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Eben E. Rexford
Short Name: Eben E. Rexford
Full Name: Rexford, Eben E. (Eben Eugene), 1848-1916
Birth Year: 1848
Death Year: 1916

Rexford, Eben Eugene.M (Johnsburg, New York, July 16, 1848--October 16, 1916, Shiocton, Wisconsin). Horticulturalist and editor of a Wisconsin farm journal. Many of his verses were used to fill empty corners of the journal. He also wrote many books on gardening. Lawrence University (Appleton, Wisc.), Litt.D. Twenty-five years, organist at First Congregational Church, Shiocton.

See: Smith, Mary L.P. (1930). Eben E. Rexford; a biographical sketch. Menasha, Wis., George Banta Pub. Co.

--Leonard Ellinwood, DNAH Archives and Gabriel, Charles H. (1916). Singers and Their Songs. Chicago: The Rodeheaver Company.
Rexford, Eben Eugene , an American writer, born July 16, 1848, is the author of Nos. 199, 246, 263, 353, in I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs and Solos), 1878, No. 5, and 456 in the Methodist Sunday School Hymnbook, 1879.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)


Rexford, E. E. , p. 1587, ii. Additional hymns by this author in common use include:—
1. He saw the wheat fields waiting. Harvest of the World.
2. O where are the reapers. Missions.
3. Rouse up to work that waits for us. Duty.
4. We are sailing o'er an ocean. Life's Vicissitudes.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)


Wikipedia Biography

Eben Eugene Rexford (July 16, 1848 – October 18, 1916) was an American writer and poet, and author of lyrics to popular and gospel songs.

Texts by Eben E. Rexford (387)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A storm is raging upon the deepEben E. Rexford (Author)6
A veces oigo un himno cual yo jamás oíEben E. Rexford (Author)Spanish2
Again the Sabbath God has blestEben E. Rexford (Author)English8
Again we meet, this happy dayE. E. Rexford (Author)English4
All along the way, my FatherEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
All the way rejoicing should the christian goEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Although so poor I cannot claimEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Another soldier fallenEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Are you building your house on the sand, brother?E. E. Rexford (Author)English10
Are you ever worn and wearyEben E. Rexford (Author)English4
Art thou weary with transgression?E. E. Rexford (Author)English4
Art tired and weary, pilgrim?E. E. Rexford (Author)English3
As we journey along though the valley of lifeEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Ashamed of Christ! Of Him who diedE. E. Rexford (Author)English2
At Christmas time the world is gladEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Away to the woods, away, to the temple God has madeEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Bald, ja bald, seh'n wir den HeilandEben E. Rexford (Author)German1
Be brave little soldiers, to battle for RightEben E. Rexford (Author)English6
Be thou our guide when dangers shall beset usEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Behold! on every hand today, todayEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Behold, that bloodstain'd banner of the KingEben E. Rexford (Author)English4
Behold the bridegroom comes 'twas saidEben E. Rexford (Author)English7
Behold the children gatheringEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Behold the King they crucifiedEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Behold the One they crucifiedEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Behold, the prodigal comes homeEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Beyond the sea, the jasper seaEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Brightly beams our Father's mercyEben E. Rexford (Author)English1
By and by, beyond the riverEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
By and by! O soft and lowEben E. Rexford (Author)English4
By and by, the thought is sweetEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
By and by, we shall know JesusEben E. Rexford (Author)English4
Calling, calling, ever callingEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Christ is a shepherd and we are His sheepEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Christian reapers, lift your eyesEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Closer, Savior, to Thy sideEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Come out, sings the larkEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Crown Him, crown Him with glory the King of kingsE. E. Rexford (Author)English43
Crown him who died on CalvaryEben E. Rexford (Author)3
Dark is the night and the clouds gather o'er usEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Darling, I am growing oldEben Rexford (Author (v. 1-4))English3
Dear Lord, I need Thee all the timeEben E. Rexford (Author)English6
Dein ist der Tag, der neu beginntEben E. Rexford (Author)German2
Do you hear the summons the Master makes today?Eben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Do you know a heart that hungersEben E. Rexford (Author)English4
