1 What do the flowers whisper low,
When the summer breeze is blowing?
Bend and listen, and you shall know;
They murmur, "Keep on growing."
2 What other secret do they tell,
As they lift their heads so gaily?
This rings blithely from each sweet bell,
"You must have the sunshine daily."
3 Then how they breathe from fragrant lips,
"You must shed abroad your sweetness,
And give to others in gen'rous sips,
If you wish for true completeness."
4 so do the blossoms fair and sweet,
That adorn the earth with beauty,
The tender message to all repeat,
"You must do your highest duty.
5 "You may the earth with gladness fill,
And its darkness you may brighten,
As, daily doing your Father's will,
You may help its load to lighten."
Source: Bible Study Songs: for junior societies, junior and primary Sunday schools #17