N. F. S. Grundtvig

N. F. S. Grundtvig
NFS Grundtvig
Short Name: N. F. S. Grundtvig
Full Name: Grundtvig, N. F. S. (Nicolai Frederik Severin), 1783-1872
Birth Year: 1783
Death Year: 1872

Nicolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig was the son of a pastor, and was born at Udby, in Seeland, in 1783. He studied in the University of Copenhagen from 1800-1805; and, like some other eminent men, did not greatly distinguish himself; his mind was too active and his imagination too versatile to bear the restraint of the academic course. After leaving the university he took to teaching; first in Langeland, then (1808) in Copenhagen. Here he devoted his attention to poetry, literature, and Northern antiquities. In 1810 he became assistant to his father in a parish in Jutland. The sermon he preached at his ordination, on the subject "Why has the Lord's word disappeared from His house," attracted much attention, which is rarely the case with "probationers'" sermons. On his father's death, in 1813, he returned to Copenhagen, and for eight years devoted himself mainly to literature. The poetry, both secular and religious, that he produced, drew from a friend the remark that "Kingo's harp had been strung afresh." In 1821 King Frederik vi. appointed him pastor of Prasloe, a parish in Seeland, from which he was the next year removed to Copenhagen, and made chaplain of St. Saviour's church in Christianshavn. From the time of his ordination he had been deeply impressed with Evangelical church sentiments, in opposition to the fashionable Rationalism and Erastianism of the day; and adhered to the anti-rationalist teaching of Hauge, whose death at this time (1824) seemed to be a call to Grundtvig to lift up his voice. An opportunity soon presented itself; Professor Clausen brought out a book entitled Katholicismens og Protestantismens Forfatning, Ldre, og Ritus ("The condition, teaching, and ritual of Catholicism and Protestantism"). This book was replete with the Erastian Rationalism which was so especially distasteful to Grundtvig, who forthwith, in his Kirkens Gjenmsele ("The Church's Reply," 1825), strongly opposed its teaching, and laid down truer principles of Christian belief, and sounder views of the nature of the Church. This caused a sensation: Grandtvig (who had not spared his opponent) was fined 100 rixdollars, and the songs and hymns which he had written for the coming celebration of the tenth centenary of Northern Christianity were forbidden to be used. On this he resigned his post at St. Saviour's, or rather was forced to quit it by a sentence of suspension which was pronounced in 1826, and under which he was kept for 13 years. He took the opportunity of visiting England in 1829, 30, and 31, and consulting its libraries, mainly with a view to a further insight into Northern antiquities, and to help his studies in the early English tongue. His edition of Cynewulfs beautiful poem of the Phenix from the Codex Exoniensis, the Anglo-Saxon (so-called) text, with a preface in Danish, and a fri Fordanskning (free rendering in Danish), published in 1840*, is a result of this journey and enforced leisure. Tired of his long silence, his numerous friends and admirers proposed to erect a church for him, and form themselves into an independent congregation, but this was not permitted. He was allowed, however, to hold an afternoon service in the German church at Christianshavn. There ho preached for eight years, and compiled and wrote his hymn-book, Sang-Vdrk til den Danske Kirkce ("Song-work for the Danish Church"). He still worked on towards his object of raising the Christian body to which ho belonged from the condition of a mere slate establishment to the dignity of a gospel-teaching national church. In 1839 (the year of the death of King Frederik vr., and the accession of his cousin Chrisliem vni.) the suspension was removed, and he was appointed chaplain of the hospital Vartou, a position which he held till his death. In 1863 the king (Frederik vn.) conferred on him the honorary title of bishop. The good old man died suddenly, in his 89th year, on Sept. 2, 1872, having officiated the day before. As Kingo is the poet of Easter, and Brorson of Christmas, so Grundtvig is spoken of as the poet of Whitsuntide.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology,, p. 1001 (1907)

Wikipedia Biography

Nikolaj Frederik Severin Grundtvig (Danish: [ˈne̝koˌlɑjˀ ˈfʁeðˀˌʁek ˈse̝vəˌʁiˀn ˈkʁɔntvi]; 8 September 1783 – 2 September 1872), most often referred to as N. F. S. Grundtvig, was a Danish pastor, author, poet, philosopher, historian, teacher and politician. He was one of the most influential people in Danish history, as his philosophy gave rise to a new form of nationalism in the last half of the 19th century. It was steeped in the national literature and supported by deep spirituality.