Each Christian light a beacon isEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Einst kommt die Zeit, so spricht das HerzEben H. Rexford (Author)German3
Faith casts its anchor in Jesus' loveEben E. Rexford (Author)English9
Fall in line, fall in lineE. E. Rexford (Author)3
Far and wide is ringingEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Far and wide over land and waveEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Father, in need I come to Thee, and this shall be my earnest pleaEben E. Rexford (Author)English21
Father, the tempest is ragingEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Father, the way before meE. E. Rexford (Author)English3
Gather up the sunbeams all along life's wayE. E. Rexford (Author)English3
Give me a faith that turns to TheeEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Gleaning in time of harvestEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Go tell the story of Jesus, That all the world may hearE. E. Rexford (Author)English4
Go to the wayward sinnerEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
God leadeth me! The thought is sweet!Eben E. Rexford (Author)English2
God sent to the wayward a message of loveEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
God's word is full of promisesE. E. Rexford (Author)English7
Going home, going home, to the Eden hillsEben E. Rexford (Author)English5
Going home, yes, going home, O the words are strangely sweetEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Great is the harvest and few the reapersEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Had I wings of the morning to fly awayE. E. Rexford (Author)English2
Hark! a call for reapersEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Hark! a knocking at the doorE. E. Rexford (Author)English2
Hark! hear the call that is sent through the landE. E. Rexford (Author)English2
Hark, I hear the Savior saying, As of old, in GalileeEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Hark, the bells of heaven ringingEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Hark, the tramping of an army, marching on with purpose strongEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Hark, the voice of many nationsEben E. Rexford (Author)English4
Harvester, harvester, gather thy sheavesEben E. Rexford (Author)English19
Has the staff you leaned on failed you?Eben E. Rexford (Author)English7
He reigns in majesty supremeEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
He saw the wheat fields waitingEben E. Rexford (Author)English6
Hear the trumpet calling, calling, callingE. E. Rexford (Author)English3
Heaven is the Christian's fatherlandEben E. Rexford (Author)English9
Here in thy house, O God, we meetEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Here many a friendship fails usEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Here's a hand to the boy who has courageEben E. Rexford (Author)3
Ho, comrades, heavenward faringEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
How many times, discouragedEben E. Rexford (Author)English16
Hur ofta här försagdaEben E. Rexford (Author)Swedish3
Hur ofta under f'rdenEben E. Rexford (Author)2
I am happy, O so happy, when I think how, long agoEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
I am trying to follow the path Christ trodE. E. Rexford (Author)English2
I ask not earthly treasureEben E. Rexford (Author)3
I at last have entered into the peace I longed to knowE. E. Rexford (Author)English2
I cannot see the way beforeEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
I do not understand God's loveEben E. Rexford (Author)3
I have been in city churchesEben E. Rexford (Author)2
I have had a glorious visionEben E. Rexford (Author)English15
I hear a song, a song so sweetEben E. Rexford (Author)English43
I hear a sound of singingEben E. Rexford (Author)3
I hear the angels cryEben E. Rexford (Author)2
I know not when my Lord will sayEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
I love to think of Jesus with the children at His kneeEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
I love to think of the beautiful landEben E. Rexford (Author)2
I may be poor and friendlessE. E. Rexford (Author)4
I often wonder, as I readEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
I often wonder what will beEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
I read each tender promiseEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
I read the dear old promiseEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
I shall reign forever with my Savior KingEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
I think God gives the childrenEben E. Rexford (Author)English59
I trust it all to God who knowsEben E. Rexford (Author)4
I was in utter bondageEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
I wonder if Jesus remembersEben E. Rexford (Author)2
I would sing of Jesus' loveEben E. Rexford (Author)2
If clouds blot out the sunshineE. E. Rexford (Author)English6
If hearts, grown faint and wearyEben E. Rexford (Author)English6
If the heart is full of sunshineEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
If the path that you must tread inEben E. Rexford (Author)English4
If the path that you must walk inEben E. Rexford (Author)2
If things don't go to suit youEben E. Rexford (Author)2
