1 High in yonder heavenly courts the ransomed sing,
Casting down their golden crowns before their King,
Banished every grief and fear and earthly wrong,
While the saints redeemed now join the glad new song.
Singing to the Lamb who once was slain on Calvary;
Singing to the Lamb Who ever lives eternally.
2 Oh, the wondrous song of Love, at last complete!
Oh, the golden vials, full of odors sweet;
Thro' the risen Savior, once for sinners slain,
We as kings and priests to God shall ever reign. [Chorus]
3 Only those whose robes are washed, can join that throng,
None but lips attuned by grace can sing that song;
Cleanse us, blessed Savior from the stain of sin,
Let the glorious song of heaven now begin! [Chorus]
Source: Crowning Glory No. 2: a collection of gospel hymns #140