1 Many little children never heard of Jesus' love;
Jesus gently calls them to his heav'nly home above,
But they do not listen, oh, their hearts we ought to win;
Let us hasten to them, let us go and bring them in.
Let us go and bring them, go and bring them in;
Far away they wander in forbidden paths of sin,
Jesus bids us seek them, to our trust we will be true;
We will go and bring them, that they all may know him, too.
2 Some are light and careless, some are full of want and woe;
All should know the Saviour; come, oh, come, and let us go,
Let us go and bring them to our Sunday-school so dear,
Where the blessed story ev'ry waiting heart may hear. [Chorus]
3 We must go and seek them, for they will not come alone;
We must go and tell them, what before they have not known;
New recruits for Jesus and his army we shall win;
He will walk beside us, as we go to bring them in. [Chorus]
Source: Bible Study Songs: for junior societies, junior and primary Sunday schools #50