1 One day at a time the Master will lead,
One day at a time is all that we need,
One day at a time His promise to plead,
One day at a time is sufficient.
One day at a time
Our pathway we take,
Till some day, eternal day light shall break.
One day at a time,
Till shadows shall flee,
And days shall be one long eternity.
2 One day at a time duties we meet,
One day at a time our foes we defeat,
One day at a time our work we complete,
One day at a time is sufficient. [Refrain]
3 One day at a time our burdens we bear,
One day at a time our crosses we wear,
One day at a time our sorrow we share,
One day at a time is sufficient. [Refrain]
4 One day at a time we patiently plod
While walking the path our Master has trod,
Until we shall reach the home of our God,
One day at a time is sufficient. [Refrain]
Source: The King of Glory #184