (Author)2
No regrets, no regrets for the work I may have doneHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
No thought brings sweeter joy to meHaldor Lillenas (Author)1
Not made for the trifling things of timeH. L. (Author)2
Not one of all His childrenHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Nothing can be greater than a heart made rightHaldor Lillenas (Author)English4
Nothing satisfies but Jesus, all the world is emptinessHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Now is the day of salvation, Now you are hearing God's voiceH. L. (Author)4
O believer in Jesus, O child of GodH. L. (Author)2
O captive soul by sin oppressedHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
O Christ my Lord, my heart shall singH. L. (Author)English3
O church of God, awakeHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
O cleansing fire of love divineHaldor Lillenas (Author)English5
O grace of God, beyond my comprehensionHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
O how many are drifting with life's restless tideH. Lillenas (Author)English5
O how sweet the recollections of the days from care so freeH. L. (Author)English2
O how sweet to dwell in this earth belowHaldor Lillenas (Author)English5
O love of Calvary, O mercy full and freeH. L. (Author)English4
O love of God, wonderful loveH. L. (Author)English2
O Master, this my prayer shall beH. L. (Author)English2
O my heart shall not forget the golden hourH. L. (Author)2
O my heart sings today, sings for joy and gladnessH. L. (Author)English21
O ring the golden bells of freedomHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
O soul, have you thought of the price you payHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
O soul vainly striving for peace and for restH. L. (Author)English2
O spread the gospel tidingsH. L. (Author)English2
O tell me not of the joys of earthHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
O the day may seem long as I travel alongHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
O the joy that I am finding as I onward pressHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
O the transforming power of Jesus' bloodHaldor Lillenas (Author (Chorus))English2
O troubled heart, be stillH. L. (Author)English2
O troubled heart bowed down with bitter painH. L. (Author)English3
O troubled heart, One walks beside theeHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
O what a wonderful grace I have foundH. L. (Author)English2
O what must it be to be lostHaldor Lillenas (Author)4
O wonderful story trueHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
O'er our fair and mighty nationHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Of love full and free I am singingHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Oft in the years that are long since pastH. L. (Author)English2
O are you denying the masterH. L. (Author)English2
O what wondrous peace and gladness fills and thrills the human heartH. L. (Author)English6
On the bright and glorious morning, when the dead in Christ shall riseHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
On the cross uplifted highHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
On the great eternal morning, when we'll hear the trumpet blastHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
On the other side of Jordan there's a city bright and fairHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
On the record book divineHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Once I sailed my barque across life's wild and troubled seaH. L. (Author)English2
Once I was bound by sin's galling fettersHaldor Lillenas (Author)English27
Once I was burdened with sin and shameH. L. (Author)English2
Once I was walking in the by ways of sinHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Once my soul a prisoner layHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
One came from heaven's summer-landH. L. (Author)English2
One came from the realms of the heavenly landH. L. (Author)English5
One came from yonder realms aboveH. L. (Author)English2
One day at a time the Master will leadHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
One day I traveled a toilsome roadHaldor Lillenas (Author)English7
One is walking with me over life's uneven wayHaldor Lillenas (Author)English26
Only a rose by the wayHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Only little hands have weH. L. (Author)4
Onward, Christian soldiers, forward to the fightHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Open anew Thy fountain of graceHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Open the windows of heaven (Lillenas)Haldor Lillenas (Author)2
Others may sing of treasures of earthH. L. (Author)English5
Our life passes on like a swift flowing streamH. L. (Author)English3
Out on life's stormy oceanHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Out upon life's ocean many souls adriftHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Over and over again, Over and over againHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
Over sea and over landHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Patiently, tenderly pleading, Jesus is standingH. L. (Author)English26
Peace, peace, wonderful peace (Chorus)Haldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Perhaps the bells of eveningH. L. (Author)2
Perhaps the songs that once you sangH. L. (Author)English2
