1 How sweet the joy that fills my soul,
Christ is my Redeemer;
His precious blood has made me whole,
Christ is my Redeemer;
My sins were all upon Him laid,
A full atonement He hath made,
For me He hath the ransom paid;
Christ is my Redeemer.
2 Tho’ Satan oft my way oppose,
Christ is my Redeemer;
With this I boldly meet my foes,
Christ is my Redeemer;
’Twas this that gave me life and light,
’Tis this that nerves me for the fight,
’Tis this my hope that shines so bright;
Christ is my Redeemer.
3 When trials come I still confess,
Christ is my Redeemer;
He gives me grace each care to bless,
Christ is my Redeemer;
He guides and keeps me day by day,
He closer comes when dark the way,
He doth with this my fears allay;
Christ is my Redeemer.
4 The victory by this I gain,
Christ is my Redeemer;
By this I break sin’s galling chain,
Christ is my Redeemer;
And if He tarry and I sleep,
My dying hour this hope shall keep,
That when He comes the grave to reap,
Christ is my Redeemer.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #10830