Julia H. Johnston › Texts

Julia H. Johnston
Short Name: Julia H. Johnston
Full Name: Johnston, Julia H. (Julia Harriette), 1849-1919
Birth Year: 1849
Death Year: 1919

Julia Harriet Johnston, who was born on Jan. 21, 1849, at Salineville, OH, in Columbiana County. Her father was a minister and he mother was a poet. She began writing when she was nine years old but really started writing verse in high school. She lived in Peoria, Ill.

Dianne Shapiro, from "The Singers and Their Songs: sketches of living gospel hymn writers" by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (Chicago: The Rodeheaver Company, 1916)

Texts by Julia H. Johnston (427)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A child of the King, O calling divineJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
A form at the threshold, a stranger beholdJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
A pilgrim traveling homeward, I cheer the way with songJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
A sinner, yes, a sinner, lost undoneJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
A wandering sheep in pathways drearJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
"Abide in Me," 'tis Jesus' voice, O cease thy fruitless questJulia H. Johnston (Author)English6
Above the strife and tumultJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Afar from home, beset by fearJulia H. Johnston (Arranger)English11
All hail the coming day of coronationJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
All hail the glad and welcome dayJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
All hail, victorious banner Of Jesus Christ, the LordJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
All shall know himJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
An dem Kreuze starbst du HerrJulia H. Johnston (Author)German1
Are you following Jesus, your MasterJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Are you laying up your treasure, where no moth nor rust can ever spoilJulia H. Johnston (Author)English4
Are you loyal to God and countryJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Are you willing to trust him who died for youJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Art thou seeking the Savior of sinnersJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
As I fare on my way to my daily taskJulia H. Johnston (Author)English5
As panteth the hart for the water brooksJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
As you tread life's wayJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Ask, for he that askethJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Asked of God, and lent unto HimJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Auf der Reise nach dem VaterhausJulia H. Johnston (Author)German2
Be honest, Jesus watchesJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Be of good cheer, through the wilderness journeyJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Be of good courage, O soldiersJulia H. Johnston (Author)3
Be strong in the Lord, all ye who know His nameJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Before our kind and generous friendsJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Behold, behold, the outstretched hands!Julia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Behold on yon cross, upon Calvary's sideJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Behold the fields are whitening, Lift up, lift up your eyesJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Behold the Lamb of God on Calvary's treeJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Believe Him, only trust HimJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Believe on the Lord of gloryJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Beyond Bethsaida’s bordersJulia H. Johnston (Author)English4
Bless us, Father, as we readJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Johnston)Julia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Blessed Savior, help us dailyJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Breathe upon us blessed spiritJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Brightest and best of the summerJulia H. Johnston (Author)3
Christ has conquered death foreverJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Christ the Savior blest RedeemerJulia H. Johnston (Author)3
Christmas day, O happy measureJulia Harriette Johnston (Author)3
Come closer, closer, child to MeJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Come, come today, while Jesus waitsJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
"Come, follow me," O sweet commandJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Come, for all is ready, and the feast is spreadJulia Harriette Johnston (Author)English7
Come for the Savior is callingJulia H. Johnston (Author)5
Come into his presence with singingJulia H. Johnston (Author)English5
Come, join the conquering armyJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Come, let us sing to the Savior aboveJulia H. Johnston (Author)English6
Come near to me, thy Master speaksJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Come, O come with singingJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Come, put on the armor of JesusJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Come, thou compassionate SaviorJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Come to the Savior, the moments fly fastJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Come unto me, saith the crucified OneJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
"Come unto me," 'tis Jesus' voiceJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Come, walk in wisdom's pleasant waysJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Come with rejoicing, 'tis Children's DayJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Coming, coming, hear them comingJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Coming to you, ever coming to youJulia H. Johnston (Author)3
Conquering and to conquer, Forward in this thy mightJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Courage, soldiers, courage! Forward, march away!Julia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Crown Him the King of kings, Obey the Savior's callJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Crowned as King foreverJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Dost thou bear a heavy burdenJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Draw me, Savior of my soulJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Durch die Welt als Fremdling geh' ichJulia H. Johnston (Author)German2
Einst ging ich auf sünd'gem PfadeJulia H. Johnston (Author)German3
Er lebt und liebt! Den Herrn erhöhtJ. H. Johnston (Author)German3
Every little step I take My Savior knowsJulia H. Johnston (Author)English8
"Except ye repent," 'tis the Savior who criesJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Fall into line, at the Captain's commandJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Far above the fierce tumult of lifeJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Far over the tossing billowsJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Fear not the pathless wildernessJulia H. Johnston (Author)English8
