Mrs. Frank A. Breck

Short Name: Mrs. Frank A. Breck
Full Name: Breck, Frank A., Mrs. (See Breck, Carrie Ellis)

Texts by Mrs. Frank A. Breck (293)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A pillar of cloud God gave to guideMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
A sinner, Lord, I come to TheeMrs. Frank H. Breck (Author)English1
A wonderful, wonderful gospelMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English4
After earthly trials all are doneMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Am I reaping any sheaves for the MasterMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Amid life's busy, hurrying throngMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English5
Anywhere He wants me; Jesus is the wayMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Are you going away without Jesus tonightMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English4
Are you hungry for the SaviorMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Arise, arise, arise, be not afraidMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English7
Army of salvation, hear the trumpet callMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English3
Art thou weary or forsaken?Mrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
As oft as my eyes see the dawn of the dayMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
As we march along to gloryMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Auf zum Werk mit frischem MutMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)German1
Behold an Israelite indeedMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Bruder, singe, singe weiterMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)German2
By the power of the cross we shall conquerMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
By this sign we conquer Blessed cross of ChristMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English2
Carry God's beautiful sunshineMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Christ for us was crucifiedMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Christ, my Lord, is all in all to meMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Christ, our mighty Captain, leads against the foeMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English14
Come sing again the song of loveMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Come to the Savior, believe in His nameMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English6
Come ye to the fountain, for Jesus doth callMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Consecrated must I be, for Christ, my Savior, died for meMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Der Weg der Erlösung er führet zum KreuzMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)German2
Do you know a righteous causeMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Do you know that Jesus loves you? He your sins and sorrows boreMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English1
Earnest prayer will upward riseMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Easter bells are ringing over all the worldMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
En presencia estar de CristoMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)Spanish2
Everybody should know (Chorus)Mrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Every prayer will find its answerMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)2
Face to face with Christ my Savior, Face to face what will it be? (Breck)Mrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English64
Far, far from Thee, Lord, I have wanderedMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English1
Fierce let the wild storm soundMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English3
Fly the dear old banner wherever dwelleth wrongMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Geh aus im Namen deines HerrnMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)German2
Gideon, with three hundred soldiersMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English3
Go forth for the Captain is callingMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Go forth, go forth for Jesus nowMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English14
Go forth, go forth, 'tis Jesus who is calling youMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Go gladden the lonely the drearyMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Go to the deeps of God's promiseMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English6
God is speaking, will you listenMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
God never is tired of forgivingMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
God save the dear boys, they are preciousMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Has your heart ever been touched by the mercy of God?Mrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
"Hast thou love for me?" saith JesusMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Have you a voice with which to sing?Mrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Have you chosen the things of the LordMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English1
Have you heard the wonderful story? Let me tell it over againMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
He knoweth my frame when I'm wearyMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
He that believeth on the Son of GodMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)1
He whom I have believed is my wonderful FriendMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Ho ye every one that thirsteth, Come and satisfy your needMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Hold up the cross, there the Savior of menMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English3
How can we help trusting the SaviorMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
How goes the battle where the fight is longMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
How great is the kindness of Jesus our KingMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
How great the love of God to meMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
How many are lost in the darknessMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English3
How many in heaven rejoicingly standMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
How much my dear Savior has suffered for meMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
However far I go from homeMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
I am glad that I know Jesus loves me so wellMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
I am sailing afar on the ocean of lifeMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
I am so glad my Redeemer cameMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English3
I am trusting in Jesus to save meMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
I belong to Jesus I will walk by His sideMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
I can never do without HimMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
I have found a great salvation, Jesus saves meMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English2
I have such a wonderful Savior Who helps me wherever I goMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English11
I know Jesus will not forget meMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English3
I lift my heart today in praiseMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English1
I lived in condemnationMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
I long to be more like my SaviorMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
I sometimes try to comprehendMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
I tell the old story of JesusMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
I would be consecrated day by dayMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
If ever my feet should grow wearyCarrie E. Breck (Author)English1
If thy pathway lies in gloomMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
If you have obeyed our dear Savior's commandMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
I'll do what I can for JesusMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
I'm glad that "God so loved the world"Mrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
In the day of sunlight, in the twilight dimMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
In the soul's bright home, beyond the skyMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Is father's eyesight growing dimMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English1
Is there a ray of God's brightnessMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Is there blessing at the cross?Mrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Is thy heart with sorrow smittenMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English3
Is your heart all cleansed in the flowing fountMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Is your soul in touch with JesusMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
