1 How great is the kindness of Jesus our King,
Who came from His glory, salvation to bring!
who tells us, on Him all our sins may be rolled,--
His great loving-kindness can never be told.
It can never be told, It can never be told,
His great loving-kindness can never be told.
2 He healeth the sick, and the lame, and the blind;
He leadeth His flock like a shepherd most kind;
He bringeth the lost one again to His fold,--
His great loving-kindness can never be told. [Refrain]
3 He grieves for the erring whenever they fall;
He pardons transgressions, forgetting them all;
He blesses the young, and He comforts the old,--
His great loving-kindness can never be told. [Refrain]
4 For us He hath builded, where cometh no night,
A beautiful home in a city of light;
His face He has promised that we shall behold,--
His great loving-kindness can never be told. [Refrain]