1 O land of our King!
Where harvest embraces the flowery spring,
Where all things worth having forever remain,
Where nothing we miss but our sorrow and pain;
All mankind is longing to find and explore
Thy beautiful shore.
2 How blessed the land!
Where time is not measured by tears or with sand,
Where fades not the flower, the bird never dies,
Where joys are not bubbles that break as they rise;
Where life does not crown us with white for the gloom
Of death and the tomb.
3 How blessed to be
Where death has no sting, where from sin we are free,
Where all that decayed in new glory shall bloom,
Where all that was ruined shall rise from the tomb,
Where love grows in light as a summer day fair
With flower-crowned hair.
4 My spirit receives
Thro' Christ what the world neither knows nor believes;
This while we are here, we but dimly can know,
Though feeling within us its heavenly glow.
The Lord saith: On earth as in heaven above
My kingdom is love.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #302