Johnson Oatman, Jr.

Johnson Oatman, Jr.
Short Name: Johnson Oatman, Jr.
Full Name: Oatman, Johnson Jr., 1856-1922
Birth Year: 1856
Death Year: 1922

Johnson Oatman, Jr., son of Johnson and Rachel Ann Oatman, was born near Medford, N. J., April 21, 1856. His father was an excellent singer, and it always delighted the son to sit by his side and hear him sing the songs of the church.

Outside of the usual time spent in the public schools, Mr. Oatman received his education at Herbert's Academy, Princetown, N. J., and the New Jersey Collegiate Institute, Bordentown, N. J. At the age of nineteen he joined the M.E. Church, and a few years later he was granted a license to preach the Gospel, and still later he was regularly ordained by Bishop Merrill. However, Mr. Oatman only serves as a local preacher.

For many years he was engaged with his father in the mercantile business at Lumberton, N. J., under the firm name of Johnson Oatman & Son. Since the death of his father, he has for the past fifteen years been in the life insurance business, having charge of the business of one of the great companies in Mt. Holly, N. J., where he resides.

He has written over three thousand hymns, and no gospel song book is considered as being complete unless it contains some of his hymns.

In 1878 he married Wilhelmina Reid, of Lumberton, N.J. and had three children, Rachel, Miriam, and Percy.

Excerpted from Biography of Gospel Song and Hymn Writers by Jacob Henry Hall; Fleming H. Revell, Co. 1914

Texts by Johnson Oatman, Jr. (1209)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
ජීවිතේ රැළ ගසනා කලට (jJvitē ræḷa gasanā kalaṭa)Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Sinhala2
A bright constellation illumines the skyRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
A dismal spectre, dark and tallRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)2
A few more days, a few more tearsJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
A few more days for you and meJohnson Oatman (Author)English9
A few more days on earth to roamRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
A few more steps upon the roadJohnson Oatman (Author)4
A few more tears of grief may fallRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
A full surrender I have madeJohnson Oatman (Author)English17
A hand all bruised and bleeding is knocking at the doorRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English18
A hand that is mighty e'er leads me alongJohnson Oatman (Author)2
A message comes to you, my friendJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
A message down the ages ringsJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
A pilgrim I'm walking life's pathwayJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
A pool of stagnant water once close by the roadside layRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
A prodigal, lone, sick and poorJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
A question comes to me todayJohnson Oatman (Author)4
A royal guest stands at the doorJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
A sinner, lonely, sick and poorRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
A soldier for Jesus I knowJohnson Oatman (Author)2
A storm one time was raging wildRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
A trumpeter for JesusJohnson Oatman (Author)2
A wonderful promise God's givenRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
A wonderful volume in heaven is keptJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
A word to you, my brotherJohnson Oatman (Author)2
According to the Bible plansRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Al paso de mís malesJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Spanish2
All around me is beauty that delights me every dayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
All around this very hourJohnson Oatman (Author)English14
All night long the fishers soughtRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
All the mysteries of earth that I do not undestandJohnson Oatman (Author)3
All the way my loving Savior leads meJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
All the way my Savior leadeth me, like a shepherdJohnson Oatman (Author)4
All the way that I must goJohnson Oatman (Author)2
All through life's journey from earth to the skyJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
All who would win the crown of lifeJohnson Oatman (Author)4
Along the way of life I findJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
Although this world is fair to seeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Although back into his heaven Jesus passedJohnson Oatman (Author)3
Although by sin I was defiledJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
Although I'm very weak and smallJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Although to my heart I hold many things dearJohnson Oatman (Author)3
إن جود الله يدعو للسرورJ. Oatman, Jr. (Author)Arabic2
Angels' harps are ringing in the glory landRev. Johnson Oatman (Author)English4
Angels in glory stand Before the heavenly KingJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Angels now your vigils keepingRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
Angels we have heard on highJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Are we bowed today in sorrow as we see a vacant chair?Johnson Oatman (Author)English4
Are we walking under clouds and shadows here?Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Are you cast down? trust in the LordRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Are you covered over with leprosy of sinJohnson Oatman (Author)6
Are you for the Pentecost prayingJohnson Oatman (Author)4
Are you like the troubled seaJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
As an army we're marching toward heavenJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
As down the stream of time I glideJohnson Oatman (Author)English8
As I have been helped by the SaviorJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)2
As I journey down life's wayJohnson Oatman (Author)2
As I press my way to gloryJohnson Oatman (Author)5
As I'm walking every dayJohnson Oatman (Author)2
As, in weakness, you are pressing on toward the better landJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
As Jehovah led the HebrewsJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
As oft before in days of yoreJohnson Oatman (Author)2
As often by some shore we standJohnson Oatman (Author)10
As once to earth the Savior cameRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English7
As out in the highways and byways I goJohnson Oatman (Author)2
As the life boat may go to the sinking barkJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
As the sunlight breaks through the clouds over headRev. J. Oatman, Jr. (Author)English14
As Thou once the host precededJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
As upon some great river oft we see vessels steamRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
As we journey down life's pathway there is comfort when we weepJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
As we meet together on the Sabbath dayJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
As we part today in sadnessJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
As you onward go along earth's roadRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
As you travel down life's wayJohnson Oatman (Author)2
As you walk in the highway of Jesus your KingRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
At evening time I often gazeJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
At the bar of God you will have to standJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
At the door of your heart tonight I standJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
At the great resurrection, when the dead in Christ shall riseRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
At the sunset I am standingJohnson Oatman (Author)2
At your feet every moment, my brotherJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
Awake, awake a joyful strainRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Awake the cry of battleJohnson Oatman (Author)4
Away beyond the shadows of this vale of nightRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Away, far away past the shadows of nightJohnson Oatman (Author)English6
Banners waving o'er usJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Because of His goodness I say over and overJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Because we did God's will defyJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
Before I came to Jesus My heart was full of sin (Oatman)Rev. J. Oatman (Author)English9
Behold the Lord hath proclaimed itJohnson Oatman (Author)4
Better far than any pleasureRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Beyond the stars our loved ones waitRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English7
Beyond the tide dear friends have goneJohnson Oatman (Author)6
Beyond us lies a fairer shoreRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Blessed Savior, ever guide meRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Break forth into song, all ye sons of lightRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
Bright angels, tell my motherJohnson Oatman (Author)4
Brother, as we see thee sleepingRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Brother, sister, be not sadJohnson Oatman (Author)2
曾是罪人遠離耶穌,正陷悲慘滅亡中 (Céng shì zuìrén yuǎnlí yēsū, zhèng xiàn bēicǎn mièwáng zhōng)Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Chinese2
Christ Jesus is the Life, the WayJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Christ Jesus who died my poor soul to redeemJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Christ lived and suffered here belowRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Christ loved me so I know not whyRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English10
Christ, the Lord hath need of workers in His harvest field todayJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Christ will come from heaven to earth againJohnson Oatman (Author)9
Christ will me His aid affordJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English92
Christian sing, O sing foreverJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Christian soul, be not afraidJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
Clearly the light is dawningJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Close to the unseen world we standJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Closer, dear Jesus, To Thee I fain would beRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Come all ye sons and daughters, and sing a happy songRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Come and see the blessed JesusRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Come, brother, let us hear you tellJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Come, sinner, to Jesus, O do not refuseRev. J. Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Come sinner to the Savior, now seek His face and favorRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Come, sin-sick soul, to Calvary's tideEld. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Come soul and find thy rest, no longer be distressedRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English72
Come to Jesus, sin sick soulJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Come to the Savior, Seek now His favorJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
Como Jesús no hay otro amigoJohnson Oatman (1856-1922) (Author)Spanish3
Cuando combatido por la adversidadJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Spanish10
Cuando estés cruzando un mar de adversidadJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Spanish4
Cuando te abrumen penas y dolorJohnson Oatman Jr., 1856-1922 (Author)Spanish3
當你經過試煉,茫然無所從 (Dāng nǐ jīngguò shì liàn, mángrán wú suǒ cóng)Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Chinese2
Dear brother if you would reach heavenJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Dear friends, when I am called to goJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Dear Lord, I come to Thee this dayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Dear Lord, while on Thy footstool I shall roamRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Dear Savior, I'm walking too far from Thy side, Let me draw nearer to TheeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Dear Savior, the children are coming to theeJohnson Oatman (Author)English7
Dear Savior, whole I'm pleadingJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Dear Savior, my soul is panting for TheeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Dear Sinner, draw near to the Savior tonightJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Dear sinner surrounded by friends todayJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Dear soul away from home and GodJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Digno es el Cordero que inmolado fueRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Spanish6
