1 Songs of rejoicing now fall on our ears,
Cheering our spirits and soothing our fears;
Hark! the new voices, in tuneful accord,
Sound the high praises of Jesus, our Lord.
Listen, O listen, and hear the glad song
Nations and kingdoms are wafting along;
Praise in the highest with rapture they sing,
Glory, all glory to Jesus, our king.
2 Lo! the sad silence is broken at last,
Bright is the dawning, the darkness is past;
Songs of redemption ring out on the air,
Jesus has conquered, His glory declare. [Refrain]
3 Heralds of Jesus have gone to proclaim
Tidings of gladness and peace through His name;
Multitudes waiting for light from above
Hail the sweet message of light and of love. [Refrain]
4 Spread the good tidings, for all have not heard—
Prisoners of darkness await the glad word;
Voices now silent shall tunefully sing
Loud hallelujahs to Jesus our king. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #15982