Plead the precious promises of JesusHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
Praise the Father of all mercyH. L. (Author)2
Pray without ceasing, wait on the LordHaldor Lillenas (Author)English4
Prayer is the key that unlocks the doorHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Pues la gracia de mi Señor y ReyHaldor Lillenas (Author)Spanish2
Punzantes los abrojos del caminoHaldor Lillenas (Author)Spanish2
¡Qué preciosa paz nos daHaldor Lillenas (Author)Spanish2
Raindrops fall on the thirsty groundHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Redeemed from sin, my heart with joy is singingHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Sabbath bells are chiming, far and nearHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Search over the heart weary world and you'll findHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Seasons and times are all changingH. L. (Author)2
Shut in with God, the weary world forbiddenHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Si solo y triste te sientes túHaldor Lillenas (Author)Spanish2
Si tú cansado ya estás de pecarH. L. (Author)Spanish3
Sin cannot unpunished beH. L. (Author)English2
Since I'm bound for my home in the skiesHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Since light has dawned on meHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Since my sins have been forgiven, And I'm on my way to heavenHaldor Lillenas (Author)English8
Since the Lord has come to dwellH. L. (Author)English2
Since the wondrous grace of my loving LordHaldor Lillenas (Author)English6
Sing a song of triumph every passing dayHaldor Lillenas (Author)4
Sing me a song of heavenHaldor Lillenas (Author)English5
Sing of a perfect salvation which saves to the uttermostH. L. (Author)English3
Sing praise to Him who fills all the earth with His gloryHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Sing, sing, sing, for the world is needing your singHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
Sing to Him in the early morningHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
Sinner, poor sinner, why wander awayH. L. (Author)English3
Sinner spurning mercy's handHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Soldiers in the battle fighting for the rightHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Soldiers of Immanuel, go forward in His nameH. L. (Author)English16
Some day the light of earth shall fade awayH. L. (Author)English10
Some day when time shall have writtenHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
Some days are all golden with sunshineHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Some glad morning I'll awakenH. L. (Author)2
Some golden morn, when this short life is endedH. L. (Author)English4
Someone is out in the world of sinH. L. (Author)English3
Stand fast in the Lord and the power of his mightHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Still saying No to Jesus, Still you reject His voiceHaldor Lillenas (Author)English6
Storms of life may beat around meH. L. (Author)English6
Sure is my foundation, for I stand todayH. L. (Author)English7
Tell the story of the gospel as it isHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
That will be heaven when we get homeH. L. (Author)English8
The bells of peace swell out their anthemsH. L. (Author)English3
The Bible stands like a rock undauntedHaldor Lillenas (Author)English16
The blessed voice of Jesus calls todayH. L. (Author)2
The bugle call is sounding over the world todayH. L. (Author)English2
The church bells chime from shore to shoreHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
The day may lose its sunshine and songHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
The fellowship of friends on earthHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
The gospel ship is comingH. Lillenas (Author)1
The grace of my Lord is unfailing and freeHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
The Lord God omnipotent reigneth, The Lord God omnipotent reignethHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
The love of Jesus, love divineHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
The moments are passing, the days quickly flyHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
The night is gone, now shines the dawnH. L. (Author)English4
The old time power is just the same todayH. L. (Author)English2
The path lies hid behind the vailHaldor Lillenas (Author)English4
The path of the just is as a shining light (Lillenas)H. L. (Author)English2
The powers of sin and darkness are still engagedHaldor Lillenas (Author)English4
The road I traveled yesterdayH. L. (Author)English3
The Savior of men is a wonderful SaviorH. L. (Author (v. 1, 3, 4, 5))English2
The skies may not always be sunny or blueHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
The storehouse of God ever is filled to overflowingHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
The times and the seasons are changingHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
The touch of God brings healing to my soulHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
The trials of earth may be manyHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
The voice of the Father is sayingHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
The way is narrow that leads to lifeH. L. (Author)English2
