1 I am glad that I know Jesus loves me so well,
And willingly hears when I pray,
That He freely forgives, and tho' oft I rebel,
He never will turn me away.
He never will turn me away,
He never will turn me away;
To him that o'er cometh
He giveth a crown,
And He never will turn me away.
2 I am glad that he ever is patient and kind,
And comforts my heart day by day;
And that, when I am tempted, I always shall find
He never will turn me away. [Refrain]
3 When I come to my Savior and tell Him my sin,
And promise His word to obey,
Then He give this assurance-I have it within--
He never will turn me away. [Refrain]
Coronation Hymns, 1910