If we grow weary in the wayEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
If we knew about the trialsEben E. Rexford (Author)3
If you find a heart that's hungryEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
If you know the mighty meaningEben E. Rexford (Author)2
In a moment when ye know notE. E. Rexford (Author)English3
In dreams I hear a song so sweetEben E. Rexford (Author)English6
In dreams I see the heavenly landEben E. Rexford (Author)English5
In every time of troubleEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
In marriage pomp and splendorEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
In spring the farmer sows his seedEben E. Rexford (Author)2
In the dark and stormy dayEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
In the night when storm and tempestEben E. Rexford (Author)English4
In the pathways that we followEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
In the pathways we are treadingEben E. Rexford (Author)2
In the strength of God go forth to winEben E. Rexford (Author)English4
In the times of bitter troubleEben E. Rexford (Author)English6
In time of trouble and griefEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Into the light of God's glorious loveEben E. Rexford (Author)English5
It will be a happy day when we hear the call of GodEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Jesus has come to redeem us from sinEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Jesus, Lover of my soul, Sorrow's lips repeat the hymnEben E. Rexford (Author)English4
Jesus loves me, blessed thoughtEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Jesus loves me, even meE. E. Rexford (Author)English4
Jesus loves us, Jesus loves usEben E. Rexford (Author)3
Jesus loves us, sing it gladlyEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Jesus Savior of the world, Close to Thy blessed sideEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Jesus took the little childrenE. E. Rexford (Author)English3
Jesus, who loves the childrenEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Joy, joy, joy, joy, Jesus has come to reignEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Keep faith in God, In times of griefEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Keep striving, the winners are those who have strivenEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Keep up the fight! The battle must be won, todayEben E. Rexford (Author)English7
Knock, knock, knock! Lo! at the door of the heartEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Knowing our weakness we come to TheeEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Lass mich dir dienen, Herr JesuEben E. Rexford (Author)German1
Lend a helping hand, my brotherEben E. Rexford (Author)English7
Let every voice for gladness singEben E. Rexford (Author)English5
Let me be something for JesusEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Let me do something for JesusEben E. Rexford (Author)3
Let us come before the Lord today with singingE. E. Rexford (Author)English2
Let us scatter sunshine all along life's way (Rexford)Eben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Let us sing as we journey along day by dayE. E. Rexford (Author)English6
Let your light shine out, my brotherEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Let's all be birds, said MinnieEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Let's dare and do for the pure and trueEben E. Rexford (Author)English4
Life's work is before us, And this work demandsEben E. Rexford (Author)English5
Lift up your hearts in exultationEben E. Rexford (Author)English5
List, to the bells in the steeples (Rexford)Eben E. Rexford (Author)3
Listen heart, be still, I prayEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Listen, O children, the LordEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Little hands be busyEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Lives are fields wherein we sowEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Lo a conquering army marching gainst the foeEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Lo! all ready for the gathering God's great harvest standsEben Rexford (Author)English25
Lo, I see a hill and upward Climbs One, weak and faintE. E. Rexford (Author)English7
Lo! the banner of the King Floating over the field todayEben E. Rexford (Author)English4
Lo, the harvest is white and the cry goes forthEben E. Rexford (Author)English5
Lo! through the darkness that hangs over the seaEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Long had he wandered far from homeEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Lord of the lowly and the lostEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Lord, we pray thee, giveEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Make me a worker for Jesus, steadfast and earnest and trueE. E. Rexford (Author)English29
Make thy dwelling in my heart, Christ who diedEben E. Rexford (Author)3
March on, march on, the battle is at handEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Marching, marching forth to meet the foeEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Marching on to the land that we see from afarE. E. Rexford (Author)English2