Do you feel the need, my brother, Of the Holy Spirit's Power?Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Do your best while Life's pilgrim way you treadRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
Does the way seem weary as you travel on?Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Don't go half-way with Jesus if you follow him at allRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Down through the valley, over the mountainJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Each day and hour I'll have to fightJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Each day I follow Christ my LordJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Each hour I tread the pilgrim's wayJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Each time I read the BibleJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Earth has her ties, but soon, alasJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Elijah once stood prayingRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English6
En la ascendente vía de luzJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Spanish2
En la mansión do Cristo estáJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Spanish5
Ere Jesus had departedJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Es gibt keinen freund wie der treue JesusRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)German1
Es ist kein Freund uns so hold wie JesusJohnson Oatman (Author)German1
Es kann kein Freund so wie Jesus liebenJohnson Oatman (Author)German1
Если в бурях жизни дух твой удручён (Yesli v buryakh zhizni dukh tvoy udruchon)Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Russian2
Every dark cloud has its liningJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Every day, every day, JesusJohnson Oatman (Author)3
Every step of the way from the earth to the skyRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Fair as the sunlightJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Far away in the heavens above meJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Far beyond all the reaches of our vision hereJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Far beyond God's beacons as they shine at nightRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Far, far above the skyRev.Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English10
Far, far above these scenes of nightJohnson Oatman (Author)English6
Father, at Thy feet I'm fallingJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
Fear not, little flock, said the MasterRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Fiercely the storm on life's ocean is ragingJohnson Oatman (Author)4
Filled with love from aboveJohnson Oatman (Author)4
Findes en ven, lig den milde Jesus?Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Norwegian2
For a hundred years or more, good old Noah gave the warningJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
For a long time I waited on the Lord in prayerJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
For hours of tribulation, there is refuge nearRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
For long weary years I wandered over life's billowJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
For many years the aged saintsJohnson Oatman (Author)2
For my dear boy, I am prayingJohnson Oatman (Author)3
For perfect heart cleansingRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
From grace I shall sweep on to gloryJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English7
From my Lord I'll wander neverJohnson Oatman (Author)2
From us thou hast been called awayJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Gathering in the grain in the morning sunRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Gently lead me, lest I strayJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Go scatter the seed, the Savior has needJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Go tell the news that Jesus diedJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Go work for Jesus day by dayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Go work today in my vineyard, The Master is sayingJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
God gave His own Son to redeem a lost raceJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
God has honey in the rock for his childrenJohnson Oatman (Author)3
God has lifted the curtain from that landJohnson Oatman (Author)3
God, in His grace, showed me a placeJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
God sends his holy angelsJohnson Oatman (Author)2
God so loved the world that His own Son He gaveJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
God wants you to herald the storyRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
God's angels encampeth Around them that fear himJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
God's children have the best of careJohnson Oatman (Author)2
God's great love so deep and boundlessJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
God's storehouse in heaven is filled to the brimJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
God's vessels from the other sideJohnson Oatman (Author)2
God's word commands that we go forwardRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)2
God's word has a great declarationJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Goodbye, pastor, goodbyeJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Goodbye son, said a darling old motherJohnson Oatman (Author)2
¡Gozándome yo voy para aquel hogar!Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Spanish2
Guide me, Savior, with thine eyeJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Gyorsvonat indul ingyen és bérmentvJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Hungarian2
Há tais cantos lá no Céu, que aquiJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Portuguese2
Ha te azt kérdeznéd tőlemJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Hungarian2
Happy in Jesus everywhere I goJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Happy in the love of JesusJohnson Oatman (Author)3
Hark, the sound of battle ragingRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)2
Hast thou heard the loving call?Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Have you been converted? do you follow HimJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Have you heard the story of the Lamb once slain?Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
Having found thy rest in JesusRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Hay un canto en el cielo de alabanza al SeñorJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Spanish2
He hath set His love upon me, O how precious is the sealRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
He is with me, O, how preciousJohnson Oatman (Author)4
He sought me on the mountainRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Hear ye the message Jesus sends todayJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Hearken all ye faithful fewJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Here the road is often rockyJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Here we have our sorrowsJohnson Oatman (Author)9
هل يوجد خل كفاديناJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Arabic1
Holiness unto the Lord, shout it over hill and plainEld. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English10
Holy Spirit from above, fill each bosom with Thy loveJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
How happy we'd be could we but understandRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
How many dear friends have passed on from my sightRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
How many sad partings we have on earth's shoreRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English9
How many things we find each dayJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
How oft as you journey, some brother you meetJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
How often I cry when I think of his graceJohnson Oatman (Author)2
How often we turn from earth's pleasuresJohnson Oatman (Author)2
How sweet the blessed Sabbath dayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
How sweet to look back on the yearsJohnson Oatman (Author)3
How sweet 'twill be to meet our friendsJohnson Oatman (Author)3
How to reach the masses, men of every birth?Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English78
How we love to sing of heaven and its wealth of jasper wallJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
I am a cup-bearer for Jesus my KingRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I am a pilgrim to a land, that's on the other sideJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
I am bound for that city that is far aboveJohnson Oatman (Author)4
I am crucified with Christ (Oatman)Johnson Oatman (Author)2
I am happy now as the days go byJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I am happy on the way, that I travel day by dayJohnson Oatman (Author)3
I am not worthy of the loveJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
I am on my way to a home on highJohnson Oatman (Author)English7
I am on my way to glory, where the walls of jasper standJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
I am on my way to heaven, to those mansions of the soulRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I am on the gospel highway, pressing forward to the goalRev. J. Oatman, Jr. (Author)English39
I am on the race course running toward the goalJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
I am pressing toward a city that is far beyond the skiesRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I am satisfied, whatever may comeJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I am singing and I'm shouting all along the pilgrim wayJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
I am so happy in Christ todayRev. J. Oatman, Jr. (Author)English93
I am the Lord's in love he has sought meJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I am the Way, the Savior hath spokenJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I am thinking of my dear old motherJohnson Oatman (Author)3
I am thinking of the rapture in our blessed home on highJohnson Oatman, Jr., 1856-1922 (Author)English32
I am trying every momentJohnson Oatman (Author)3
I am walking with my Lord, In the way, in the wayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
I am walking with my Savior, I am walking in His pathRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
I ask not for the highest place, But find a spot more sweetJohnson Oatman (Author)English8
I came to Jesus sick and poorRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I came to Jesus with my sin, His arms of mercy took me inJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
I can see life's sun decliningJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I come to thee Lord, all covered with sinJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I did not believe the story of a resurrection dayJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
I do not ask Thee, Lord, for powerJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
I fear no foe as on my path I goJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
I had wandered far away from the foldJohnson Oatman (Author)English15
I have a friend, a precious friend, O how He loves meRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English14
I have a friend in courts aboveRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English6
I have a song I love to sing, since Jesus set me freeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I have a song that is full of cheerJohnson Oatman (Author)English11
I have found a Friend in JesusJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I have found a Friend indeed, who supplies my every needJohnson Oatman (Author)English7
I have found a Friend who has saved my soulRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
I have found precious restJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I have found sweet peace for my storm tossed soulRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
I have great joy within my soulJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
I have heard of a land called the homeJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I have joined the blood washed armyRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I have joys in my soulJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I have left all to follow my SaviorJohnson Oatman (Author)English6
I have left old Egypt, its toiling and its tearsJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I have left the world behind meJohnson Oatman (Author)11
I have made a resolution with the help of GodRev. J. Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I have perfect restJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I have reached the land where living waters flowRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
I have read of a beautiful city, whose portals are lovely and fairJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
