1 God’s great love so deep and boundless
To my soul He has revealed
I am joined to Him forever
For I’m saved, yes, saved and sealed.
Saved and sealed
For God in heaven,
O what love my Lord hath shown;
I am His, yes, His forever,
Saved and sealed, the Lord’s alone.
2 By His law of love He saved me
And that law is not repealed
And with fire divine He sealed me
Evermore I’m saved and sealed. [Refrain]
3 O, my soul all thy diseases
By the Lord have now been healed.
For I’ve found the loving Jesus
And thro’ Him I’m saved and sealed. [Refrain]
4 I am sure I’ll get to heaven
Since His love my Lord revealed;
Nothing now can separate us,
For His courts I’m saved and sealed. [Refrain]
Source: Soul Inspiring Songs #42