For many, many blessingsJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Forward, forward on the heavenly wayJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Forward, forward one united hostJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Forward, forward, soldiers of the cross! Forward, forward, counting all but lossJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
From everlasting, God's loveJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Give thanks in the night of thy sorrowJulia H. Johnston (Author)English4
Glad Christmas greetings joyfully singJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Glory and praise, dominion and powerJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Go forth at the call of the MasterJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Go quickly, go quickly, and bring them inJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
God has a praise book, a wonderful praise bookJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
God is now calling, tenderly callingJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
God of our life and our salvationJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Graça de Deus, infinito amorJulia H. Johnston (Author)Portuguese2
Gracia admirable del Dios de amorJulia H. Johnston (Author)Spanish5
Grow like Jesus, He is loveJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Guide me, O Thou holy SpiritJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Hail him, the King of gloryJulia H. Johnston (Author)3
Hail our glorious Leader, mighty Captain of our band!Julia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Hallelujah, the Savior is risenJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Han lever, elsker, Herren GudJ. H. Johnston (Author)Norwegian2
Hark! hark! hark! to the rallying callJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Hark, the good Shepherd is calling his sheepJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Hark, the lovely blossomsJulia H. Johnston (Author)English4
Hark, the loving Savior's voiceJulia H. Johnston (Author)English1
Hark, the sweet voicesJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Hark, the voice of Jesus calling from on highJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Has someone shown you kindness Pass it on, pass it onJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Hast thou not known, hast thou not heardJulia H. Johnston (Author)English5
Have you heard the good news of redemption?Julia H. Johnston (Author)English2
He died for me, the Son of God, He left his home in gloryJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
He hath conquered death and sinJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
He is waiting to be graciousJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
He lives and loves, our Savior KingJ. H. Johnston (Author)English11
He liveth, the crucified JesusJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
He was not willing that any should perish, Over the wide earthJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Hear the angel's glorious messageMiss Julia H. Johnston (Author)English4
Hear the patter, patter of the summer rainJulia H. Johnston (Author)English5
Hear the word the Savior speaksJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Here we come with gladnessJulia H. Johnston (Author)English8
High in yonder heavenly courts the ransomed singJulia H. Johnston (Author)English9
His way is best, Our Father God, whose name through years untold is LoveJulia H. Johnston (Author)3
Hitherto the Lord has helped usJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Holding out the lifelineJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Holy Spirit, Guide, RevealerJulia H. Johnston (Author)English4
Hope in God, for thou shalt praise HimJulia H. Johnson (Author)English2
Hosanna, hosanna, We join the hosts that cryJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
I am traveling toward life's sunset gateJulia Harriette Johnston (Author)English10
I bring to Thee, O MasterJulia H. Johnston (Author)English4
I do not crave, O Savior ChristJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
I know the Redeemer is mightyJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
I lift my thankful songJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
I long had wandered from my Lord who died On CalvaryJulia H. Johnston (Author)English4
I pledge my spirit loyalJulia H. Johnston (Author)English10
I sent you to reapJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
I will hope in God, my SaviorJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
If I have sorrow for my sinJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
If thou believest, thou mayest comeJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
I'm here on a mission, for Jesus my KingJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
I'm not ashamed of Jesus, Nor of His blessed wordJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
In des Herzens tiefstem Schrein lebt ein Bild mir hell und klarJulia H. Johnston (Author)German3
In ein kleines Eckchen, das die Sonne grüßtJulia H. Johnston (Author)German1
In His glorious beauty, we shall see the KingJulia H. Johnston (Author)English5
In love and service true and gladJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
In that land of bliss where holy angels dwellMiss Julia H. Johnston (Author)English3
In the burden and heat of the wearisome dayJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
In the darkness, tempest tossedJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
In the days when Jesus walked with menJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
In the early glow of the morning timeJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
In the garden, in the garden of JesusJulia H. Johnston (Author)English4
In the happy sunshine brightJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
In the little cornersJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
In the midst of the fight be courageousJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
In the name of Jesus, little children comeJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
In the school of God the LordJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
In the secret of his presence There is restJulia H. Johnston (Author)3
In the small beginners classJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
In the world I must meet tribulationJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
In this world of sin and peril where for safety shall I fleeJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
In yonder manger cradleJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Is it nothing to you that the land is cursedJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Is thy heart defiled withinJulia H. Johnston (Author)English8
I've a dear Savior, ready to listenJulia H. Johnston (Author)English14
I've enlisted in the army of the Lord, He has armed me with a helmet, shield ans swordMiss J. H. Johnston (Author)English7
Jesus, bless the gifts we bring, Give them something good to doJulia H. Johnston (Author)English4