My boy, when they ask you to drinkEben E. Rexford (Author)3
My Father, this I ask of TheeEben E. Rexford (Author)English24
My heart cries out when wearyEben E. Rexford (Author)2
My name is April, I have comeEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Neehovėstsė Tsenano'sene'tȧheoo'ėstsė JesusE. E. Rexford (Author)Cheyenne2
No day has had a dawningE. E. Rexford (Author)English2
No night in heaven, but cloudless dayEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
No time for resting till work is doneEben E. Rexford (Author)English6
Nothing, nothing but the blood of JesusEben E. Rexford (Author)2
O are there any words more sweet than theseEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
O blessed Jesus, in my sorrow callingEben E. Rexford (Author)2
O Christ our Master, we would sowEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
O Christ, who died for sinnersEben E. Rexford (Author)2
O could I sing a song to touchEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
O do some good deed every dayEben E. Rexford (Author)English14
O friends, as journeying onwardEben E. Rexford (Author)4
O go and tell Jesus, my brotherEben E. Rexford (Author)2
O great, O awful judgment dayE. E. Rexford (Author)English2
O heil'ger Tag von Gott geweihtEben E. Rexford (Author)German2
O hvor er de hoestfolk som tro vil herEben E. Rexford (Author)2
O it's grand to be a soldier in the army of the KingEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
O, Jesus I love Thee, for me Thou hast diedEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
O let us be endeavorers to do the Master's willEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
O love of Christ that faileth notEben Eugene Rexford (Author)English4
O my brother, danger lurketh In the wine cup's wilesEben E. Rexford (Author)English7
O my Father, rough and steepEben E. Rexford (Author)English5
O ring, glad bells, ring loud and sweetEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
O Savior, come and walk with meEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
O sing a song for May dayE. E. Rexford (Author)English2
O sing, fellow soldiersEben E. Rexford (Author)4
O sing on earth, for up in heavenEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
O sinner, delay notEben E. Rexford (Author)3
O speak kind words to one and allE. E. Rexford (Author)English3
O speak kind words, wherever you beEben E. Rexford (Author)English5
O the cross of Christ, behold itEben E. Rexford (Author)English4
O the golden sunset ferryEben E. Rexford (Author)2
O Thou our King, enthroned in realms on highEben E. Rexford (Author)English4
O to win a soul for Jesus, What a gladness would be mineEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
O what a King! Behold He standsEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
O where are you going, my brotherEben E. Rexford (Author)2
O why have you wandered so far from the right way? (Rexford)Eben E. Rexford (Author)English10
O, wo sind die Schnitter, die sammeln einEben E. Rexford (Author)German1
O wo sind die Schnitter im ErntefeldEben E. Rexford (Author)German4
O wondrous thought, Christ died for meEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Of all God's tender promisesE. E. Rexford (Author)English3
Of all the Bible storiesEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Oft schwebt, wenn stilles SehnenEben E. Rexford (Author)German2
Often we sit down discouragedEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
O city of the angelsE. E. Rexford (Author)English3
O haste, the night is nearingEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
O thought so sweet with comfortEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
O weary with transgressionE. E. Rexford (Author)2
O where are the reapers that garner inE. E. Rexford (Author)English115
O whither are you goingEben E. Rexford (Author)2
On Judea's starlit plainEben E. Rexford (Author)3
On leaves of stone our God made knownEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Once I was lost, and in darkness wanderedEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
One of Christ's burden bearersEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Only a little way fartherEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Onward toward heaven our footsteps shall pressEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Open the door of your heart today, And let the sunshine inEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Our praise to Thee, O FatherE. E. Rexford (Author)English3
Outward bound! Outward bound! To the land where God is KingEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Over, over and over the call for help is ringingEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Over the river, O what is there?E. E. Rexford (Author)English18
Over the river the hills of the blestEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Over there what rest is waitingEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Praise the Lord for all His loving kindnessEben E. Rexford (Author)English6
Pray brother pray discouraged never growEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Prestos id, prestos idEben E. Rexford (Author)Spanish2
