1 Hark! hear the call that is sent thro’ the land—
Christ needs your service! heed, and obey;
Waiting his orders, his brave workers stand—
Rally, my comrades, let’s help them today!
Rally for Jesus, rally,
Let the slogan ring;
The fields white with grain are waving,
Who the sheaves will bring?
Rally for Jesus, rally,
Forward, one and all;
For you there is labor waiting,
Give answer to the Master’s call.
2 “See,” calls the Master, “the harvest is white;
Fields wait for reaping, why will you wait?
Bind up the sheaves ere the coming of night—
Come, for the need of more reapers is great.” [Refrain]
3 Rally today! let us answer the call;
Dare we stand idle—dare we to shirk?
Come, for the Master has need of us all—
Up and away to the Lords’ waiting work! [Refrain]
Source: Sunday School Voices: a collection of sacred songs #42