1 “Ye shall know;” O word of blessing!
When the Christ we are possessing,
Then the Spirit makes it known,
“In the Father” Christ is shown.
At that day ye shall know
That I am in my Father, and ye in me,
That I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.
2 Seeing Jesus in the Father,
Then we know that we together,
By the Spirit, are made one
With the Father and the Son. [Refrain]
3 Knowing thus our place in Heaven,
All by grace in Jesus given,
Then the Spirit this imparts:
Jesus dwells within our hearts. [Refrain]
4 Now while He, the Holy Spirit,
Comes to teach what we inherit,
Let us seek this day to know
What the Spirit came to show. [Refrain]
Source: Sacred Songs No. 1: compiled and arranged for use in gospel meetings, Sunday schools, prayer meetings and other religious services #57