The wonderful Shepherd that loveth His sheepHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
The Word of God is like a light That shines serenely through the nightHaldor Lillenas (Author)English6
The world may reject the Son of GodH. L. (Author)English2
The world rushes onward in folly and prideH. L. (Author)English2
The world sweeps on, its crush and dinH. L. (Author)English2
There are many faces sweet and dear to meH. L. (Author)English2
There are many little children who are sadHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
There are many little lambsHaldor Lillenas (Author)English4
There are many who have gone the way before usHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
There are paths that I may walkH. L. (Author)English2
There are songs that are bornHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
There is a day of glory comingHaldor Lillenas (Author)4
There is a land of beauty, Where fruits and flowers aboundHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
There is a land of which I am dreamingH. L. (Author)English2
There is a name, a wonderful nameHaldor Lillenas (Author)English8
There is a name of wondrous sweetnessH. L. (Author)English12
There is a sacred name, a blessed hallowed nameH. L. (Author)English2
There is a song I've learned to singH. L. (Author)English3
There is a story, story so tenderHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
There is a thought that fills my heart with songH. L. (Author)English3
There is a wonderful fountainHaldor Lillenas (Author)English5
There is but one who knows my needH. L. (Author)English2
There is mercy full and freeHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
There is One who rules in heaven and in all the earth belowHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
There is room in the heart of our Lord and KingHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
There is something in the name of JesusH. L. (Author)4
There is sunshine in the valley, there is sunshine on the hill (Lillenas)Haldor Lillenas (Author)English6
There is victory within my soulH. L. (Author)English3
There is wondrous power in prevailing prayerHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
There was room in a manger one beautiful nightHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
There's a beautiful land that is almost in viewH. L. (Rewriter)English3
There's a blessed and triumphant songH. L. (Author)English7
There's a burning question that comes to youHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
There's a day which the Lord hath appointedH. L. (Author)2
There's a land of light where shall come no nightHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
There's a mighty conflict raging over the whole wide worldH. L. (Author)English2
There's a mighty host of valiant soldiersHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
There's a sacred and hallowed retreatH. L. (Author)English17
There's a story that we love to tellHaldor Lillenas (Author)4
There's a stream, mystic stream flowing deep, flowing wideHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
There's a word of cheer for each fainting heartH. L. (Author)English3
There's an army marching through the worldHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
They that wait upon the Lord shall mount upHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
Though you have wandered away from the foldHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Thou infinite King of my soulH. L. (Author)English2
Though far you have wandered away from the LordHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Though my sins were scarlet redHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Through a shadow land, over desert sandH. L. (Author)English3
Thrones may fall and crumbleH. L. (Author)English11
Through long weary years I with fetters was boundHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
To hold communion with the LordHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
To our God above draw nearH. L. (Author)2
To the cross of the Savior I'm comingHaldor Lillenas (Author)English4
To the sunlit highlands I am climbingHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Tomorrow my journey may be endedHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Trust in the Lord your SaviorHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Trusting is like breathingHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Twilight shadows come with the dying dayH. L. (Author)English2
Up the Calvary Road, 'neath a staggering loadHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Upon the mount the disciples stoodHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Use your hands for JesusH. L. (Author)English2
Waiting to guard and guide meH. L. (Author)3
Watch your words whatever you doHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Waves are rolling high 'neath a stormy skyHaldor Lillenas (Author)English5
We are gathered, blessed Jesus, in Thy nameHaldor Lillenas (Author)4
We are gathered, Lord, in thy holy nameHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
We are little volunteers for JesusHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
We are sailing over life's stormy oceanH. L. (Author)English7
We are under marching orders From the King divineH. L. (Author)3
We have come to dedicate to TheeH. L. (Author)English2
We have known each other hereHaldor Lillenas (Author)English4
