1 Soldiers in the battle fighting for the right,
God is conqueror, God is conqueror;
Never be discouraged, till you win the fight,
Our God is conqueror.
God is conqueror, God is conqueror,
In his ranks is constant victory;
King all glorious,
Strong, victorious,
God is conqueror eternally!
2 Tho’ the pow’rs of evil for a time may win,
God is conqueror, God is conqueror;
There will come a time when he will banish sin,
Our God is conqueror. [Chorus]
3 Forward, then, to battle with a faith more strong,
God is conqueror¸ God is conqueror;
For his cause shall triumph, tho’ it may be long—
Our God is conqueror. [Chorus]
Source: Great Tabernacle Hymns #8