D. W. Whittle

D. W. Whittle
Short Name: D. W. Whittle
Full Name: Whittle, D. W. (Daniel Webster), 1840-1901
Birth Year: 1840
Death Year: 1901

[Also published under the pseudonym El Nathan.]

Whittle, D. W.. Six of his hymns (Nos. 295, 308,363, 385, 386, 417) are given in I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs and Solos, under the signature of "El Nathan."

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Wikipedia Biography

Major Daniel Webster Whittle (November 22, 1840, Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts - March 4, 1901, Northfield, Massachusetts) was a 19th-century American gospel song lyricist, evangelist, and Bible teacher.

Texts by D. W. Whittle (211)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A lamp in the night, a song in time of sorrowD. W. Whittle (Author)English19
A little while, and He shall comeDaniel W. Whittle (Author)English2
Abundant pardon God hath saidD. W. Whittle (Author)English2
"All's clear up aloft," said the captain trueD. W. Whittle (Author)English5
As lives the flower within the seedDaniel Webster Whittle (Author)English2
As softly through the silent hoursDaniel W. Whittle (Author)English2
ආසිරි සෙත් වරුසාවක් (Āsiri set varusāvak)D. W. Whittle (Author)Sinhala2
ആശ്ശിസ്സാം മാരി ഉണ്ടാകും ആനന്ദവഗ്ദത്തമേ (Āśśis'sāṁ māri uṇṭākuṁ ānandavagdattamē)D. W. Whittle (Author)Malayalam2
Awake, awake, O Christian, The battle draweth nearD. W. Whittle (Author)English2
Baraka zake ni nyingiD. W. Whittle (Author)Swahili1
Be careful what you sowE. Nathan (Author)English8
Be near me, O my SaviorD. W. Whittle (Author)English2
Be not deceived; God is not mockedE. Nathan (Author)2
Be still, my heart, thy Savior knows full wellMaj. D. W. Whittle (Author)English3
Be ye strong in the Lord and the power of His might!D. W. Whittle (Author)English6
Behold how plain the truth is madeEl. Nathan (Author)English2
Beyond our sight a city four square liethD. W. Whittle (Author)English5
必賜靈恩有如大雨 (Bì cì líng ēn yǒurú dàyǔ)D. W. Whittle (Author)Chinese2
Благословений потоки (Blahoslovenyy potoky)D. W. Whittle (Author)Russian2
Blessed hope that in Jesus is givenW. W. D. (Author)English4
Blessed Savior, ever nearer, I am drawing to Thy feetEl Nathan (Arranger)English1
Brother, art thou worn and wearyDaniel W. Whittle (Author)English4
Brothers, by the Spirit bandedD. W. Whittle (Author)English2
Burdened souls no longer grieveD. W. Whittle (Author)English1
Called out of darknessD. W. Whittle (Author)2
Christ hath redeemed us, sing the glad wordD. W. Whittle (Author)English3
Christian, so weary and faint on the roadD. W. Whittle (Author)English2
Chuvas de bênçãos teremos, é a promessa de DeusDaniel Webster Whittle (Author)Portuguese2
Come on the wings of the morningD. W. Whittle (Author)English1
Come sing, my soul, and praise the LordD. W. Whittle (Author)English4
Come, souls that are longing for pleasureDaniel W. Whittle (Author)English5
Come weary one, lift up your faceD. W. Whittle (Author)2
Comfort, my people, the Lord hath saidD. W. Whittle (Author)English2
Comme une terre altéréeD. W. Whittle (Author)French2
Complete in Him, O precious word, May we by faith receive itD. W. Whittle (Author)English2
Cristo, do Céu, em breve viráEl Nathan (1840-1901) (Author)Portuguese2
Cristo me ayuda por él a vivirDaniel W. Whittle (Author)Spanish8
Cross of Christ, by which salvationD. W. Whittle (Author)2
Cual faro en el mar, cual plácida armoníaMaj. D. W. Whittle (Author)Spanish3
Cual pendón hermosoDaniel Whittle (Author)Spanish7
ദൈവത്തിൻ പൈതലേ നി-ന്റെ (Daivattin paitalē ni-nṟe)D. W. Whittle (Author)Malayalam2
Der Herr wird noch verachtetDaniel W. Whittle (Author)German1
Dios nos ha dado promesaDaniel W. Whittle (Author)Spanish15
Død med min Jesus, jeg lever i hamD. W. Whittle (Author)Norwegian2
