1 When burdened with sin I came to the Lord
And He gave me the blessing of salvation;
I found peace and pardon thro’ His precious word,
He freed me from guilt and condemnation.
And I have the blessing still,
Yes, I have the blessing, still,
For the Blesser dwells within;
I am kept from ev’ry sin,
And I have the blessing still.
2 The blood of atonement made my heart clean
At the end of a perfect consecration;
Then I saw as never I before had seen,
The pow’r of the crimson red oblation. [Refrain]
3 Since that blessed hour when He came to dwell,
He has fill’d me with floods of peace and glory;
I have learned to trust Him and I love to tell
Of the truth of the great redemption story. [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of Pentecost #20