1 Trav’ling down life’s pilgrim way,
This my pray’r from day to day;
“Lord let come to me what may,
Only give me blessed Jesus.
Give me Jesus night and day,
Give me Jesus all the way,
I will bear both toil and care;
Only give me blessed Jesus.
2 If mine eyes with tears o’erflow,
When my loved ones from me go,
I can drink my cup of woe,
Only give me blessed Jesus. [Refrain]
3 If the sickle I must wield,
Reaping in some foreign field,
Glad obedience will I yield,
Only give me blessed Jesus. [Refrain]
4 He’s my hope when things go wrong,
He’s my help the whole day long,
He’s my live, my joy, my song,
Only give me blessed Jesus. [Refrain]
5 When my work on earth is done,
When my race below is run,
When I see life’s setting sun,
Only give me blessed Jesus. [Refrain]
Source: Soul Inspiring Songs #23