Jesus calls, I hear himJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Jesus Christ is here todayJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Jesus Christ is my salvationJulia H. Johnston (Author)English6
Jesus cometh! Jesus cometh, For the jewels all his ownJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Jesus dear, we bring TheeJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Jesus ever carethJulia H. Johnston (Author)English4
Jesus, ever present FriendJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Jesus, help us to rememberJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Jesus is watching and waiting for youJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Jesus' little flock are weJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Jesus' love in fulnessJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Jesus loves me, this I know, For the Bible tells me so (Johnston)Julia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Jesus, Master, hast Thou messages to send?Julia H. Johnston (Author)English12
Jesus, my Savior, have mercy on meJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Jesus our Commander leads usJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Jesus saves me from my sinJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Jesus, the Lord who was crucifiedJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Jesus, the Savior, loving and trueJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Jesus, the Shepherd, is calling (Johnston)Julia H. Johnston (Author)2
Jesus, thou Savior of childrenJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Jesus, thou Star of the MorningJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Join in the jubilant anthem of praiseJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Jubilant voices, gladly ringJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Kara Sinjoro, kompaton al miJulia H. Johnston (Author)Esperanto2
Keep yourselves in the love of JesusJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
King of all kingdoms, God aloneJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Leave all, and follow JesusJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Let every heart rejoice and sing, Let choral anthems riseJulia H. Johnston (Author)English1
Let me go; the day is breaking, See, night's shadows haste awayJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Let not your hearts be troubled, As ye believe in GodJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Let those who trust in God the LordJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Life, endless life is offeredJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Lift me higher, loving JesusJulia H. Johnston (Author)English5
Lift the royal banner, sing the triumph songJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Lift up the glorious ensignJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Lift up thy heart, O toiling oneJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Lift up your eyes to the changeless hillsJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Lift up your eyes to the fields that are whiteningJulia H. Johnston (Author)English11
Lift up your heart, lo! the triumph is nearingJulia H. Johnston (Author)English5
Lift up your hearts ye pilgrims, ye pilgrimsJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Lift your hearts, redeemed ones, though the way be longJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
List, to the beautiful story of Bethlehem's wonderful starJulia H. Johnston (Author)English5
Living for the Savior every passing hourJulia H. Johnston (Author)3
Lo at the portal stands the Son of GodJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Løft dit blik, gjenløste, skønt din vei er langJulia H. Johnston (Author)Norwegian2
Long ago, in Bethlehem's mangerJulia Harriet Johnston (Author)English3
Long ago to Bethlehem, From afar returningJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Long, long ago, a captive maidJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Look not on the ruby wineJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Look unto Him who has carried your sinJulia A. Johnston (Author)English4
Looking unto Jesus, take the upward wayJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Love, Love divine, exhaustless, pure and freeJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Loving, gentle Jesus, Hear our happy songJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Many little children never heard of Jesus' loveJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Maravillosa su gracia esJulia H. Johnston (Author)Spanish3
March on, O conquering host of GodJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Marching in the sunshineJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Marching, marching, hear the marching feetJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Marvelous grace of our loving LordJulia H. Johnston (Author)English144
More and more of grace and mercyJulia H. Johnston (Author)3
My Jesus! Blessed word of trustJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
My pilgrim staff I take with joyJulia H. Johnston (Author)English9
My scholars all for JesusJulia H. Johnston (Author)English8
My Shepherd is divineJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Neema ya Mpendwa Bwana Julia H. Johnston (Author)Swahili1
New recruits are wanted nowJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
No room, no room for idlersJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
O bleib' bei mir! Der Heiland flehtJulia H. Johnston (Author)German3
O changeless word of life and lightJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
O come, come today to the SaviorJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
O come, for all is readyJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
O conqering host, your leader callsJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
O gyline dag n'r ljus foer migJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
O hark, to the voice of JehovahJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
O hear the voice of Jesus, Go ye to all the landsJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
O hear those tender voices callJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
O joyous time! O golden days!Julia H. Johnston (Author)English2
O listen to the messageJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
O little blossoms that grow and that growJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
O lonely watcher of the nightJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
O Lord, thy loving kindnessJ. H. Johnston (Author)English4
O loyal hearts, behold your KingJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
O matchless grace, O love divineJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
O matchless love of Jesus ChristJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
O matchless, marvelous grace of GodJulia H. Johnston (Author)English8
O messengers of JesusJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
O sel'ger Tag, dein goldner ScheinJulia H. Johnston (Author)German1
O soldiers of Christ, unto thee is the callJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
O soul, in darkness and distressJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
