Aldrig er jeg uden Vaade | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Alle I, som eder vende | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Alle Ting er underlige | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Arise, my soul, awake from sleep | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | | 2 |
Be present at our table, Lord | Thomas Kingo, 1634-1703 (Author (sts. 2-3)) | English | 1 |
Bin ich niemals ohne Schmerzen | Thomas Kingo (Translator) | German | 2 |
Bort Sorg og Klag' | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Come, Holy Spirit, Truth divine | Thomas Kingo (Author) | English | 3 |
Dagen snart er runden hen | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 2 |
Dearest Jesus, draw Thou near me | Thomas Kingo (Author) | English | 9 |
Den Naade, Gud har os beted | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 2 |
Den Naade, Gud os haver ted | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Den naade, som Gud haver gjort | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Den Nat, da Jesus blev forraadt | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 3 |
Den onde Aand | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 1 |
Den Raud og Trengsla, som eg lid | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Nynorsk | 2 |
Den rette Dyders Moder | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Den Vei, der ind til Jesum gaar | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Der Døden slog Herodes ned | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Det mulner mod den mørke Nat | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 1 |
Det runde Himlens Stjerne-Telt | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 3 |
Din Kirke, Herre, lad bestaa | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 2 |
Eg Syn og Hjarta lysta maa | Kingo (Author) | Nynorsk | 2 |
Eia, hvor vel | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
En mi corazón escribe | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Spanish | 2 |
Enhver, som tror og bliver døbt | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Er skibet nu Og folk i fare stedt | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Ever is a peril near me | Thomas Kingo (Author) | English | 5 |
Ever trouble walks beside me | Thomas Hansen Kingo (Author) | | 2 |
Far, verden, far vel | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 2 |
Følg Jesus med! | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Fra Fristelser og Satans Stød | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Fra Himmelen hid til os ned | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Fryd dig i Guds behag | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 2 |
Gak Sorg og Klag' | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 1 |
Gak under Jesu Kors at staa | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | | 5 |
Gid jeg, o Jesus, følger dig | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Giv, helligste Treenighed | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 6 |
Giv, o Gud, jeg aldrig glemmer | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Give Gud i Himmerige | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Gud Faders Navn og Ære | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Guds Naade og Aarvaagenhed | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Hav tak, o Gud, vor skabermand | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 6 |
He that believes and is baptized | Thomas Hansen Kingo (1634-1703) (Author) | English | 3 |
All who believe and are baptized | T. Kingo (Author) | English | 32 |
Helligste Treenighed | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Hører till I høie Himle | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Hører, Verdens, Øer, hører! | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 2 |
How fair the Church of Christ shall stand | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | English | 8 |
Hvad er det for en Snekka | Kingo (Author) | Norwegain | 5 |
Hvor deilig skal Guds Kirke staa | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 6 |
Hvor gaar du hen | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 3 |
Hvor lifligt er det dog at gaa | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Hvor saligt var det Ægte-Par | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Hvor stor er dog den glæde | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Hvor tryg en Vei | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Hvordan end Pilatus hinked | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 2 |
I come invited by Thy word | Thomas Kingo (Author) | English | 4 |
I Kristne, I, som kaldes vil | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
I Kristne, I, som træde | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
I pray Thee, dear Lord Jesus | T. H. Kingo, 1634-1703 (Author) | English | 8 |
I thank thee, God, Creator blest | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | | 2 |
Ingen Høihed, ingen Ære | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Jeg glæder mig | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 3 |
Jeg løfter Sjæl og Øie op | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 3 |
Jereo ny Mpamonjy, izay miakatra | Th. Kingo (Author) | Malagasy | 2 |
Jesus dør, og Jorden ryster | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Jesus går den tunga stråten | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Swedish | 2 |
Jesus giv mig Graad og Sukke | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Jesus, O my King and Savior | Kingo (Author) | English | 3 |
