1 Dewdrops of mercy are falling,
But we are pleading, O Lord:
Send us a stream of salvation,
As promised within Thy word.
Lord, send us the flood-tides,
Pour them upon the dry ground;
Streams of salvation,
Till heav’nly fruit shall abound.
Lord, send us the flood-tides,
Pour them upon the dry ground;
Inundate us with Thy glory,
Until we see Thy face,
Until we see Thy face.
2 Showers of blessing are falling,
Falling on us all around;
But we are earnestly praying,
For flood tides upon the dry ground. [Refrain]
3 Then all the desert shall blossom,
Streams of pure water abound;
Where grew the thorns and the brambles,
Sweet-scented roses are found. [Refrain]
Source: The King of Glory #59