Glorious Redeemer, wonderful Redeemer,
Jesus is a mighty Saviour!
1 A glorious Redeemer is the Saviour of mankind!
Mighty to deliver, He the straying ones can find.
Boundless is His mercy, fathomless His tender love,
That hath brought salvation, unto ev’ry nation,—
Jesus is a glorious Redeemer.
Sing forevermore of boundless, endless love divine,
O sing it! That hath made the light of grace upon our path to shine!
Jesus is a glorious Redeemer, praise His name!
Praise Him ev’ry nation throughout all creation, —
Jesus is a glorious Redeemer.
2 A glorious Redeemer is the blessed Son of God!
He alone the winepress of the wrath of God hath trod;
Victor over Satan and the power of the grave.
He forever liveth and salvation giveth, —
Jesus is a glorious Redeemer. [Refrain]
3 A glorious Redeemer is the Christ of Calvary!
Breaking ev’ry fetter, setting hopeless captives free.
Unto Him the nations of the earth shall bend the knee,
Ransomed hosts adore Him, angels bow before Him, —
Jesus is a glorious Redeemer. [Refrain]
Source: Alexander's Hymns No. 3 #204