We have walked side by side on our journey belowHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Weary wanderer in sin and sadnessHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
We're enlisted in the army of our Savior and our KingH. L. (Author)English3
We're girded for the fight 'gainst the powers of sin and wrongHaldor Lillenas (Author)English5
What a blessed peace we know as we travel here belowH. L. (Author)English10
What a wonderful day when I lost the load I had carried so long on life's weary roadHaldor Lillenas (Author)English4
What a wonderful salvation is provided for usHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
What are you doing, O sinful soulHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
What have you written todayHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
What is your life, friend, vapor or cloudHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
What matters wealth or earthly gainHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
What wondrous love the Lord hath shownH. L. (Author)English2
When a perfect consecration I had madeHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
When a soul repents of its sin and guiltHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
When burdened with sin I came to the LordHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
When day is done and twilight shadowsH. L. (Author)2
When I have ended my pilgrimage hereH. L. (Author)English2
When I said the last yes to JesusH. L. (Author)English2
When I was lost in the darkness of sin, Jesus redeemed meHaldor Lillenas (Author)English4
When I was treading the pathway of wrongH. L. (Author)English5
When Jesus found me He was preciousHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
When life has written its storyHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
When life is ended and I cross the narrow seaH. L. (Author)3
When life's evening shadows fallH. L. (Author)English3
When my day is ended and my work is doneH. L. (Author)English4
When my day seems long and drearyHaldor Lillenas (Author)English6
When my earthly day is waningH. L. (Author)English25
When on a sea of doubt and fearHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
When shades of night are fallingHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
When skies are blue and days are fairHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
When the dawn of eternity shall appearHaldor Lillenas (Author)7
When the Lord shall call for his waiting brideHaldor Lillenas (Author)1
When the short race of my life has been runH. L. (Author)English5
When the sun is brightly shiningHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
When the trump of God shall sound From the lonely grave and moundHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
When trials and temptations like mighty billows rollHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
When you know the sacred story, story of redeeming graceHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Where Jesus goes I'll gladly followH. L. (Author)English2
Where loving hearts shall never acheHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Where the shadows of sin are fallingH. L. (Author)2
Where two or three together meet, in Jesus' holy nameHaldor Lillenas (Author)English3
Who can describe all the splendor and glory that once He knewHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Who can find salvation freeHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Who can lift the fallen oneHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Who can touch our lifeHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Why are you straying away from the LordH. L. (Author)English2
Why carry your load any longerH. L. (Author)English3
Why wander in the wilderness, O fainting soulHaldor Lillenas (Author)English17
Win some soul for Jesus who has never knownH. L. (Author)English2
With courage unfailing and prayer all prevailingHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
With my Savior I abideHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
Within my heart a melody keeps singingHaldor Lillenas (Author)English1
Within the turmoil of the storms that beatH. L. (Author)English2
我曾被罪惡鎖鍊之捆綁,(Wǒ céng bèi zuì'è suǒliàn zhī kǔnbǎng)Haldor Lillenas (Author)Chinese2
Wonderful grace of JesusH. L. (Author)English110
Wonderful, infinite, matchless loveH. L. (Author)3
Wonderful the power of Christ our KingHaldor Lillenas (Author)English4
Wonderful, wonderful, Jesus is to meHaldor Lillenas (Author)English8
Work of God, thy light is guidingH. L. (Author)English2
Would you see the darkness round you disappearHaldor Lillenas (Author)3
耶穌奇妙的救恩,超過我眾過犯 (Yēsū qímiào de jiù ēn, chāoguò wǒ zhòngguò fàn)Haldor Lillenas (Author)Chinese2
Ye who are troubled and burdened by sinHaldor Lillenas (Author)English18
Yielded to thee, Holy Spirit divineHaldor Lillenas (Author)English2
Yielded to thee, Holy Spirit divineHaldor Lillenas (Author)1
Yonder a man in the prison dwellsH. L. (Author)English3
You have heard the blessed story of the children's truest FriendH. L. (Author)English2
You have prayed many long, weary, trying yearsHaldor Lillenas (Author)2
You have time for seeking earth's treasuresH. L. (Author)English2
Your memory goes back tonight to when you were a boyH. L. (Author)2
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