Jesus som skal Verden dømme | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Klar op, mit hjerte, sjæl og sind | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Kom, Talsmand, kom | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 1 |
Kommer, I som vil ledsage | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Kor fager skal Guds Kyrkja staa | Kingo (Author) | Nynorsk | 2 |
Lad andre hen i Trældom gaa | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Længe haver Satan spundet | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Like the golden sun ascending, In the darkly clouded sky | Thomas Kingo, 1634-1703 (Author) | English | 2 |
Like the golden sun ascending, Breaking through the gloom of night | Thomas Kingo (Author) | English | 10 |
Lord Jesus Christ, receive me now | Thomas Hansen Kingo (Author) | | 3 |
Lov og Tak og evig Aere | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Luk Øine op, o Kristenhed | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Lys opp og klaarna, Saal og Sinn! | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Nynorsk | 2 |
Mba soraty ao am-poko | T. Kingo (Author) | Malagasy | 2 |
Med sorg hver Dag vi ser | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Mig lyster nu at træde | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | English | 5 |
Mig tjener alle Ting til Gavn | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Min Jesus, du min Sjæletrøst | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Min sjæl og aand opmuntre dig | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 6 |
Min Sjæl om du vil nogen Tid | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Min Sjæl, vær lystig, glad og fro | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Min sol, min lyst, min glæde | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Mørket skjuler Jorderige | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
No kjem det Bod fraa Englekor | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Nynorsk | 2 |
No lid det nær til Kvitsunfest | Kingo (Author) | Nynorsk | 2 |
Now sin, with reign unbroken | Thomas Kingo (Author) | English | 3 |
Nu bør ei synden mere | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Nu kommer bud fra englekor | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Nu kommer vaar og salig velstand snart | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Nu Mørket Jorden blinder | Thomas Kingo (Author (attributed to)) | Norwegian | 1 |
Nu nærmer sig vor pinsefest | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Nu rinder solen op | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Nu skall ej synden mera | Th. Kingo, d. 1703 (Author) | Swedish | 2 |
Nu veed jeg vei til himmerig | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Ny Pentekosta tonga izao | Th. Kingo (Author) | Malagasy | 2 |
O Ægtestand | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
O dearest Lord, receive from me | Thomas Kingo (Author) | English | 5 |
O Gud, hvor jammerlig | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
O Gud, hvor stor og priselig | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
O herre Gud din lære | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
O i forældre, ser dog paa | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
O Jesu, som Udi Landflygtighed | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
O Jesus, at Your altar now | Thomas Hansen Kingo (Author) | English | 2 |
O Jesus, blessed Lord, to Thee | Thomas Kingo (Author) | English | 20 |
O Jesus, bliv | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | | 2 |
O Jesus, dearest Lord, to Thee | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | English | 4 |
O Jesus, du al Naadens Væld | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
O Jesus, gaar du da din vei | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
O Jesus, gid du vilde | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 2 |
O Jesus, I beseech thee | Thomas Hansen Kingo (Author) | | 2 |
O Jesus, jeg maa klage mig | Thomas Hansen Kingo (Author) | | 2 |
O Jesu, kindly Lord, to thee | Thomas H. Kingo, 1634-1703 (Author) | English | 3 |
O Jesus, naar jeg tænker paa | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
O Jesus, paa din alterfod | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
O Jesus, præst i evighed | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
O Jesus, søde Jesus, dig | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
O Jesus, verdens frelsermand | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
O Jesu vogt mit Hjerte saa | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
O kjære Sjæl, frygt aldrig mer | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
O kjære sjæl, luk op din mund | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
O kjæreste sjæl, op at vaage | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
O let this day remind you | Thomas Hansen Kingo (Author) | | 2 |
O mer end sterke Høvedsmand | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
O Sjæle-hyrde, Gud og mand | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
O søde Gud, din kjærlighed | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
O søde Jesus, lad din Aand | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 2 |
O store Gud, din kjærlighed | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
O Vingaardsmand | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
O come and stand beneath the cross, And hear what Jesus speaks to us | Thomas Kingo (Author) | English | 3 |