It is not fair that grief should so aboundMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English4
It is Thy way,—Thy sure commandMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
I've a Savior so loving to sinnersMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Jesus comes with power to gladdenMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English33
Jesus has shown me a wonderful lightMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English3
Jesus hat das Werk vollbrachtMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)German2
Jesus is our blessed KingMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Jesus, our Defender, ever true and tenderMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Jesus, unser Führer, zieht voran im StreitMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)German3
Keep in step with Jesus when your path is dimMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Keep on singing, sweetly singingMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Keep the danger signal flying, Wheresoever thy place may beMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Lay hold on the wonderful promise of GodMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Let them that love Him be shiningMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Letting Jesus love us, we obeyMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English1
Life is for service in Jesus' dear nameMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Look all around you, find someone in needMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English53
Lord, I am Thine, an heir of salvationMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Lord, I take these earthly emblemsMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Make me a child of the morningMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Make your own sunshine wherever there is gloomMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Many walk where shadows darken all their wayMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
March on, there is no time to loseMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Marching onward in the name of Jesus, Carry forth the banner of the crossMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
My blessed Lord was crucified, The day was dark and grief was wideMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English5
My blest Redeemer left heaven one dayMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
My childhood faith had been forgotMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
My days with sunshine shall be froughtMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English4
My Lord doth give me assurance of hopeMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
My soul stay not in shadowsMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
My work will be worthy if done for TheeMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Never give up trustingMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
No mother's hand to lead meMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Not having seen Him, yet do we love HimMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
O brother, have you heard the callMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
O Christ, for sinners crucifiedMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English1
O Christ is the Way and the Truth and the LifeMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
O God of all the ages pastMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)1
O have you not heard of a Savior who cameMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English5
O how can I help loving JesusCarrie Ellis Breck (Author)English1
O Lord, we come with hearts sincereCarrie Ellis Breck (Author)English1
O praise the Lord, His grace proclaimMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
O the grace of God that could save my soulMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
O there is blessed sunshineMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English3
O Vater der Liebe, Dir bin ich geweihtMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)German2
O was there ever such an OneMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
O what a blessed, blessed thoughtMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
O what are we sowing today?Mrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
O what are you doing for Jesus, in a world full of sorrow and sin?Mrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
O why should I carry my burdensMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
O why should I carry my sorrowsMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English2
O how happy I have been since I turned away from sinMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
O how precious the time in the dear long agoMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
O patiently wait, sow the seeds of God's truthMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
O praise the Lord, rejoice and singMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
O stand for the right, whatever be the costMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
O what a wonderful Savior, came from the mansions aboveMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
O what should I do without Jesus, my friendMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
O when thy feet are bruised and tornMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
O why have you wandered so far into sorrow?Mrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
O why should Jesus die for meMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
On the steadfast Rock I'm restingMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Once I heard a song of sweetnessMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Once I was sadly strayingMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Only in the cross I'll gloryMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Our land is bounded by no seaMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Our Rock stands firm, though wild the storm that ragesMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Over yonder there is restMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English4
Praise our great Redeemer, praise Him, praise Him!Mrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Press forward soldier of the LordMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English1
Rejoice, my soul, be not cast downMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
سأرى وجه يسوعMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)Arabic1
Scatter seed, go forth with weepingMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Seek the Savior, He is callingMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Shadowing sorrows to me may be knownMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Shall I crucify my Savior, When for me He bore such loss?Mrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English6
Siehe, ein Licht erscheinet im DunkelMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)German2
Sing for joy, O sons of gloryMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English3
Sing forth Columbia's songMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)1
Sing merriest songs when the shadows are denseMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Sing ye praises to the SaviorMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Sinner, what will ye that Jesus should doMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Somebody cares for sinnersMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Sometime I shall know how Jesus must love meMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English3
Sow not wild oats in the morningMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Speak as thy Savior would have theeMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Stand for thy country, bravely standMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Take, O take your stand for the SaviorMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English2
Take Thou my hand, it is so darkMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Take up the battle cry all along the lineMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English6
Tell me, will you love my SaviorMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Tell of Christ who saves from sinMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Tell the beautiful words of JesusMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Tell thy life story to JesusMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
The Bible says that God loved the worldMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
The billows of Jordan are swellingMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
The fear of the Lord doth lead to peaceMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
The heart of God abounded, With love for great and smallMrs. Frank A. breck (Author)English3