Drawing near with full assuranceD. W. Whittle (Author)English3
Drum seid stark in dem Herrn, in der Stärke seiner MachtDaniel W. Whittle (Author)German2
Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mineD. W. Whittle (Author)English148
En mis angustias me ayuda JesúsDaniel W. Whittle (Author)Spanish2
En todo tiempo, mi buen SalvadorDaniel W. Whittle, 1840-1901 (Author)Spanish4
Entends-tu? Jésus t’appelleD. W. Whittle (Author)French2
"Erlöst," "erlöst!" O jauchzt das große WortDaniel W. Whittle (Author)German1
Es werden Ströme des SegensDaniel W. Whittle (Author)German1
Ett baner ett kungligtD. W. Whittle (Author)2
Fierce and wild the storm is ragingW. W. D. (Author)English21
For God so loved, O wondrous themeDaniel W. Whittle ("El Nathan") (Author)English7
God bless you, from the heart we singEl Nathan (Author)English2
God is now willing, in Christ reconciledD. W. Whittle (Author)English1
God lives, can I despairD. W. W. (Author (Chorus))English2
Going forth at Christ's commandMaj. D. W. Whittle (El Nathan) (Author)English5
Guide me, O Thou great JehovahW. W. D. (Author)English1
Hast du keinen Raum für Jesum?D. W. Whittle (Author)German3
Have faith in God, what can there beD. W. Whittle (Author)English6
Have you any room for Jesus, He who bore your load of sin?Daniel W. Whittle (Adapter)English63
Have you any room for Jesus, When we gather shall we sayD. W. Whittle (Author)English1
He stands, the King of glory, He pleads, o heart, with theeD. W. Whittle (Author)English3
Heavenly Father we Thy children, Gathered round our risen LordEl Nathan (Author)English10
هل تخلي لذا الكريمD. W. Whittle (Adapter)Arabic1
هل تركت للمسيحD. W. Whittle (Author)Arabic1
Ho, my comrades! see the signal, Waving in the sky!Maj. D. W. Whittle ()English1
How do I know my sins forgiven?Daniel W. Whittle (Author)English3
How sweet the joy that fills my soulDaniel W. Whittle (Author)English3
How sweet the word of Christ the LordW. W. D. (Author)English4
I believed in God's wonderful mercy and graceDaniel W. Whittle (Arranger)English4
I have a faith in Christ my Lord, That will not yield to fearD. W. Whittle (Author)English6
I have need of salvation from sinD. W. Whittle (Author)English1
I have nothing to do with tomorrowD. W. Whittle (Author)English8
I know not why God's wondrous grace To me He hath made knownD. W. Whittle (Author)English194
I looked to Jesus in my sinD. W. Whittle (Author)English3
I thirst, I thirst, the Savior saidDaniel W. Whittle (Author)English2
I will praise the Lord my gloryDaniel W. Whittle (Author)English4
Ich weiß nicht, wann mein Herr erscheintD. W. Whittle (Author)German1
Ich weiß nicht, warum Gottes Gnad'D. W. Whittle (Author)German2
In grace the holy GodD. W. Whittle (Author)English9
I've found the life of truest joyMaj. D. W. Whittle (Author)English5
Jesus is coming, sing the glad wordD. W. Whittle (Author)English9
Jesus of Nazareth, O what a nameEl Nathan (Author)English4
基督同死,祂死算我死;與基督同起,我有祂生命 (Jīdū tóng sǐ, tā sǐ suàn wǒ sǐ; yǔ jīdū tóng qǐ, wǒ yǒu tā shēngmìng)Daniel W. Whittle (Author)Chinese2
Joy! O joy! Behold the Savior (Chorus)D. W. Whittle (Author)English1
Kommt und singt von der Liebe des Herrn!D. W. Whittle (Author)German1
Korsfäst med Kristus, ej mer lefver jagD. W. Whittle (Author)2
Let the message go forthD. W. Whittle (Author)English2
Let us sing of the love of the LordDaniel Webster Whittle (Author)English2
Life once was a mystery awful to meMaj. D. W. Whittle (Author)English4
"Look unto me, and be ye saved" O hear the blest commandDaniel Webster Whittle (Author)English4
Lord, teach us how to pray, Inspire and strengthen faithD. W. Whittle (Author)English3
Mächtig tobt des Sturmes BrausenD. W. Whittle (Author)German4
Mächtige Ströme des SegensE. Nathan (Author)German4
Mit Jesu gestorben im Tode seinDaniel W. Whittle (Author)German1