O kjære sjæl, fald ydmyg ned | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
On my heart imprint Thine image | Thomas H. Kingo, 1634-1703 (Author) | English | 20 |
Op, glædes alle, glædes nu | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Op hjerte, hu, op sjæl og sind | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Op, sjæl, bryd søvnen af | Kingo (Author) | | 5 |
Ory sady mitomany | T. Kingo (Author) | Malagasy | 2 |
Our table now with food is spread | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | English | 9 |
Over Kedron Jesus træder | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Over Kedron Jesus treadeth | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | English | 14 |
Over Kedron Jesus passes | Thomas Kingo, 1634-1703 (Author) | | 2 |
Paa Bjerget, har nu Jesus endt | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Paa hans Kors Pilatus skriver | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Pengene, som Judas slængte | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Praise and thanks and adoration | Thomas H. Kingo, 1634-1703 (Author) | English | 4 |
Praise to Thee and adoration | T. H. Kingo, 1634-1703 (Author) | English | 14 |
Praise to you and adoration | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | English | 2 |
Print thine image pure and holy | Thomas Kingo, 1634-1703 (Author) | English | 5 |
Quien cree y bautizado es | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Spanish | 5 |
Rettens Spir det er alt brækket | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Rind nu op i Jesu navn | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Ry Jeso Tompo, Hianao | T. Kingo (Author) | Malagasy | 2 |
Ry Tompo o! Tsinjovinao | T. Kingo (Author) | Malagasy | 2 |
Saa faar og god | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 2 |
Saa from og god | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Saa skal dog Satans rige | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Se hvor Jesus allevegne | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Se, hvor nu Jesus træder | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Seal my heart with Thine impressure | Thomas Hansen Kingo (Author) | English | 3 |
Sjaa, no vil Jesus draga | Kingo (Author) | Nynorsk | 2 |
Skriv dig, Jesus, paa mit hjerte | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 3 |
Søde Jesus, Festens Fyrste | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Søde Jesus, glædens kilde | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Søde Jesus, kom at røre | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Søde Synd, du Vellyst-Engel | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Softly now the day is ending | Thomas Kingo, 1634-1703 (Author) | English | 5 |
Som den gyldne Sol frembryder | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Som den gyllne Sol kann brjota | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Nynorsk | 2 |
Sorgen og Glæden de vandre tilhobe | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Sorrig og Glæde de vandrer tilhobe | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 2 |
Sover I, hvor kan I sove | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Store Gud og Frelsermand | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Tag nu o Herre, nøie vare | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Thanks to Thee, O Christ, victorious! | Thomas Hansen Kingo (Author) | English | 2 |
The day of Pentecost draws nigh | Thomas Kingo, 1634-1703 (Author) | | 2 |
The kingdom Satan founded | T. H. Kingo, 1634-1703 (Author) | English | 3 |
The power of sin no longer | T. H. Kingo, 1634-1703 (Author) | English | 3 |
The sun arises now | Thomas Kingo (Author) | English | 8 |
The way that unto Jesus leads | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | English | 3 |
Thee, holy Trinity, we pray | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | | 2 |
There came a message from the sky | Thomas Kingo (Author) | English | 4 |
This night that Jesus was betrayed | Thomas Hansen Kingo (Author) | | 2 |
Thy love, O gracious God and Lord | Thomas Kingo (Author) | English | 3 |
Til Herrens Bord i Jesu Navn | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 3 |
Til Hvile Solen gaar | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 2 |
To you, O kindly Jesus Christ | Thomas Kingo (Author) | | 2 |
Trods Kors og Død | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Upp, gledjest alle, gledjest no | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Nynorsk | 2 |
Vaagn op, min sjæl, thi stunden er | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Vaagn op, og slaa paa dine strenge | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Vær trøstig, Zion, Jesu Brud | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Vain world, fare thee well | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | | 4 |
Vanish now all sinful dreaming | Thomas Hansen Kingo (Author) | | 2 |
Velkommen hid I Jesu søde Navn | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 4 |
Vi med Forundring daglig maa | Thomas Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 3 |
Vil dog himlen intet tale | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Vor disk og dug er alt bered | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 6 |
Vor Gud er idel kjærlighed | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
Vort Maaltid vi da slutte nu | Kingo (Author) | Norwegian | 5 |
What vessel is that passing | Thomas H. Kingo (Author) | | 3 |
Whoso believes and is baptized | Thomas Kingo, 1634-1703 (Author) | | 2 |