The hosts of sin in strong arrayMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
The hours are swiftly goingMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
The King of kings hath said itMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
The Lord hath pardoned all my sinMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
The peace that pardoned sinner knowsMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
The peace that passeth understandingMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
The Prince of peace, so lowly bornMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
The story of Easter is a lesson for meMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
The sun is shining somewhereMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English3
The touch of faith is the touch of powerMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
The triumph of the cross means salvationMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
The way of salvation must lead by the crossMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
There are loved ones over yonderMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
There are many trials, many thorny waysMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
There is mercy from aboveMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
There is one who long hath sought youMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
There is twilight in the valleyMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
There never was anyone like HimMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
There was One who was willing to die in my steadMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English23
There's a beautiful valley of peace, Where the heart of the weary may restMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English4
There's a day of gladness by and byMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
There's a refuge in time of all troubleMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
There's a sound of battle, hear the beating drumsMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English1
There's a wonderful country aboveCarrie Ellis Breck (Author)English1
There's a wonderful gospel that we must preachMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English2
There's a wonderful love God has givenMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
There's a wonderful Savior of sinnersMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
There's comfort in the time of trialMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
There's no one like thee, O my SaviorMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
There's no one so loving as JesusMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
They are nailed to the cross (Chorus)Mrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Though far you may stray, though you circle the earthMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Though we have a time of sorrowMrs. Frank A. breck (Author)English3
Though in pleasure I abideMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Thy light may be needed where peril is greatMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
'Tis a warfare bitter, mighty that we wageMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
'Tis blessed to have Jesus with meMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English4
'Tis past all human knowingMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
To live a life that is hid with GodMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Today I rejoice in my SaviorMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Turn, O turn the light upon usMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
'Twas love that brought life unto menMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English4
Von den Gaben meines HerrnF. A. B. (Author)German2
Vorwärts im Leben! o wende dich nichtF. A. B. (Author)German2
We are little Christmas FairiesMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
We are marching neath the banner of the crossMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
We are marching on with our flag unfurledMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
We are marching to the kingdom, To the kingdom of the LordCarrie Ellis Breck (Author)English1
We are on the winning side in a mighty warMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
We come, we come, with happy heartsMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
We will follow our Guide over mountainMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Wenn der Tag dir scheinet, wenn die Dämmerung nahtMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)German1
We're a band of children serving Jesus Christ aloneMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English1
We're a joyful temperance bandMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
We're marching on to captureMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
When darkest night surrounds youMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
When far from my Savior I wanderedMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English1
When I am passing through waters chillMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English3
When I am rejoicing in the sunshineCarrie Ellis Breck (Author)English1
When I remember all my sinMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
When Jesus His loved ones is bringingCarrie Ellis Breck (Author)English1
When life's cares are great and crushingMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
When Mary stood with weeping eyesMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
When sunshine had left me, my way had grown dimMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
When the call to serve the MasterMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
When the lonely shepherds watched their flocks by nightMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
When the Lord on Calvary bore my painMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
When trial and doubt overtake theeMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
When we leave the land of EgyptMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
When you receive no answer to prayerMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
When your feet come down to JordanMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Wherever I go the Savior will go with meMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English4
Wherever I go I must always tellMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Wherever there is sorrowMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Who will help to save the lost ones?Mrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Who will man the life boatMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Who will, may have life's shining dayMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Who will volunteer for the army gathering nowMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Why do you carry such burdens of care?Mrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Wie selig, in Jesus geborgenF. A. B. (Author)German3
Will you be one in that beautiful landMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English6
Will you come to Christ today?Mrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Will you come to the Savior, he invites you todayMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Will you join our ranks that are marching onMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Will you turn away from sin?Mrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Will you volunteer in the cause of the oppressed?Mrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Wir kommen, Herr, mit FreudigkeitF. A. B. (Author)German2
Wollt ihr mit uns zieh'n, wir marschieren fortF. A. B. (Author)German2
Wonderful angels in garments of whiteMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
Would you be a soldier in the army of the LordMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English4
Would you care if some friend you have met day by dayMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English11
Would you have a life of joyMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Would you the Savior obey?Mrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
Ye children of the heavenly KingMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
You are not your own, you are bought with a priceMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
You have a friend would bless your soul todayMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
You have told me of Christ and my heart has been stirredMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English1
You know of the [a] wonderful SaviorMrs. Frank A. Breck (Author)English2
You may look for true pleasure in many a placeMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)1
Your prayer shall be answeredMrs. F. A. Breck (Author)English1
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