1 Seasons and times are all changing,
Mortality must decay;
Today the flowers are blooming,
Tomorrow they fade away;
But there is one thought of comfort,
Joyfully this we proclaim:
God our eternal Foundation,
Remaineth forever the same.
He is the same,
Blest be His name!
Now and forever His praises proclaim;
Now and always,
The Ancient of days,
The God of the Ages,
Remaineth the same.
2 What tho’ the heathen be raging,
What tho’ the world scoff and jeer?
What tho’ our foes be unnumbered?
We have no reason to fear;
He who subdued the rough tempest—
Christ is His glorious name—
He who is Victor of Victors,
Remaineth forever the same. [Refrain]
3 Heaven and earth both shall vanish
When judgment thunders shall roll,
And the ungodly shall perish,
Reaching their unhappy goal,
But they who trust in their Savior,
When all the world is aflame,
On their unshaken Foundation,
Remaineth forever the same. [Refrain]
Source: The King of Glory #181