O soul in want and sorrowJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
O souls in darkness gropingJulia H. Johnston (Author)English4
O tempted one, could you but knowJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
O the weary night is waningJulia H. Johnston (Author)3
O the wondrous grace of ChristJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
O trust the Savior's faithfulnessJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
O who is this forgiveth sinJulia H. Johnston (Author)English5
O wondrous grace that justifiesJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
O wondrous love, the love of Christ ourJulia H. Johnston (Author)3
O, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be savedJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
O golden day, when light shall breakJulia H. Johnston (Author)English30
O what shall we bring to the SaviorJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Oigan esta dulce historiaJulia Johnston (Author)Spanish3
Once I sought forbidden pathwaysJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Once I wandered far from Jesus, all unmindfulJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Open stand the gates of mercy, Enter inJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Open the gates for the dear little feetJulia H. Johnston (Author)English4
Open Thou mine eyes, Lord JesusJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Others, Lord, have come confessingJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Our King completely satisfiesJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Our loving heavenly Father all living things has madeJulia H. Johnston (Author)5
Over the pathless desert wayJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Passing through this world, a strangerJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Praise the Lord Jehovah with a joyful songJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Praise the Redeemer with heart and with lipsJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Praise ye His holy nameJulia H. Johnston (Author)English10
Praise ye Jehovah, in the congregationJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Praise ye Jehovah, the Father everlastingJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Preist ihn im HeiligtumJulia H. Johnston (Author)German2
Rally for the Master, See His banners flyJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Rally, rally, with his banner over youJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Rejoice in the Lord, when the sky above is brightJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Repeat the glad story that never grows oldJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Repent, O repent, is the messageJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Safely through another yearJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Savior King, my heart Thou knowestJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Savior, this mortal lifeJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
See, in the woodland, the leaves turning crimsonJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
See the place where Jesus layJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His face evermoreMiss Julia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Shadows dim may fill the valleyJulia H. Johnston (Author)3
Shining for JesusJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Show to us the things of JesusJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Show us Thy mercy, O MasterJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Sing again the story oldJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Sing Alleluia, salvation and gloryJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Sing, O my soul, repeat the olden storyJulia H. Johnston (Author)English4
Sing of his tender mercyJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Sing praise to the Savior, our Helper and GuideJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Sing with hearts and voices trueJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Softly the light of the beautiful morningJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Soldier of Christ, be steadfastMiss I. H. Johnston (Author)English16
Some fair tomorrow we shall knowJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Sometimes the sky is overcastMiss J. H. Johnston (Author)English9
Somewhere today is a heartJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Songs of rejoicing now fall on our earsJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Sown in weakness and dishonorJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Spread the news of Jesus' loveJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Standing outsideJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Take our gifts, Lord JesusJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Tarry till he comes, was our Lord's commandJulia H. Johnston (Author)3
Teach us, Lord, to love TheeJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Teach us, O, teach us the lesson of lovingJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Tell me, pray, who is my neighbor?Julia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Tell the glad story of Christ and his loveJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Tender Shepherd, ever near usJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Thank God for little childrenJulia H. Johnston (Author)English4
That same Jesus, loving and tenderJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
The armies of the living GodJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
The beckoning hand of love I seeJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
The fruit of the Spirit is love and joyJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
The government shall be upon his shoulderJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
The happy hour is overJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
The King, the king is comingJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
The kingdom of our MasterJulia H. Johnston (Author)English4
The Law is holy, just and goodJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
The lessons are all about Jesus, our LordJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
The lessons are of Jesus, And what He taught belowJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
The long, long days of summerJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
The Lord is King foreverJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
The Lord is my shepherd; little lambsJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
The Lord keep watch between us, the ever present FriendJ. H. Johnston (Author)English6
The Lord of harvest looks upon the fieldsJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
The Lord of little childrenJulia H. Johnston (Author)3
The lovely flowers bend their headsJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
The Master hath whispered a messageJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
The occident and orient nowJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