I have set my face toward the land of CanaanJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I have something to impart, Savior dearRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I have sought for satisfactionJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I know He's mine, this Friend so dear (Chorus)Johnson Oatman (Author)English1
I know my life will happy beJohnson Oatman (Author)8
I longed to reach heavenJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I love to read of Christ my LordJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
I love to think of other daysRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
I may have all my share of the burdensJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
I may not know the reason whyRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English19
I may not know where Thou art leadingRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
I must win souls for Jesus for that is my mission hereJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I never can forget the timeJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
I once was bound with fettersJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I once was poor and lost in sinJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I pray for temperance all the yearJohnson Oatman (Author)5
I read that whosoever may from wrath fleeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English10
I see my Savior hanging on the bloody treeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English9
I see no person sitting thereJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
I shall not bear the cross through yon cityJohnson Oatman (Author)English32
I shall reach my home in gloryJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I shall see my Savior's face, sometime, sometimeJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
I shall wear a golden crown When I reach homeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English9
I sing of Thee at morning lightJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I thank the Lord for earthly friendsJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
I think when I'm gazing at eveningRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I want to be faithful to JesusRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I want to go home when I dieRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I was far away in the paths of sinRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I will do my best for Jesus while I liveJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I will sing redemptions's storyJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I wonder if some mother's boyRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
If by some tempest your sail has been drivenJohnson Oatman (Author)2
If Christ should come to our town tonightJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
If Christ the Redeemer has pardoned your sinJohnson Oatman (Author)English34
If days are full of troubleJohnson Oatman (Author)5
If earthly friends should fail youRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
If for help some one is cryingJohnson Oatman (Author)2
If heavy the load, and lonely the wayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
If I walk in the pathway of dutyJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English91
If now in sorrow weeping, Your eyes with tears are dimJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
If over thy way dark clouds are castRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English7
If on His promise thy hopes dependJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
If our singing is so sweetJohnson Oatman (Author)2
If our spirits, meeknessJohnson Oatman (Author)2
If some night God shall send His death angelJohnson Oatman (Author)English10
If soon upon time's rolling foamJohnson Oatman (Author)9
If the angel death should comeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
If the ship be lost When by billows tossedJohnson Oatman (Author)English11
If thou wouldst have the dear Savior from heavenRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English21
If to work someone is neededRev. J. Oatman, Jr. (Author)English16
If waves of affliction should over thee rollJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
If we follow Christ to the promised landJohnson Oatman (Author)7
If weary with toilingJohnson Oatman (Author)2
If you ask me where I abideJohnson Oatman (Author)3
If you ask me why I'm happy as I journey down life's wayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English7
If you expect to reach that homeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)4
If you have been praying for blessingsRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
If you have started for yonder bright cityJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
If you need a friend to help you every moment of the dayJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
If you profess the Master's nameRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
If you reach the gates before me To that land of endless dayJohnson Oatman (Author)English20
If you would be a blessing as you're passing down life's wayJohnson Oatman (Author)9
If you would have him in your heartJohnson Oatman (Author)2
If you would reach that city over on the golden strandJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
If you would walk the streets of heavenJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
If your heart is overburdened with sorrowJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
If you're counting those who are saved and sealedRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)3
If you've enlisted in the warJohnson Oatman (Author)3
I'll hear the songs the angels singJohnson Oatman (Author)English6
I'll trust in my Savior forever, No friend is so precious to meRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I'll walk with thee adown life's weary roadJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I'm as happy as can be, for I'm going homeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I'm but a traveler this wayJohnson Oatman (Author)English6
I'm glad I ever started in this blessed Christian wayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I'm glad I'm on the narrow wayJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I'm going home, how sweet the thoughtJohnson Oatman (Author)4
I'm going home to glory landJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I'm happy now from day to dayJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I'm happy since I found the LordJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Im Himmel wohnt ein treuer FreundJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)German2
I'm on my way to heaven (Oatman)Johnson Oatman (Author)7
I'm praising my Savior with raptureJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I'm pressing on the upward wayJohnson Oatman (Author)English347
I'm safe if the angel of death comes tonightJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
I'm saved by the blood of the Crucified One, And kept by the power of God's blessed SonJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
I'm saved by the blood of the Crucified One, That flowed from His sideJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
In all this wide, wide world aroundJohnson Oatman (Author)English7
In God's holy Word 'tis writtenRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
In God's home is a book called "The Lambs book of life"Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
In heaven there's rejoicing as angels fairJohnson Oatman (Author)2
In heaven the skies are always brightRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English12
In my dreams an angel from gloryJohnson Oatman (Author)2
In my heart the bells are ringing, I rejoice the whole day longRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
In my heart there's a song like the riverJohnson Oatman (Author)2
In my soul the joybells ringJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
In service I find rich rewardRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
In that fair city, over life's seaRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
In that fair kingdom out of sightJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
In the blood from the cross I have been washed from sinJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English81
In the Christian path of dutyJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
In the dreary pathway that I oft must treadJohnson Oatman (Author)3
In the fight against sinJohnson Oatman (Author)English7
In the gospel war we'll never fearJohnson Oatman (Author)3
In the name of the Lord I have wielded my penJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
In the path I travel Golden sunbeams round me playJohnson Oatman (Author)2
In the royal house of DavidJohnson Oatman (Author)2
In the shadow of the cross The heavenly breezes blowJohnson Oatman (Author)2
In the soul's eternal kingdomJohnson Oatman (Author)5
In the spacious halls of heaven, there is room for every oneJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
In this world I've had my troublesJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
In this world of sin and careRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
In this world of sin and woe (Oatman)Johnson Oatman (Author)3
In times when tried and sorely prestJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
In yonder city, cloudless and fairRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English12
In yonder city of life and of loveJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Ingen lik Jesus i lust och smärtaJohnson Oatman (Author)Swedish4
Is your cup of blessing now filled to the brimRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Ist auch ein Freund wie der liebe Heiland?Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)German2
It is enough for me to knowRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
It is good to be where, we can meet God in prayerRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
It was love that brought my Savior to the manger at His birthRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
I've a Guide and a CompanionRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English7
I've a mansion all readyRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I've a special invitation from the New JerusalemJohnson Oatman (Author)2
I've been on Mount Pisgah's lofty heightJohnson Oatman (Author)English38
I've heard of a home in the skyRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
I've something that I love to tellJohnson Oatman (Author)3
I've started on my journeyJohnson Oatman (Author)3
Jeg skynder frem og opad gladJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Norwegian2
Jesus allein ist der Freund der SeelenJohnson Oatman (Author)German2
Jesus allein, ist ein Freund der SeeleRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)German1
Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, soon will sweep across the skyJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Jesus died for you and meJohnson Oatman (Author)1
Jesus died on Calvary, Bless His name, bless His nameJohnson Oatman (Author)English12
Jesus has prepared a homeJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Jesus His loved one will never forsakeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Jesus knows all about our struggles (Chorus)J. Oatman, Jur. (Author)English2
Jesus, my Savior, O, how dear Thou art to meRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English6
John said of Christ, to the surpriseRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English7
Joy is beaming in my soul, i'm happy all the dayJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Joy to me this thought has givenJohnson Oatman (Author)English11
Joyfully, joyfully praise the name of the Lord our GodRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Just a little while to tarry in this vale of grief and tearsJohnson Oatman (Author)3
Just as God who reigns on highJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Just as the sculptor, from his block of stoneJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Just over the ocean is our home on highRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English9
Just over the river there lies a fair landRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Just what may come to me while hereJohnson Oatman (Author)7
Just why the Lord hath led so strangelyRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Kann wohl ein Freund so wie JesusJohnson Oatman (Author)German2
Keinen so treu hab ich je gefundenRev. J. Oatman, jr. (Author)German2
King of kings and Lord of lords is He (Oatman)Johnson Oatman (Author)English3
ലോക ശോക സാഗരെ നീ മുങ്ങുമ്പോൾ (Lēāka śēāka sāgare nī muṅṅumpēāḷ)Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Malayalam2
