1 Dost thou bear a heavy burden,
Knowing not what yet may be?
In perplexity, O listen
To the voice that speaks to thee.
Call upon Me, I will answer;
I will show thee mighty things.
From the throne of Love Eternal,
Lo, the wondrous message rings.
2 Is the pathway dim before thee?
Dost thou fear to walk alone?
Fear thou not, for God will show thee
What before thou hast not known. [Refrain]
3 In the conflict dost thou falter?
Look to Him, thy conquering king;
In His name thou, too, shalt conquer,
And the song of triumph sing. [Refrain]
4 In thy day of joy, victorious,
Or the hour when strength is weak,
When thy life is near the nightfall,
Hark, for God the Lord will speak. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #14572