1 One came from the realms of the heavenly land
To ransom a sinner like me;
His wonderful love I cannot understand,
As boundless and deep as the sea.
O wonderful love,
O wonderful love,
That the King of all kings should be willing to die
To ransom a sinner like me!
2 The cross that He bore was the emblem of shame,
He died upon dark Calvary;
How can I sufficiently praise His dear name
For saving a sinner like me. [Refrain]
3 Upon Him my burden of guilt was all laid,
That I from its curse might be free;
In robes that are spotless I now am arrayed,
The robes that He purchased for me. [Refrain]
4 In me there is nothing to merit such love,
I never can fathom His grace;
But some day, I know, that in heaven above
I’ll look on His wonderful face. [Refrain]
Source: Alexander's Hymns No. 4 #58