Learning every day, words of truth and graceRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Let not your heart be troubled, O blessed words of cheerRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Let others choose pleasures of sin if they mayJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Let sin and Satan trembleRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Let the way be dark, let the way be lightRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Let us sing the story over againJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Lift your eyes, the day is breakingRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
Lift your eyes, ye pilgrims Toward the promised landJohnson Oatman (Author)English7
Lift your voice in song, all nature now rejoicesJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Like as a bird at eveningRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
Like the sunshine breaking through the clouds overheadJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
List to the message from heaven aboveRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
List, ye weary pilgrimsJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Listen to the Savior while he calls to youJohnson Oatman (Author)11
Lonely at evening a mother is sittingJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Long I have wandered afar from my LordRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English22
Look up, brother, lift up your head!Johnson Oatman (Author)English4
Look up look up my brotherOatman (Author)2
Looking back through the years I can see my dear LordRev. Johnson Oatman (Author)English8
Looking past the stars at nightJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
Lord, hear us today, O turn not awayJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
Lord, help us now to fightJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Lord, lift me up and let me stand (Chorus)Johnson Oatman (Author)English1
Lost, lost on the mountains of sin, Death and danger lurking around meRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Loudly, loudly, Easter bells are ringingJohn Oatman, Jr., (Author)English4
Love of Jesus, so full and freeJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Love that passeth understandingJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Loved one, farewell, we look once moreJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Make a full, complete confessionJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English26
Make me, Savior, O, I pray, more like theeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)3
Make melody for Jesus wherever you may beJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Make the Lord a full confessionRev. J. Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Many friends who once walked by my sideJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
Many long years I sailed over life's oceanJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Many long years I wanderedJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Many times for rest we sighRev. J. Oatman (Author)English2
Many weary miles I've wanderedRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Mbele ninaendelea Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Swahili1
Methinks that at the eveningJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Mighty Healer, come to meJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Millions now living are blinded by sinJohnson Oatman (Author)2
More oldtime salvationJohnson Oatman (Author)3
My boat had once floated away from the shoreRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English17
My heart goes bounding on aheadRev. Johnson Oatman (Author)English2
My heart is still singing the praises of GodRev. J. Oatman, Jr. (Author)5
My Jesus leads me in the wayJohnson Oatman (Author)4
My life is full of sunshine, My heart is full of songJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
My Savior bought my pardon Upon the cruel treeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
My Savior has promised to give me a homeJohnson Oatman (Author)2
My Savior is with me each step of life's wayJohnson Oatman (Author)2
My Savior, when I think of TheeJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
My Savior has a home prepared beyond the skiesRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
My Savior has gone to prepare me a home, A beautiful mansion beyond yon blue domeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
My soul keeps singing all day longRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
My soul was once condemned to dieJohnson Oatman (Author)2
My work on earth will all be doneJohnson Oatman (Author)English8
Naar paa livets bølger du har stormveilRev. I. Oatman, Jr. (Author)Norwegian2
നാള്‍ തോറും ഞാന്‍ തേടുന്നിതാ (Nāḷ tēāṟuṁ ñān tēṭunnitā)Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Malayalam2
Nenhum amigo há igual a Cristo!Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Portuguese1
Never lose sight of JesusJ. Oatman, Jur. (Author)English1
Ngiqond’ indlel’ enyukayoJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Ndbele2
No hay cual Jesús otro fiel amigoJohnson Oatman (Author)Spanish3
No matter how far from the fold you have wanderedJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)3
No matter where I may be called of the LordJohnson Oatman (Author)6
No more like some poor prodigalJohnson Oatman (Author)2
No scenes of mirth upon the earthRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
No ti panagbiagmo madanagancaJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Tagalog2
Not all earth's gold and silver Can make a sinner wholeJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English21
Now is the autumn comingJohnson Oatman (Author)English7
Now the time has come to part, Father, come to every heartJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
N'r din f'rd paa lifvets haf bland stormar b'rJohnson Oatman (Author)2
O are you bound for that eternal shore?Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
O behold this valiant army marching byJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
O blessed Savior, be my guideRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
O brother, have you heard the storyRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
O brother, I beseech youJohnson Oatman (Author)1
O brother, if the Lord has forgiven your sinRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
O brother, though you have for yearsJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
O great Physician, come to meRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)2
O heart that bleeds from sorrow deepJohnson Oatman (Author)2
O help your brother day by dayJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
O how many years upon the tide I driftedJohnson Oatman (Author)2
O how often I think as I walk down the valleyJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
O I have some letters from heavenJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
O I love to sing of my blessed LordJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
O I love to tell the blessed storyRev. J. Oatman, Jr. (Author)English20
O Jesus, Light of lightsRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
O listen to this storyRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
O Lord if all the world forsakesJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
O Lord, revive the old time powerJohnson Oatman (Author)English7
O, Lord, when alone and dreary is the nightRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
O love that passeth knowledge, that doth to God belongRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
O my brother and my sister in the LordRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
O my brother, have you started for the heavenly land? (Oatman)Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
O Pilgrim bound for the heavenly landRev. J. Oatman, Jr. (Author)English29
O pilgrim on life's pathway hereJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
O praise the Lord! my soul is filledJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
O prodigal, wandering afar todayJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
O saint of God, though weak and poorRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
O sinner, are you seeking that country in the skyJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
O sinner, come list to this wonderful storyJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
O sinner, on the downward wayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)4
O soldier today in life's battleJohnson Oatman (Author)2
O soul, far away on the mountains so coldJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
O soul, have you heardJohnson Oatman (Author)2
O soul in the struggle and trials of lifeJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
O soul, so far away from GodJohnson Oatman (Author)English13
O the gospel light is spreading over all the earth todayJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
O the joy of heaven rings within my soulJohnson Oatman (Author)2
O the love of God constrains me in the wayJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
O the world has sung of JesusJohnson Oatman (Author)3
O there is great joy in heaven when a sinner starts for homeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
O what are they doing when they preach against the crossJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
O what blessed words of comfortJohnson Oatman (Author)2
O what can a little child doRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
O what do ye more than othersJohnson Oatman (Author)2
O what is the song that the blood washed singJohnson Oatman (Author)3
O what joy we all shall seeJohnson Oatman (Author)2
O where is my father who used to love me soJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
O who is He on the dusty highway?Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
O why should you worry dearJohnson Oatman (Author)2
O Word of God, O word of truthJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Ob mich brausende Wogen umtobenJohnson Oatman (Author)German1
Over the ocean's foam is a land aheadRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
Of all the friends that we may knowJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Oft war mir das Leben so trübeJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)German2
Often after a day of toilingRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Often my soul seems to catch a sweet strainJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Often when death and danger seem near meRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Often when stars shining over usJohnson Oatman (Author)English10
Often when the stars are shining overheadRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
O the best songs of all are the songs about JesusRev. Johnson Oatman Jr. (Author)English4
O what a sinner once was I, condemned to death, afraid to dieRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
On Calvary's cross Jesus died for meJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
On earth I have doubts and fearsJohnson Oatman (Author)2
On my way to yonder city, as I travel toward the skyJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
On the cross Christ bought my pardonRev. Johnson Oatman (Author)English3
On the floods of despair I was driftingRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
On the golden streets of heaven all men hope to walk some dayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
On the mountain of Zion beyond the blue skyJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
On the mountains of folly I roamed many yearsJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
On the top of Mount Zion is a cityJohnson Oatman (Author)English23
On the way from earth to gloryJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Once a little cloud was sighted, not much larger than a handJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Once a sinner far from Jesus, I was perishing with coldRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English66
Once deep conviction the Lord on me did rollRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English7
Once far from my Jesus, and blinded by sinRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Once from my poor sin-sick soul Christ did every burden rollRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English57
Once Gideon at God's commandRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
Once I came a poor, penitent sinnerJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Once I found a balm for my wounded soulJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Once I heard my Savior callingJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Once I heard my Savior speakRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Once I sought the Friend of sinnersJohnson Oatman (Author)6
Once I stood by the poolRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