Rally round the banner of our Savior KingEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Reich' die Helferhand, mein BruderEben E. Rexford (Author)German2
Rejoice, for the wanderers are comingE. E. Rexford (Author)English6
Rise up to labor, ye who sitEben E. Rexford (Author)3
Roads steep and stony our feet find to treadEben E. Rexford (Author)English6
Rouse up to work that waits for usEben E. Rexford (Author)English9
Savior, bless meEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Say, little soldiers, who fight for the trueE. E. Rexford (Author)4
See, the hill is clad in snowEben E. Rexford (Author)2
See the light, sailors, the port is not farEben E. Rexford (Author)English8
See! through the gloom of the tempest, a starEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Set a glad song ringingEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Shall we sing in heaven's bright courtsEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna, To our Redeemer KingEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Sing it, the love of the SaviorE. E. Rexford (Author)English2
Soldier of Christ, art thou famished and wearyEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Some day earth's faithful onesEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Some day, we say, and turn our eyesEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Some earthly friendships fail usEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Something for Jesus, O what shall it beEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Something's going to happen, don't you dare to doubt itEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Sometime, God knoweth when, I'll seeEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Sometimes a vision comes to meEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Sometimes I hear strange musicEben E. Rexford (Author)English11
Sometimes the mists of doubt and sinEben E. Rexford (Author)English5
Soul, art thou faint and wearyEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Soul, is the conflict deepeningEben E. Rexford (Author)English4
Soul of the Christian, be happyEben E. Rexford (Author)3
Sow the good seed of the spirit, God will send the rainEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Speak a little word for Jesus, Anytime and anywhereEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Speed away, speed away to the isles of the seaEben E. Rexford (Author)English5
Speed the day, happy day, when our land shall be freeEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Stand up for Christ, my brotherEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Steht ein Herze liebehungerndEben E. Rexford (Author)German1
Sweet little pansy, The winter is nearEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Swifter than a weaver's shuttle moments flyEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Tenderly, lovingly, calleth todayEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
The bells are ringing clear and sweetEben Eugene Rexford (Author)English3
The cross of Christ forever standsE. E. Rexford (Author)English3
The day had been dark and drearyEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
The enemy is rallying fastEben E. Rexford (Author)English5
The land is stirred by a great commotionEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
The Master has need of brave hearts to do His biddingEben E. Rexford (Author)English4
The soul from the kingdom of darknessEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
The tide of Jesus' mighty loveE. E. Rexford (Author)2
The twilight's fairy fingersEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
The way leads home wherein I treadEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
The way that leads us heavenwardEben E. Rexford (Author)English7
The world is stirred by the pomp of warE. E. Rexford (Author)English2
There are hills beyond the valley where the river glideth byEben E. Rexford (Author)English7
There are times when a word just a friendly wordE. E. Rexford (Author)English3
There are times when we grow wearyEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
There is a narrow way that leadsEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
There is a song I love to sing, About the Eden HillsEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
There is gladness up in heavenEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
There is no friend like Jesus, so loving, kind and trueE.E. Rexford (Author)English5
There is only one way of salvationE. E. Rexford (Author)English11
There will come a glorious morningE. E. Rexford (Author)English2
There's a beautiful land over the ocean of timeE. E. Rexford (Author)English3
There's a better day approachingEben E. Rexford (Author)2
There's a day that's surely comingEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
There's a mighty warfare wagingEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
There's a question we must settleEben E. Rexford (Author)English6
There's a river that runs toward the shoreless seaEben E. Rexford (Author)English4
There's a song I love to sing when my heart is sadEben E. Rexford (Author)3
