1 Tell the story of the gospel as it is,
For no changes in its message are required;
Human hearts have not a need as deep as this,
Nothing more by those in sin could be desired.
Tell the story of salvation as it is,
All its ruggedness and beauty do not miss,
Add no color, lend no shade,
No improvement can be made,
Tell the story of the gospel as it is.
2 Tell the story of the manger and the cross,
Tell the tidings of His triumph o’er the grave;
That the cause of Christ may never suffer loss,
Publish to the world that Jesus still can save. [Refrain]
3 Tho’ the time and seasons change the Lord does not,
He remaineth the unchanging, faithful One;
All the fashions of the world may be forgot,
But not so the gospel of God’s blessed Son. [Refrain]
4 If you change it you will rob it of its pow’r,
Let it speak its story as in days of yore;
Then its blessings will descend a mighty show’r,
In the good old-fashioned way as oft before. [Refrain]
Source: Full Gospel Songs #122