Once I wandered in the valley, far below the mountain's crestJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Once I was far from the haven of restJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Once I was heavy ladenRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Once I was sunk in miry clayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)3
Once king Belchazzar gave a feastJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Once more we assembleJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Once more we give the parting handRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
Once my poor heart found that a sinner's prayerJohnson Oatman (Author)English9
Once out upon life's riverJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Once Peter took a step or two upon the rolling seaRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Once shepherds in the fields their flocks were tendingRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Once the angels sang from heavenJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Once the voice of Christ the SaviorJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
Once they crucified the Lord of gloryJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Once upon the shifting tides of timeJohnson Oatman (Author)3
Once upon the tide I driftedRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English12
Once with my soul 'twas dark as nightRev. Johnson Oatman (Author)2
One night my bark by the tempest was drivenJohnson Oatman (Author)2
One time the billows fierce did rollRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Only a little Longer to roamRev. Johnson Oatman Jr. (Author)English2
Örömmel éneklek minden napJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Hungarian2
Our friends are crossing over, we miss them from our sideJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Our friends are gathering one by one Upon the hills of gloryRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Our Lord can hold the ocean in the hollow of His handJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Our Savior always goes aheadJohnson Oatman (Author)15
Our Savior is coming from heavenJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Our Savior's word says God on highJohnson Oatman (Author)English6
Out in life's desertJohnson Oatman (Author)9
Out of the darkness advancingJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Out on the mountain, dark and wildJohnson Oatman (Author)4
Out on the mountains far awayRev. J. Oatman, Jr. (Author)English10
Out upon the mountains far from homeJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Outside your door the Savior standsJohnson Oatman (Author)4
Over all the mighty deepRev. Johnson Oatman (Author)English2
Over our pathway, enshrouded by nightRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Over the sunlight falls a shadowJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Over yonder stands the mansion Christ prepared for meJohnson Oatman (Author)English8
Padre, a tus pies me postroJohnson Oatman (1856-1922) (Author)Spanish3
Past the sun and the moonJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Peter asked the Savior, What shall this man doRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
Pilgrim for glory while onward you roamJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Praise be to our God, let us sing and extol HimJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Praise God for the gospel that came from aboveJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
Praise God, I live in Beulah landJohnson Oatman (Author)English10
Praise God, I've found a safe retreatRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
Praise God who saves us by His graceRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English8
Praise the Lord, for his salvationJohnson Oatman (Author)3
Praise the Lord in holy songJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Praise the Lord that I am a ChristianJohnson Oatman (Author)4
Praise the Lord, there is mercy in heavenJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
Put your hand to the plow and go straight aheadRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
Quando all’orizzonte un nembo scuro apparJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Italian2
Rejoice, for since Jesus hath found youJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Rejoice with great joy each hour of the dayJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Rejoicing on my way to the home aboveRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English16
Resting today are our loved onesRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)5
Ring out the glad bells, the sweet Christmas bellsJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Ring out the news that Christ is bornRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Sailors bound for yonder shoreRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Salvo y feliz por Jesús ya soyJohnson Oatman (Author)Spanish3
Samuel though that Eli called himRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)2
Savior, at Thy blessed feetJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Savior, at Thy feet I bow, Hear the prayer I offer nowJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Savior, blessed Shepherd, lead meOatman (Author)2
Savior, guide me down life's riverJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Savior, guide me with Thine eyeJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Savior, I will follow Thee, Thou art all the world to meJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English9
Savior, take my hand and lead meJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Savior, we come to Thee this hourRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English6
Se da vida as ondas agitadas sãoJohnson Oatman (Author)Portuguese2
See our mighty army, as we march alongRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
Shall we meet at home in the morningJohnson Oatman (Author)3
Shall we meet beyond the river, on that happy golden shoreJohnson Oatman (Author)English12
Shall we walk the streetsJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Shining for Jesus everywhere I goJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
Si con Jesús, quien está en el cieloJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Spanish3
Si rugen fieras tempestadesJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Spanish2
Since all my sins thou didst forgiveJohnson Oatman (Author)3
Since at a throne of mercyJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Since God bestowed His blessingRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Since I first started for heaven and rightRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Since I found Him at the crossJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Since I found Jesus, his love growsJohnson Oatman (Author)4
Since I found that faith in JesusRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
Since I found the Savior, I'm happy alwayJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Since I gave my heart to Jesus, He has kept me every dayRev. J. Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Since I gave to Jesus my poor broken heartRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English22
Since I have been convertedRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
Since I have found Jesus, life is not the sameJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Since I have received of his graceJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Since I have received salvation, Savior, wheresoever I beJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
Since I heard my blessed Savior call meRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Since I learned to follow JesusRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
Since I made the Lord my choiceRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English6
Since I read that my friend gave His life on the treeJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Since I received his holy nameJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Since I started for the city over in the promised landRev. J. Oatman, Jr. (Author)English22
Since I started out for the promised landJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
Since I started out to find TheeJohnson Oatman (Author)English23
Since I've been on the highway to heavenJohnson Oatman (Author)5
Since Jesus washed my sins away, 'Tis glory all the timeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
Since my Savior I did viewJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Since stormy winds and cloudy skiesJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Since the light of God shone inJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Sing me the story of JesusRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Sing of His love at morning lightJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Sinner come go with me to that home of the blestJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Sinner, on life's stormy oceanRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Sinner, out upon life's highwaysJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Soldiers of Christ, do not forgetJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Soldiers of Christ, listJohnson Oatman (Author)4
Soldiers, see that banner over youRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Soldiers who are fighting on the fields of sinJohnson Oatman (Author)English9
Some day adown the valley drearJohnson Oatman (Author)English15
Some day I'll see my Savior, I know not when 'twill beJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Some day the Lord will come againJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Some day when evening shadows blendRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English12
Some one is knocking on the door of your heartRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Sometime our Christ is comingJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Sometimes the clouds hang over my wayJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Somewhere it is planting seasonJohnson Oatman (Author)3
Soon I will hear my Lord say, ComeJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
Soon I'll reach yon heavenly cityJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Soon the curtain will be lifted to unveil the golden shoreJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Soul, art thou seeking that heavenly landJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Soul, now in sin, so far awayJohnson Oatman (Author)3
Soul on your journey from earth to heavenRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English8
Souls in sin and darkness straying, Come and life, come and liveJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Souls who are out on mountains of follyRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Souls who now are starving on the husks of sinRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Standing like a lighthouse on the shores of timeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English44
Star of the east, Bethlehem's starJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Strive to make the day seem lighterRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
Strive to make yourself a blessingRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Suppose the Lord should come tonightRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Sweetest song that earth can sing, Jesus savesJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
Sweetly chime, loudly chimeJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
Sweetly the Savior leads me eachJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Tell it over mountain, and tell it over plainRev. J. Oatman, Jr. (Author)English6
Tell me once more that beautiful storyJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Tell me the story of wonderful loveJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Temptations are always aboundingJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
The bloodstained banner of the crossJohnson Oatman (Author)2
The buds and flowers to life are wakingRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
The chariot wheels of God drive hardJohnson Oatman (Author)5
The darkened sun was sinking lowJohnson Oatman (Author)2
The earth shall pass away somedayJohnson Oatman (Author)English6
The Father on His throne aboveJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
The father spoke to the eldest sonJohnson Oatman (Author)English11
The feast is prepared, you're urged to come inJohnson Oatman (Author)English10
The fruits which mortals here demandRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
The great Physician came to meJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
The great Teacher of men knowsJohnson Oatman (Author)2
The home of my childhood was cheerful and brightRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
The judgment day will soon be hereJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
The Lord came down to die for meRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