Texts by N. F. S. Grundtvig (149)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A Babe is born in Bethlehem, In Bethlehem (Krauth)Nikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English1
A babe is born in Bethlehem, Bethlehem (Aaberg)N. F. S. Grundtvig (Translator (from Latin))English9
A life together in love and trothNikolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig, 1783-1872 (Author)English4
A little child so fair and brightN. F. S. Grundtvig (Translator (Danish))English4
Aa lat din Ande med oss veraN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Nynorsk2
Abide among us, we implore TheeN. F. S. Grudtvig (Author)English5
Al den ganske KristenhedGrundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
All that which soars in upward flightNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English2
All ye who like the birds can soarN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English4
An ancient dwelling is the churchNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)2
Apostlerne sad i JerusalemN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
Arisen is my Savior blestNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English2
As after the water brooks pantethNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English10
As the rose shall blossom hereNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English2
At sige verden ret farvelGrundtvig (Author)5
Be welcome again, God's angels brightNikolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig, 1783-1872 (Author)English4
Blessed were the eyes that trulyN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English4
Blossom as a rose shall hereN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English3
Bright and glorious is the skyNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English12
Built on a rock the church of GodNikolai Frederick Severin Grundtvig, 1783-1872 (Author)English2
Built on the Rock, the Church shall standNicolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English75
Childhood days of joy and gladnessNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)2
Chime on, ye church bellsNikolai F. S. Gruntvig (Author)3
Christmas with gladness soundsNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)3
Come unto me, saith God's own SonGeorg Grüenwald (Author)English1
Come, Zion, and sing to the Father aboveNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)3
Cradling children in his armN. F. S. Grudtvig (Author)English4
Deilig er din Himmel blaaNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
Dejlig er den himmel blåNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Danish2
Den Ædelsten saa rosenrødGrundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
Den sidste Skilnad er vel saarGrundtvig (Author)Nynorsk2
Den signede Dag, som vi nu ser, Med Blide til os opkommeNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Norwegian6
Det kimer nu til JulefestNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Norwegian1
Det lakker nu ad Aften bratN. F. S. Grundtvig (Translator)Norwegian3
Det største Under her paa JordGrundtvig (Author)Nynorsk2
Domo malnova estas ĝi, nia preĝejo sur teroNikolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig (Author)Esperanto1
Du, som gaar udN. F. S. Grundtvig (Translator)Norwegian3
Easter morrow stills our sorrowNicolai F.S. Grundtvig, 1783-1872 (Author)English4
Et barn er født i BetlehemNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Norwegian3
Fair beyond telling, Lord, is Thy dwellingNikolai Frederick Severin Grundtvig, 1783-1872 (Author)English5
Firme en la roca eterna y fielNikolai F. S. Grundtvig, 1783-1872 (Author)Spanish2
Følger med til UrtegaardenNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
For dig, o Herre, som Dage kunGrundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
Founded our Lord has upon earth a realm of the SpiritNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)2
Fraa Himmelen Guds Ande forN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Nynorsk2
Fred til Bod for bittert SavnGrundtvig (Author)Norwegian5
From death, Christ, on the Sabbath mornNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)2
From the graves remove dark crossesN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English4
Fyr deg, vaar Herre, Aartusund erGrundtvig (Author)Nynorsk2
Give Gud, jeg efterhaandenGrundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
Gladly we lift our sightNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)2
God's little child, what troubles theeNikolai Frederick Severin Grundtvig, 1783-1872 (Author)English4
God's word is our great heritageNikolai F. S. Grundtvig, 1783-1872 (Author)English23
Golden light, serene and brightNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English6
Gud Helligaand, opfyld med lystNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Norwegian5
Guds Engle sang i StjernetalGrundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
Guds Ord det er vaar Fedra-ArvGrundtvig (Author)Nynorsk2
Guds Ord det er vort AarvegodsNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Norwegian6
Hail Thee, Savior and Atoner!Nikolai Frederick Severin Grundtvig, 1783-1872 (Author)English6
Hallowed church bell, not for earthly centersN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English4
Han, som har hjulpet hidindtilNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)1
Hast to the plow thou put thy handN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English5
He who has helped me hithertoN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English4
Her ei ties, her indviesGrundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
Her mødes alle VeieNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
Herre, hvor skal vi gaa henGrundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
Herre, kvar skal me vel avGrundtvig (Author)Nynorsk2
Himlene, Herre, fortælle din ÆreGrundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
Holy Ghost, our IntercederN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English4
Holy Spirit, come, we pray, Shed from heaven thine inward rayNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English1
Holy Spirit, come with lightN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English5
Holy Spirit, still our sorrowN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English3
I Dag paa apostolisk VisGrundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
I know a flower so fair and fineNicolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English3
Jesus i det Høie thronerNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Norwegian3