More and more the weight of glory, For our light afflictions hereDaniel W. Whittle (Author)English3
Much of my life, Lord, seems to meMaj. D. W. Whittle (Author)English4
Na Iesu no i haawi maiEl Nathan (D. W. Whittle), 1840-1901 (Author)Hawaiian2
Não sei por que de Deus o amorD. W. Whittle (Author)Portuguese2
Não sou meu. Por Cristo salvo,D. W. Whittle (Author)Portuguese2
Не знаю, почему открыт (Ne znayu, pochemu otkryt)D. W. Whittle (Author)Russian2
Neither do I condemn thee, O words of wondrous graceEl. Nathan (Author)English3
你心有空處為主嗎?(Nǐ xīn yǒu kòng chù wéi zhǔ ma?)D. W. Whittle (Author)Chinese2
No more the curse, O Christ, we praise TheeMaj. D. W. Whittle (Author)English9
No se por que la gracia del Señor A mí un día me alcanzó,Daniel W. Whittle (Author)Spanish3
No sé por qué la gracia del Señor Me hizo conocerDaniel W. Whittle (Author)Spanish4
Noch einmal beut [gibt] mir Jesus gnädiglichDaniel W. Whittle (Author)German1
Not my own, but saved by JesusDaniel Webster Whittle (Author)English5
Not now but in the coming yearsD. W. Whittle (Author)English2
Nu ai tu loc în înimăD. W. Whittle (Author)Romanian2
Nuk di, pse Zoti mirësinëD. W. Whittle (Author)Albanian2
O Bruder, noch so Freudenleer?D. W. Whittle (Author)German1
O ein glorreich Banner träget jedermannD. W. Wittle (Author)German3
O glorious morn, when the Savior awokeW. W. D. (Author)English3
O joyful life, to live for GodDaniel W. Whittle (Author)English2
O seid stark in dem Herrn, die ihr stehet für das RechtDaniel W. Whittle (Author)German1
O sweet and blessed secretD. W. Whittle (Author)English1
O tender beseechings of JesusD. W. Whittle (Author)English2
O what is whiter than the snowD. W. Whittle (Author)English1
O what shall I do to be saved? The gathering storm I beholdD. W. Whittle (Author)English2
Oft within a little cottageD. W. Whittle (Author)English4
Oh alma mía, a tu SeñorDaniel Whittle (Author)Spanish2
O, day of awful story, Jesus is dead!D. W. Whittle (Author)English14
Oh frate, ce eşti aşa trist?D. W. Whittle (Author)Romanian2
O precious heavenly knowledgeD. W. Whittle (Author)English3
Ojo ibukun y’o si ro!D. W. Whittle (Author)Yoruba2
Once again the gospel messageDaniel Webster Whittle (Author)English5
Once far from God and dead in sinEl Nathan (Author)English37
Once more, my soul, thy Savior through the WordDaniel Webster Whittle (Author)English4
Once more we come, God's word to hearD. W. Whittle (Author)English4
One as much as anotherD. W. Whittle (Author)English1
Our hearts are filled with joy todayDaniel Webster Whittle (Author)English2
Our Lord is now rejectedDaniel W Whittle (Author)English28
Our way is often ruggedDaniel Webster Whittle (Author)English2
Over fields that are white for the harvestD. W. Whittle (Author)English3
¡Padre amante, hoy tus hijosD. W. Whittle (Author)Spanish2
Pecador, Jesus te llamaDavid W. Whittle, 1840-1901 (Adapter)Spanish2
Praise, O praise Jehovah, earth and seaD. W. Whittle (Author)3
Preach the gospel, sound it forthEl. Nathan (Author)English4
Preist mit mir den Gott der StärkeD. W. Whittle (Author)German1
Raha mangoraka ny foD. W. J. Whittle (Author)Malagasy2
Redeemed by Christ who died for meD. W. Whittle (Author)English1
Redeemed, redeemed, O sing the joyful strainD. W. Whittle (Author)English12
Regen des Segens soll fallenD. W. Whittle (Author)German1
Rejoice, my soul, the trumpet soundsD. W. Whittle (Author)English3
Ring out the word from Christ the LordD. W. Whittle (Author)English2
Ruin by sin and redemption by bloodW. Whittle (Author)English2
Sadly from the field of conflictD. W. Whittle (Author)English4
Se nós quisermos vida ter, BusquemosD. W. Whittle (Author)Portuguese2
Seele, da wir für dich flehenD. W. Whittle (Author)German2
Sende uns Ströme voll SegenD. W. Whittle (Author)German1
Sendo remido por Cristo na cruzD. W. Whittle (Author)Portuguese2