The Lord came down to the garden of EdenRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
The Lord hath called unto thy soulJohnson Oatman (Author)2
The Lord sends me blessings again and againJohnson Oatman (Author)2
The pearly gates of gloryRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
The pearly gates stand openJohnson Oatman (Author)2
The pilgrim way is one of careJohnson Oatman (Author)2
The question comes to you todayJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
The Savior has left upon record for meJohnson Oatman (Author)4
The Savior is everything precious to meJohnson Oatman (Author)2
The Savior now is calling, O don't you hear His voice?Johnson Oatman (Author)English2
The Savior lives within my heartRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
The sheep were sleeping within the foldJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
The sinner's Friend is our Savior dearRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
The children are gathering from near and from farRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English1
The soldiers are gathering from near and from far (Oatman)Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
The stars now shining over me are calling me awayJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
The stars reflect him from aboveJohnson Oatman (Author)2
The story that came from the heavens aboveJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
The sweetest story that ever was heardRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English10
The things now veiled in mysteryJohnson Oatman (Author)9
The things of earth will soon decayJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
The time for the zephyrs of springtime is hereJohnson Oatman (Author)2
The way our fathers traveled is good enough for meRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English15
The way to be Christlike, my brotherJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
The whole world will be drawn to the SaviorJohnson Oatman (Author)2
The winds across the plains will sweepRev. Johnson Oatman (Author)English2
The wise men beheld a bright star in the skyRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
The wondrous love of my SaviorJohnson Oatman (Author)2
The word of God tells me that friends gone beforeJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
The words of the Savior, so boundlessJohnson Oatman (Author)2
The world is full of constant friends who bless me with their loveRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
The world is full of sorrow and it's full of careJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
There are roads that lead to the hills of peaceJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There are those, blessed Lord, who are dear to our heartsJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
There is a blessed home beyond the skyRev. Johnson Oatman (Author)English2
There is a blessed land so highJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There is a face at heaven's gate, The face of one I loveJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
There is a Friend who died for youRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)2
There is a home prepared for meJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There is a hope fills our soulsJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There is a land by faith I seeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
There is a picture comes to meJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There is a place of perfect rest, Under the blood, under the bloodRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
There is a place where you may restJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
There is a promise that Jesus has givenRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
There is a veil that hangs betweenJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)2
There is help for your soul, O poor sinnerJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
There is hope for you, weary sin sick soulJohnson Oatman (Author)4
There is in the house of DavidJohnson Oatman (Author)English8
There is life in the name of JesusRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
There is mercy at the cross todayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English9
There is music in my soul, While from my lips hallelujahs rollJohnson Oatman (Author)English6
There is one of whom my praises never shall endJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
There is one who is calling in mercyJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There is one who walksJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There is rest over thereJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There is singing up in heaven such as we have never knownJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English26
There is sunshine for the pilgrimJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
There is work to do for Jesus, Work for everyone to doRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
There will be music throughout the whole dayJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There will be no burdens yonderJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There will be no darkened glass to look through yonderJohnson Oatman (Author)English6
There's a beautiful land by the brightJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There's a beautiful land that awaits the justRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English6
There's a blessed spot where I love to beJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
There's a blessing Jesus has for youJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There's a bright and blessed landJohnson Oatman (Author)3
There's a charm and a blessingJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There's a city bright and fair, In that country over there (Oatman)Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English6
There's a city foursquare in the heavensJohnson Oatman (Author)3
There's a country far over the riverJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
There's a day now fast approaching, the most wonderful day of allRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
There's a great and mighty Captain who has never lost a fightRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
There's a home beyond the stars in the palace of the KingRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
There's a home of the soulJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
There's a home past the starsRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
There's a home that is waiting for meJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There's a home where no shadowJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There's a knock long and loudJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There's a land beyon the shadowJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There's a land of fadeless beauty in the skyRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
There's a land of joy and beauty just across the surging tideRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
There's a land of joy and blissRev. Johnson Oatman (Author)English2
There's a land, we are told, where the streets are of goldJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
There's a land where the storms on life's ocean never breakJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There's a multitude that no man can numberJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
There's a place for every oneRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
There's a place where the angels of God love to meetRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
There's a place where weary mortalsJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
There's a precious, precious promiseJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There's a promise I would ask of you, brotherJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
There's a promise older than Bethlehem's mangerRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
There's a question that I over and over have ponderedJohnson Oatman (Author)English8
There's a record that is being kept up yonderRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
There's a rest that remainsJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There's a song that I am singing as I journey on my roadJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
There's a song that I keep singing as I journey on my wayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)2
There's a still small voice now speaking to youRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English1
There's a thought that ought to make us happyRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
There's a train that runs from the earth to the skyJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
There's a vessel near the landingJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
There's a voice that calls for reapersJohnson Oatman (Author)English9
There's a way of peaceJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There's joy in my soul as I labor each dayJohnson Oatman (Author)5
There's music ringing in the airJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
There's no cloud can cast a shadowJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There's no night can cause its shadowJohnson Oatman (Author)2
There's not a friend like the lowly JesusJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English419
There's One above all earthly friendsJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English59
There's One who left glory to die for my soulJohnson Oatman (Author)5
These are the words of our Savior one dayJohnson Oatman (Author)2
These scenes, so bright, now take their flightRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English9
They crucified my Savior, They crucified my Savior (Oatman)Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
They tell me of a countryJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
They tried my Lord and MasterRev. Johnson Oatman (Author)English73
This is all that I desireJohnson Oatman (Author)2
This is my mission wherever I go, Spreading the heavenly sunshineRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
This is our prohibition cryJohnson Oatman (Author)3
This is the prayer that I offer each dayJohnson Oatman (Author)English15
This life is filled with hardshipsJohnson Oatman (Author)2
This life will soon be endedRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English10
This promise stands forth in the word of GodJohnson Oatman (Author)2
This the prayer I'm ever prayingRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Though days may be serene and brightRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
Though death's shadows round me creepRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Though friends may gather round thee, their last respects to payRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Though on the sea of life my little bark is tossedRev. J. Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Though when walking down life's valleyRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
"Though your sins be as scarlet" there is hope for youRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Thou hast gone to yonder cityJohnson Oatman (Author)3
Though all around on every handJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Though at times we may be wearyJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Though but a pilgrim on earthJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Though darkness once hung o'er my wayJohnson Oatman (Author)4
Though early things may not endureJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Though earthly things may not endureJohnson Oatman (Author)5
Though friends are kind, though friends are trueJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Though I may not for the nightJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Though I may wander this world far and wideJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Though I my Savior may not seeJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Though I was once condemned to dieJohnson Oatman (Author)English10
Though in this world of sin and woeJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Though once in Joseph's tombJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Though other themes some hearts rejoiceJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Though our on life's ocean the storm may be wildJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Though over my lifeless form you may be bendingJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Though over the earth you may wander afarJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Though some build their hopes on earth'sJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Though sometimes the storms sweep around meJohnson Oatman (Author)9
Though stormy gales sweep over life's seaJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
