1 No tho’t brings sweeter joys to me,
And naught more glorious could be
Than that, for all eternity
I’ve Jesus as my friend.
I will not fear the stormy gale,
I’m anchored safe within the veil,
Sustaining power, God will lend,
For Jesus is my friend.
2 The surging waves that ‘round me roll,
The storm that comes to try my soul,
But drive me nearer to my goal,
When Jesus is my friend. [Refrain]
3 Why should I fear the night so long,
Or why deplore temptation strong,
I will not yield to sin or wrong
For Jesus is my friend. [Refrain]
4 The cares of life comes with the years,
Mine eyes may look thro’ blinding tears,
But banished are my anxious fears,
For Jesus is my friend. [Refrain]
5 When comes the dawn of endless day,
When mists of earth have rolled away,
And I my burdens down shall lay,
He still will be my friend. [Refrain]
Source: Glad Tidings in Song #68