Blessed were the eyes that truly
Here on earth beheld the Lord;
Happy were the ears that duly
Listened to His living word.
Which proclaimed the wondrous story
Of God’s mercy, love and glory.
Kings and prophets long with yearning
Prayed to see His day appear;
Angels with desire were burning
To behold the golden year
When God’s light and grace should quicken
All that sin and death had stricken.
He who, light and life revealing,
By His Spirit stills our want;
He, who broken hearts is healing
By His cup and at the font,
Jesus, Fount of joy incessant,
Is with light and grace now present.
Eyes by sin and darkness blinded
May now see His glory bright;
Hearts perverse and carnal minded
May obtain His Spirit’s light.
When, contrite and sorely yearning,
They in faith to Him are turning.
Blessed are the eyes that truly
Now on earth behold the Lord;
Happy are the ears that duly
Listen to His living word!
When His words our spirits nourish
Shall the kingdom in us flourish.
Source: Hymns and Hymnwriters of Denmark #74