The Savior calls with loving voiceJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
The shadows of twilight drift overJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
The song of glad redemptionJulia H. Johnston (Author)3
The song that rings around the worldJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
The trusting heart goes singingJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
The voice of the Lord from the heavensJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
The waking flowers the singing birdsJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
There are sorrowful hearts that are going your wayJulia H. Johnson (Author)English6
There is joy in winning soulsJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
There is sunshine in my heartJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
There's a call comes ringing from the courts aboveJulia H. Johnston (Author)English6
There's a fountain free, that avails for meJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
There's a picture fair and bright, hanging still on memory's wallJulia H. Johnston (Author)English8
There's a sweet and blessed storyJulia H. Johnston (Author)English86
These little ones belong to himJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
This day of all the yearJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
This is Jesus, come, adore HimJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
This is the golden seed timeMiss Julia H. Johnston (Author)English12
Though the foe be strong, fight onJulia H. Johnston (Author)3
Thou glorious risen LordJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Thou God of all the livingJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Thy faith hath saved thee, go in peaceJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
'Tis Easter time, glad Easter timeMiss Julia H. Johnson (Author)English7
'Tis Jesus pleads, he bids you stayJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
To learn of Jesus Christ, our LordJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
To the cross on Calvary's mountainJulia H. Johnston (Author)3
To you, to you the call rings outJulia A. Johnston (Author)English6
Today is the day of salvation (Johnston)Julia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Today the harvest fieldJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Today the Redeemer is calling, He offers His pardon and loveJulia H. Johnston (Author)English7
Trust in Jesus, trust him everJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Under the beautiful Syrian skyJulia H. Johnston (Author)English4
Under the blood my sins are removedJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Victory, victory, sing through his graceJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
Wandering afar from the love that boughtJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
We are growing, we are growingJulia H. Johnston (Author)English4
We cannot live without itJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
We come the glad messageJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
We come the Savior's name to praiseJulia H. Johnston (Author)English1
We come this happy, happy dayJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
We come to learn of JesusJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
We come to thee, Lord Jesus, with offerings full and freeJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
We come, we come, with joy todayJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
We gather the sheaves for Jesus' sakeJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
We have heard of Jesus' loveJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
We praise Thy name, O FatherJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
We sing the great storyJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
We want to learn of Jesus Who came a little childJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
We would see Jesus, Jesus aloneMiss Julia H. Johnston (Author)English4
Weit, weit, dem Vaterhause fernJulia H. Johnston (Arranger)German3
Welcome, day of glad reunionJulia A. Johnston (Author)English2
Welcome, O beautiful Easter timeJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Welcome, precious baby, To our cradle rollJulia H. Johnston (Author)English5
Welcome to our happy bandJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Welcome, welcome, all who comeJulia H. Johnston (Author)English6
Welcome, welcome, holy SabbathJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Welcome, welcome, royal winterJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
"Wer will freudig folgen?" ruft der Meister heutJulia H. Johnston (Author)German1
What a wonderful Redeemer is the LordJulia H. Johnston (Author)5
What can we do from day to dayJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
What do the flowers whisper lowJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
What hinders your coming to JesusJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
What shall I do with the Lord's commands?Julia H. Johnston (Author)English2
What would Jesus have you doJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
When God thy soul shall visitJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
When I hear of Jesus' loveJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
When the flock he leadethJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
When the shadows gather and the way looks drearJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
When the toilsome march is overJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
When will you come to the SaviorJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Where the light [night] of sin lies darklyJulia H. Johnston (Author)English7
White already, the fields that waitJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Who can heal a troubled soulJulia H. Johnston (Author)English5
Who can the burden of sin removeJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Who is like the Lord our GodJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Who is there among you, 'tis the Master's voiceJulia H. Johnston (Author)English6
Who is this that forgiveth sins?Julia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Why should we be always givingJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Will you take the heavenly pathway where the light shines clear?Julia H. Johnston (Author)English2
With joy we meet our songsJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
With joyful hearts we sing His praiseJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
With joyful lips confess himJulia H. Johnston (Author)2
With trusting heart I follow Him, And see, through all the shadowsJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
With trusting heart I take my wayJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Work, work for Jesus, Well and willinglyJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
Workers together for Jesus our LordJulia H. Johnston (Author)English3
Would you know a joy untoldJulia H. Johnston (Author)English2
يا لعمق حب ربي ترك العرش لأجليJulia H. Johnston (Author)Arabic1
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