There's a song that I hope I shall hear some dayEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
There's a story old of a Christ who diedEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
There's never a day so dreary that it has no hint of sunEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
They brought their gifts to JesusEben E. Rexford (Author)English16
They tell of a Christ who on CalvaryEben E. Rexford (Author)2
They tell us of a happy landEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
This Easter morning let us raiseEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
Though sorrows come aboutEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Though faith to move mountainsEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Though the road is rough and the hills are steepEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Through the green pastures, by the still watersE. E. Rexford (Author)English2
Through the dark and silent forestsEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Through the mists of night is shining fair and clear, a glorious starEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
Throw open wide the windowsEben E. Rexford (Author)English10
'Tis a sweet and wonderful storyE. E. Rexford (Author)3
To and fro our hands are swingingEben E. Rexford (Author)2
To weary hearts the promises of GodE. E. Rexford (Author)English2
Traían en silencio presentes al SeñorEben E. Rexford (Author)Spanish2
Traveling on in the path that the Savior trodEben E. Rexford (Author)English6
Traziam as ofertas aos pés do SalvadorEben E. Rexford (Author)Portuguese2
Tú que vagas en la tinieblasEben Eugene Rexford (Author)Spanish1
'Twill not be long before the night is overEben E. Rexford (Author)English5
Vi ofte her betagesEben E. Rexford (Author)Norwegian2
Waiteth the golden harvestEben E. Rexford (Author)English7
Watched by the eye that never sleepsEben E. Rexford (Author)2
We are a band of workers For Jesus, and we tryEben E. Rexford (Author)English4
We are journeying day by dayEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
We are loyal Christian soldiers in the army of the KingEben E. Rexford (Author)2
We are sailing over an ocean To a far and foreign shoreEben E. Rexford (Author)English11
We are soldiers in an army, That must fight with sinEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
We are soldiers in the army that is bound at last to winEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
We are workers for the MasterEben E. Rexford (Author)2
We come with blossomEben E. Rexford (Author)2
We read in the dear old chaptersEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
We shall not weep in heavenE. E. Rexford (Author)English3
Weary pilgrim, go to JesusE. E. Rexford (Author)English3
Welcome, happy voices sing in tuneful measureEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
What shall be the tribute that today we bringEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
What word in all God's promisesEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
When a wandering one comes backEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
When I am bowed with grief and lossEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
When I am worn and wearyEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
When I get home to my Father's landEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
When I read the dear old story of the cross and CalvaryEben E. Rexford (Author)English16
When I was wandering far in the paths of sinEben E. Rexford (Author)English4
When our earthly life is endedEben E. Rexford (Author)1
When tempests rise about thy wayE. E. Rexford (Author)English3
When the battle trumpet Calls forth to the frayEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
When the Bridegroom cometh, At dawn, or dark of dayEben E. Rexford (Author)English3
When the day is stormyEben E. Rexford (Author)3
When the friends we have trusted forsake usE. E. Rexford (Author)English2
When the ills of life beset meEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
When the path I am treading is rough and steepEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
When the path of life has led meEben E. Rexford (Author)2
When the way is rough and steepEben E. Rexford (Author)English6
When trials come as come they willEben E. Rexford (Author)2
When up in heaven the angels singEven E. Rexford (Author)English4
When we get over the riverE. E. Rexford (Alterer)3
When we grow weary and the way looks dark before our feetE. E. Rexford (Author)English6
When we're bowed with heavy burdensEben E. Rexford (Author)English2
While life's summer days go byE. E. Rexford (Author)English3
Who knows what dangers mayEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Willie brought his little BibleE. B. Rexford (Author)English5
Wo die Jordansfluten goldenEben E. Rexford (Author)German1
Wonderful, wonderful Jesus bore Calvary's cross for meEben E. Rexford (Author)English19
Would you be saved, then why not comeE. E. Rexford (Author)English5
Would you like a home in heavenEben E. Rexford (Author)2
Ye who wander of sin grown wearyEben Eugene Rexford (Author)English39
You think I am poorEben E. Rexford (Author)2

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