1 The sun arises now
With rays most tender,
It paints the mountain brow
With rosy splendor.
In faith, my soul,
now lift your voice in singing
To God, your gladness show,
Your hearts with joy aglow
And praises ringing.
2 Like countless grains of sand
Beyond all measure,
And wide as sea and land
Is Heaven's treasure
Of grace, which God anew
each day will give us,
For like a gentle rain,
Our lives of sinful stain
Each morning bathes us.
3 God has throughout the night
My bed surrounded
With angel hosts of light
And pow'r unbounded;
So I in calm did rest
in peaceful slumber
Until from deep repose
The light again arose
From darkness somber.
4 Lord, keep my soul today
From sin and blindness;
Surround me on my way
With loving-kindness
And fill my heart, O God,
with joy from heaven;
I then can ask no more.
My future is secure,
By Wisdom given.
5 Lord, You know best my needs,
My pains You're sharing;
Your Word and grace now feeds
The lamb You're bearing.
What more could I desire
with You deciding
The course which I now take?
I follow in the wake
Where You are guiding!
Source: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary #83