1 Praise the Lord for all His loving kindness,
Praise His name with glad and mighty song;
Praise the Lord, no longer let sin’s blindness
Lead us in the paths of doubt and wrong.
Praise ye the Lord today,
Bell in every steeple;
Praise Him, all ye people;
Earth lifts her voice to say,
“Sing hosanna to our King!”
Praise ye the Lord today,
Worship Him with gladness,
Lift the soul from sadness;
Up, up to heaven’s gate
Let the joyful chorus ring.
2 Praise the Lord! with grateful hearts adore Him;
Praise the Lord, who reigneth on His throne;
Praise the Lord with saints who stand before Him;
Glory, glory be to Him alone! [Refrain]
3 Praise the Lord whose mercy faileth never;
Praise the Lord who sent His Son to save;
praise the Lord, and trust His love forever,
Who for sinners such a ransom gave. [Refrain]
Source: Assembly Songs: for use in evangelistic services, Sabbath schools, young peoples societies, devotional meetings, and the home #45