Jesus, the name without compareN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English4
Kimer, I Klokker, ja kimer før Dag u det Dunkle!Grundtvig (Author)Norwegian6
Kirken den er et gammelt husNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Norwegian7
Kjærlighed er lysets kildeGrundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
Kommer hid kun med de SmaaGrundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
Krist stod op af Døde I Paaske-Morgen-røde!Grundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
Krist stod upp av Daude N. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Nynorsk2
Kvinde, se din Tro er storGrundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
Kvinna, sjaa di Tru er storN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Nynorsk2
Lift up thy head, O ChristendomN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English4
Like dew upon the meadowNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)3
Lo, the Lord extends His handGrundtvig (Translator (from English))English3
Løft hoved op al kristendomGrundtvig (Translator)Norwegian3
Long hast thou stood, O church of GodNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English2
Lord Jesus, our king, enthroned on highN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English3
Love is life's true crown and gloryNikolaj F. S. Grundtvig (Author)2
Love, the fount of light from heavenNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English9
Lover Gud, I kristne frommeNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Norwegian5
Manana fiorenana ny fiangonan'i KristyN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Malagasy2
Med Straale-Krans om TindeNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
Min Jesus, lad mit Hjerte faaNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Norwegian2
Mindful of a constant FriendN. F. S. Grundtvig (Translator (into Danish))English3
Most wonderful of all things isNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)2
Most wondrous is of all on earth, The Kingdom Jesus founded (Fraser)N. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English2
My Lord, I hear Thee pleadingNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English2
Ny andron'ny fahasoavanaN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Malagasy2
O day full of grace that now we seeN. F. S. Grudtvig (Author)English2
O day, full of grace, which we beholdNicolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English13
O Holy Spirit come we prayGrundtvig (Translator (from German))English4
O how beautiful the skyNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English6
O Jesus, in my heart instillNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English1
O lad din Aand nu med os væreGrundtvig (Translator)Norwegian4
O land of our King! Where harvest embraces the flowery springNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English7
O let Thy spirit with us tarry, Our Lord and Savior Jesus ChristN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English2
Most wondrous is of all on earth The kingdom Jesus founded (Aaberg)N. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English6
O let thy spirit with us tarry, Lord Jesus, this we ask of TheeN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English4
O that I had a thousand voices, They should be raised to Christ my Lord!Grundtvig (Translator (into Danish))English3
On the new JerusalemN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English3
Paaske-Morgen Slukker sorgenN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
Peace to soothe our bitter woesNicolai F. S. Grundtvig, 1783-1872 (Author)English18
Praise we offer, Lord of gloryN. F. S. Grundtvig (1783-1872) (Author)1
Preciosa herencia otorga DiosN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Spanish3
Proclaim my soul that Jesus diesN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English3
Ring, O ye bells, O ring outNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English3
Ry Jeso Tompo velona mpiandry sy mpamelonaN. F .S. Grundtvig (Author)Malagasy2
Savior, whither should we goNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)3
Som toerstige Hjort monne skrigeGrundtvig (Author)5
Sørger ei for dem, som soveN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Norwegian4
Sortnet var den gyldne SolGrundtvig (Translator)Norwegian3
Spirit of God, sent from heaven abroadNikolai F. S. Grundtvig, 1783-1872 (Author)English2
Splendid are the heavens highN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English7
Suffer and languish, Tremble in anguishNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)3
Suffer the children to come to meNikolaj F. S. Grundtvig (Author)2
Syrgje ei fyr deim, som sovaN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)Nynorsk2
Take away the signs of mourningNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)2
Tegn skal der ske for dommedagGrundtvig (Author)Norwegian5
The dear glad spring returns to earthNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English2
The happy Christmas comes once moreNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English34
The leaves are falling everywhereNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)2
The Lord is in his holy place, Let all the earth be stillNikolai F. S. Grundtvig, 1783-1872 (Author)English3
The Lord to thee appealethN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English4
The peace of God protects our heartsN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English5
The sun now shines in all its splendorN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English5
The Word of God, our heritageN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)2
The Word of God's our heritageN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English1
There is a way, By worldly man forsakenNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)2
This is the day which the Lord hath us givenNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English6
Thy blessing fills our earthly needNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English4
Vidunderligst af alt paa JordGrundtvig (Author)Danish5
We are in our Father's handN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English3
Welcome here, new year of graceNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English2
With gladness we hail the blessed dayGrundtvig (Alterer)2
With gladness we hail this blessed dayN. F. S. Grundtvig (Author)English2
With her cruse of alabasterNikolai F. S. Grundtvig (Author)3

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