Sijui sababu ya neema D. W. Whittle (Author)Swahili1
Sin no more, thy soul is freeEl Nathan (Arranger)English2
Sitting by the gateway of a palace fairEl Nathan (Author)English3
Skurar af nåd skola fallaD. W. Whittle (Author)Swedish1
Skurar af nad vill jag s'ndaD. W. Whittle (Author)3
Skurar av nåd, må de fallaDaniel W. Whittle (Author)1
"So verdamm' ich dich auch nicht"D. W. Whittle (Author)German1
Sons of God, beloved in JesusD. W. Whittle (Author)English17
Soul of mine, in earthly templeEl Nathan (Author)English14
Spirit so holy, Spirit of loveD. W. Whittle (Author)English6
Stand still, and trust his mightMajor D. W. Whittle (Author)English1
Stretch forth thy hand, thy palsied handEl Nathan (Author)English2
سوف تهمي البركاتD. W. Whittle (Author)Arabic1
The call of God is sounding clear, O ChristianEl Nathan (Author)English2
The church of God is comeD. W. Whittle (Author)2
The Church of God is oneD. W. Whittle (Author)English3
The darkness is passed and the true light is shiningMaj. D. W. Whittle (Author)English2
The Holy Ghost is here, The promise is fulfilledD. W. Whittle (Author)English1
The living God, who by his mightD. W. Whittle (Author)English2
The Master is come and is calling for theeD. W. Whittle (Author)English3
The night is long and drearyDaniel Webster Whittle (Alterer)English1
The storm is high but at the helmD. W. Whittle (Author)English2
The word of God is givenDaniel Webster Whittle (Author)English2
There is never a soul so sinfulD. W. Whittle (Author)English1
There shall be showers of blessing: This is the promise of loveEl Nathan (Author)English186
There's a beautiful world aboveD. W. Whittle (Author)2
There's a glorious kingdom waiting in the land beyond the skyD. W. Whittle (Author)English5
There's a land where God his love delights to showD. W. Whittle (Author)English1
There's a royal banner given for displayD. W. Whittle (Author)English107
They tell me the story of Jesus is oldD. W. Whittle (Author)English22
Thou remainest, blest RedeemerD. W. Whittle (El Nathan) (Author)English7
To Him who for our sins was slainD. W. Whittle (Author)English1
Two gates, two ways, two paths for allD. W. Whittle (Author)English1
Ua haawi ia he bana nani eEl Nathan (D. W. Whittle), 1840-1901 (Author)Hawaiian2
Unser Vater, Deine KinderDaniel W. Whittle (Author)German1
Unter Jesu Banner, kämpfend für den HerrnD. W. Whittle (Author)German1
Var Jesus nu foerkastas, Ty 'n hanD. W. Whittle (Author)2
Vil for Synd du Naade faaD. W. Whittle (Author)1
Vild og heftig Stormen raserW. W. D. (Author)2
Was ich nun lebe, das leb' ich dem HerrnD. W. Whittle (Author)German2
Watch and pray, when Satan tempts theeDaniel W. Whittle (Author)English2
We praise Thee and bless TheeD. W. Whittle (Author)English2
We thank Thee, Lord, for pilgrim daysMaj. D. W. Whittle (Author)English2
We're soldiers of the King, Redeemed and saved by bloodMaj. D. W. Whittle (Author)English11
When God the way of life would teachEl Nathan (Author)English7
When my heart with sin was burdened, And I wandered far from GodD. W. Whittle (Author)English1
While we pray and while we pleadD. W. Whittle (Author)English118
Who came down from heaven to earthDaniel W. Whittle (Author)English3
Wild und grimmig tobt das WetterD. W. Whittle (Author)German2
Willst du werden sündenrein?Daniel W. Whittle (Author)German1
Within our mighty FortressW. W. D. (Author)English2
我真不知神的奇恩 (Wǒ zhēn bùzhī shén de qí ēn)D. W. Whittle (Author)Chinese2
Would we be joyful in the LordDaniel W. Whittle (Author)English6
Would you lose your load of sin, Fix your eyes upon JesusW. W. D. (Author)English20
Ye shall know, O word of blessingD. W. Whittle (Author)English1
യേശുവോടൊപ്പം ഞാൻ മരിച്ചീടാൻ (Yēśuvēāṭeāppaṁ ñān mariccīṭān)D. W. Whittle (Author)Malayalam2

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