1 God, in his grace, showed me a place
Where life's tempest never more harms;
I have a sweet, precious retreat
In my Saviour's sheltering arms.
Here will I rest, close to his breast,
Where the tempter never alarms;
Here I will stay, folded each day
In my Saviour's sheltering arms.
2 Here I'll abide, close to his side,
Where the cold world never more charms;
For here I find sweet peace of mind,
In my Saviour's sheltering arms. [Chorus]
3 Trust in his care; fowls of the air
Are fed without storehouse or barns;
So there's a store, free evermore,
In my Saviour's sheltering arms. [Chorus]
4 And when I stand on Jordan's strand,
Its waters will cause no alarms,
For I'll be pressed, close to his breast,
In my Saviour's sheltering arms. [Chorus]
Source: Light in the Valley: a new work of great merit for the Sunday school, revivals, Christian Endeavor, Epworth League, young people's society, and all forward movement along the line of battle... #8