1 To my Saviour
Now I go,
Crying, “Wash me
White as snow.”
White as snow,
White as snow,
Saviour was me
White as snow.
2 Thou art able
This I know,
Thou canst wash me
White as snow. [Refrain]
3 Saviour from me
Do not go,
Wash me, cleanse me
White as snow. [Refrain]
4 Once Thy life blood
Forth did flow,
That I might be
White as snow. [Refrain]
5 Keep me Saviour
Here below,
Clad in garments
White as snow. [Refrain]
6 Then when I from
Earth shall go,
May my soul be
White as snow. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns of the Kingdom: for use in religious meetings #33