Though the clouds hang over my wayJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Though the hosts of sin surround usJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Though the mystic veil of darkness throws her mantle over allJohnson Oatman (Author)English7
Though the shadows gather over our pathway hereRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
Though the storm beaten waves may dash over meJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Though the storms may sweep madlyJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Though the waves of life may dash around usJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Though the years of your life shall be manyJohnson Oatman (Author)4
Though through this vale of mysteryJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
Though thy path may lead through the world's great deepJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Though upon my pilgrim journeyJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Though you wandered afarJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Through this world of sin and woe, Jesus is leading, tenderly leadingJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Through a glass we now see darklyJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Through narrows some vessels are passing each dayJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Time is gliding like the shuttle of the weaverJohnson Oatman (Author)English8
'Tis but a little longer to travel down life's roadJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
'Tis sad to think, that though some hearRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
'Tis written in God's book of lifeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
To all that live below the skyRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
To help us there abideth threeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
To my blessed Lord and Savior as He walks before me hereRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English6
To my Savior now I goRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
To pay the debt for Adam's raceJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
To tell the world about the Savior's birthRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
To the cross of CalvaryJohnson Oatman (Author)7
To the great harvest fields are you going?Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
To wash away the stains of sinJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Toben um dich Stürme auf der LebensflutRev. J. Oatman, jun. (Author)German2
Today all over the world one seesRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
Today our eyes with tears are wetJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Toiling for the Master in the fields around meRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)4
Toiling on life's pilgrim pathwayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English6
Traveling down life's pilgrim wayJohnson Oatman (Author)English17
Treffen wir uns einmal wiederJohnson Oatman (Author)German1
Ukirushwa-rushwa na dunia hiiJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Swahili1
Under the shadow of thy wings, There hide me safe awayJohnson Oatman (Author)English1
Until my sun sinks in the westRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Upon His poor wandering childrenJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Upon the clouds of heaven our Savior went awayJohnson Oatman (Author)3
Upon the cross our Savior died, on Calvary's brow was crucifiedRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
Upon the walls of memory, One face, one form I ever seeJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
Uray pay no napigsa ti bagioJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Tagalog2
Waiting soul, salvation needingJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Washed in the blood of the wonderful SaviorRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Way back on memory's wallRev. J. Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
We are free from the chains that bound us hereJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
We are going home to restRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English23
We are marching forth to a home on highJohnson Oatman (Author)English6
We are on our journeyJohnson Oatman (Author)2
We are on our pilgrim roadJohnson Oatman (Author)2
We are on our way to Canaan, and we'll reach it by and byJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
We are on the Lord's side in the gospel fightJohnson Oatman (Author)2
We are pressing toward a country where the surges never rollRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
We are told of a brightJohnson Oatman (Author)2
We are told of a city eternalRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
We are told that a great day is comingJohnson Oatman (Author)English16
We are told that up in heaven in the birthplace of the soulJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
We are waiting and watching dear SaviorJohnson Oatman (Author)5
We can be of use to JesusJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
We have a friend in JesusJohnson Oatman (Author)2
We have sweet consolation while on our pilgrim wayJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
We know not why dark clouds overcastJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
We look around on every sideJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
We may tell Jesus when we are burdenedJohnson Oatman (Author)2
We meet once more with hearts aflameRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
We see our Savior on aheadJohnson Oatman (Author)2
We shall cross the mystic river, one by oneJohnson Oatman (Author)English11
We shall see our Savior's faceRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
We will crown our Savior KingJohnson Oatman (Author)3
Weary and laden with sinRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Weary, sinsick soul if you want to restJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Weary soul, why art thou so distressed?Johnson Oatman (Author)English7
Weary with toiling and worn out with careRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
We'll sing the praise of Jesus, the whole day longJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Wenn du in des Lebens Stürmen bist verzagtJohnson Oatman (Author)German2
We're children of the heavenly King (Oatman)Johnson Oatman (Author)English3
We're crossing life's sea with JesusRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
We're marching to a country whose fair shores are not in sightJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
We're marching to a land aboveJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
We're soldiers for Jesus and while on the battle-fieldJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
We're told of a land beyond the blue skyJohnson Oatman (Author)6
We're watching and praying all along life's wayJohnson Oatman (Author)English7
We've joined the glorious armyRev. Johnson Oatman, jr. (Author)2
What a great fire kindledJohnson Oatman (Author)2
What a transformationJohnson Oatman (Author)3
What brought a curse upon our raceJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
What care I for storms of life?Johnson Oatman (Author)English2
What kind of seed are you sowing today?Johnson Oatman (Author)English13
What sweet comfort here is givenRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
What though our backs are bending at times beneath the loadJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
What though dark may be the nightJohnson Oatman (Author)2
What though God's servants travel as heraldsJohnson Oatman (Author)8
What though my sins rise like a floodJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
What though our parents have left us todayJohnson Oatman (Author)2
What though our pathway be shrouded in darknessJohnson Oatman (Author)3
What though storms may sweep over life's ocean?Johnson Oatman (Author)English3
What though the shadow of nightJohnson Oatman (Author)2
What will be my state of mindJohnson Oatman (Author)2
What will you say on that great dayJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
What wilt Thou have me to do, dear Lord, What wilt Thou have me to do?Johnson Oatman (Author)English5
When afflicted and distressedRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When all around the shadows are deepJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When by worldly caresJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When Christ lived and wandered in this world so coldRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When Christ was born, the hosts on highJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
When clouds, dark and heavy, hang over my wayJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
When clouds, dark as midnight, hang over my headRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When dark and dreary is my roadJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
When darkness gathers over meRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When darkness is hedging my wayJohnson Oatman (Author)English10
When darkness once her wings had spread over slumbering GalileeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When darkness over all the earth its sable wing has spreadRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
When days are gloomy, my heart still singsJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
When days become dreary, And we become wearyJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
When earth's ties are rivenJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When first I sought the sinner's friendJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When from every land and nation all the saints are gathered homeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
When, his star of glory shoneJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When I, a poor, lost sinner, Before the Lord did fallJohnson Oatman (Author)English30
When I am through with toil and careRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English16
When I am weary with toilingJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When I came to the Lord with a burden of sinJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
When I have reached the soul's bright landRev. J. Oatman, Jr. (Author)English11
When I have set sailJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When I heard that blest invitationJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When I joined the Christian armyJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When I reach my home eternalJohnson Oatman (Author)English32
When I reach the borders of the vale of deathRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When I reach the golden city, in the glorious summer landJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
When I see life's golden sunset lighting up the rosy westJohnson Oatman (Author)English11
When I see life's sun go downJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When I sought the Lord I foundRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When I think of how my Savior, From my sin brought me releaseJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When I was lost on the sea of sinJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
When I'm faint from home and kindredJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When I'm through my pilgrim journeyJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When I'm weary with my walk down life's roadJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When in life's battle My weary soul would restJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
When in prayer you call on JesusJohnson Oatman (Author)3
When Israel's hosts were marching across the burning sandRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
When I've sailed the last league on life's oceanJohnson Oatman (Author)English10
When Jesus died on Calvary's treeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
When Jesus died upon the cross, He purchased redemption freeJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English6
When life's breakers dash around youJohnson Oatman (Author)5
When like Peter, I've denied TheeJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
When man by sin was condemned to dieJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
When Martha met Christ, when her brother was deadJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
When mid these scenes no more we roamJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When my barque I shall steer for the heavenly landJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
When my boat I shall anchor over on the golden strandJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
When my Savior came to earthJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When my Savior sends His angelsRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English7
