1 When the dawn of eternity shall appear,
When the songs of the ransomed fall on our ear,
Shall we meet our departed in garments fair,
Or will the circle be broken over there?
Will the circle be broken over there?
Will the circle be broken over there?
When the Savior shall gather His loved ones home,
Will the circle be broken over there?
2 When we gather at last round the great white throne,
When the King in His beauty His bride shall own,
Will our loved ones the wedding robe spotless wear,
Or will the circle be broken over there? [Refrain]
3 Father, mother and brothers and sisters dear,
Those we tenderly cherished and loved while here,
They the crowns of the purified them shall wear,—
Or will the circle be broken over there? [Refrain]
4 Friends who never forsook us while here below,
In that land of the glorified we shall know,
Shall they with us the rapture of heaven share,
Or will the circle be broken over there? [Refrain]
Source: Awakening Songs for the Church, Sunday School and Evangelistic Services #91