When my ship sails away for the land over the foamJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
When my sky is with clouds overspreadJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When my soul is oppressed, when my heart is distressedJohnson Oatman (Author)English7
When my work on earth is ended (Oatman)Johnson Oatman (Author)2
When night her mantle throws aroundRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
When oft upon life's stormy waveRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
When on earth no more we gather, when this life is overRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
When on the ocean of life so wideJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
When our days on earth are endedRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When our ships have crossed the ocean, and been all around the worldJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English18
When our toil below is endedJohnson Oatman (Author)12
When our warfare here is endedRev. J. Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When our work below is ended and we meet on earth no moreRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When sinks the sun in yonder westJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
When sorrow is pressing my soulRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When storm clouds gather over the wayJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
When storms are sweeping over thy wayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
When storms of life are round me beatingJohnson Oatman, Jr., 1856-1922 (Author)English46
When storms of life are 'round us sweepingJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When the angel trump is soundingJohnson Oatman (Author)7
When the angel trump shall wake usJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When the battle's smoke has cleared awayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When the burden is hard to bearJohnson Oatman (Author)4
When the captive maid had told of a prophet grave and oldJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
When the church enters ZionJohnson Oatman (Author)3
When the clear pearly gates ope for meJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
When the clouds hang heavy over my wayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
When the cross is hard to bearJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
When the darkening twilight gathers over all the leaRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
When the daylight forever has fadedJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
When the fires are brightly burning on the altars hereJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
When the gates of heaven opened years agoJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
When the golden gate swings open to admit the ransomed throngRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
When the harvest is past and the summer is goneRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When the heavens at last roll up like a scrollJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When the King shall come in his gloryJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When the last day shall come and the roll shall be calledJohnson Oatman (Author)4
When the light of God shone inJohnson Oatman (Author)English6
When the Lord passed over EgyptRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English14
When the march of time is over and I reach that mystic shoreJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
When the saints enter Zion on the resurrection dayJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When the sanctifying power of the Lord fell on my soulJohnson Oatman (Author)English7
When the Savior shall call for his saintsRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)3
When the Savior was born on that wonderful nightJohnson Oatman (Author)English6
When the shades of evening gather and the sun has gone to sleepJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
When the shadows fall around usJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
When the shadows hover nearJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When the storm clouds gather above my headJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
When the storm clouds sweep around theeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When the storm-clouds dark rise above meJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When the sun shall turn to darknessJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When the tempests of life sweep around my poor soulJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
When the tempter's coils are round theeJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
When the way is rough before you, don't you know that Jesus knows?Johnson Oatman (Author)English6
When the way looks drearyJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When they crown my Savior over yonderJohnson Oatman (Author)4
When time shall be over and God's children gather homeJohnson Oatman (Author)3
When to my spirit there comes a sweet strainRev. J. Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When to Zion the saints shall return some dayJohnson Oatman (Author)4
When tossed upon some stormy seaJohnson Oatman (Author)8
When trouble oppress you O do not despairRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
When trouble seems to hedge my wayJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
When upon life's billows you are tempest tossedRev. J. Oatman (Author)English268
When upon life's rolling ocean fraught with danger is the tripRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English6
When upon the clouds of heavenRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English50
When upon the hills of glory we shall meet our friends againJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When upon the pilgrim pathwayJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When we all reach our home in that beautiful landJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
When we are weary and by careJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When we are weary with weepingJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When we from yon portals look backwardJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
When we get to the end of our journeyJohnson Oatman (Author)English12
When we hear the trumpet sounding On the resurrection dayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
When we leave earth's shoreJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
When we reach our fair home in that beautiful landJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
When we reach our home in heavenJohnson Oatman (Author)3
When we reach the blest harbor of heavenJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
When within those heavenly mansionsJohnson Oatman (Author)3
When you at the footstool of mercyRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English20
When you reach that homeJohnson Oatman (Author)2
When you stand among the faithful in the army of the KingJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
When your spirit bows in sorrowRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English27
Whene'er my work on earth is doneRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Whenever in God's word you readJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Where are the disciples who walked by Jesus' side?Johnson Oatman (Author)English3
Where my Savior leads me in this changing world belowJohnson Oatman (Author)English5
Where the harvest waves in the ripened fieldJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English5
Wherever I am, both night or dayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Wheresoe'er I may goJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Wheresoever my lot may fallJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Whether scaling some high mountainJohnson Oatman (Author)2
While here in the valley of sinJohnson Oatman (Author)2
While here on life's journey you surely will findJohnson Oatman (Author)2
While I am crossing life's oceanJohnson Oatman (Author)3
While I am praying for grace day by dayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
While I travel here belowJohnson Oatman (Author)3
While I tread life's pilgrim wayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
While I tread this vale of tearsJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
While I'm on the road to the promised landJohnson Oatman (Author)English4
While I'm sailing over life's oceanJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
While I'm toiling now hereJohnson Oatman (Author)2
While musing on God's love one dayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
While nature has her changing seasonsJohnson Oatman (Author)14
While on my journey to that land of endless dayJohnson Oatman (Author)2
While on the road that leads me homeJohnson Oatman (Author)2
While on thy journey, O my soulJohnson Oatman (Author)English9
While passing down time's weary roadJohnson Oatman (Author)2
While pressing on my pilgrim wayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
While pressing toward that cityRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
While sailing over the sea of timeRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
While sailing over the sea of life, I care not for its winds of strifeJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
While the harvest moon is shiningJohnson Oatman (Author)2
While the zephyrs are blowingJohnson Oatman (Author)3
While toiling on life's pilgrim wayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
While tossed by the waves of life's oceanJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
While traveling through this vale of tearsRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English9
While upon the pilgrim's pathway moving toward the promised landRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
While we now dear Lord at Thy altar kneelJohnson Oatman (Author)English6
While your face is toward that city with its wealth of jasper wallsJohnson Oatman (Author)English9
Who can wash a sinner's guilt awayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English6
Who will answer for me, when, life's battles all pastRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English8
Why should I fear whatever befallsJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Will I have a guide at the eventideJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
With all the world before meRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English4
With angels bright to yonder shoreJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
With God's love, from aboveJohnson Oatman (Author)English3
With hands that are bleeding because of your sinJohnson Oatman (Author)4
With hearts attuned with praise we meet againJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
With joy I press on the King's highwayJohnson Oatman (Author)2
With uncovered head we are standing todayRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Within Thy courts, O God of loveJohnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
我今面向高處直登 (Wǒ jīn miànxiàng gāo chù zhídēng)Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Chinese2
Working with Jesus I am a reaperJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
Worthy is the Lamb, the hosts of heaven singJohnson Oatman (Author)English12
Would you be a sunbeam filled with heaven's lightJohnson Oatman (Author)English34
Would you help some brother over life's weary roadEld. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English7
Would you know that peace that floweth like a riverJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Would you lose your load of sin? Go and tell it to JesusJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
無一朋友能像謙卑耶穌 (Wú yī péngyǒu néng xiàng qiānbēi yēsū)Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Chinese2
Würdig ist das Lamm, so singt das HimmelsheerJohnson Oatman (Author)German3
Ye armies of the Lord of HostJohnson Oatman (Author)3
Ye doors lift up your portalsRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English2
Ye pilgrims on a foreign strandRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)English3
Ye soldiers of Jesus, keep pushing aheadJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Ye soldiers of the kingdomJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Ye weary, thirsty, dying soulsJohnson Oatman (Author)2
Ye workers in God's vineyard whatever your calling beJohnson Oatman (Author)English2
യേശുവെ പോൽ വേറെ മിത്രം ഇല്ല (Yēśuve pēāl vēṟe mitraṁ illa)Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)Malayalam2
You are hoping, O my brother, for a better, higher life?Johnson Oatman (Author)English2
You may sing me a song every hour of the dayJohnson Oatman (Author)2
You say that you are saved, dear friendJohnson Oatman (Author)English7
You will live a life of gladnessRev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. (Author)7

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