1 Sinner, what will ye that Jesus should do?
Jesus is here to save;
Pardoning mercy is offered to you,
Jesus is here to save.
Jesus is longing your burden to bear,
Waiting to take all your sorrow and care,
Waiting to answer your penitent pray’r—
Jesus is here to save.
Jesus is here to save,
Jesus is here to save.
Oh, Blest be His name that for sinners He came,
Jesus is here to save.
2 Wonderful goodness to you may abound,
Jesus is here to save;
All you can need shall in Jesus be found,
Jesus is here to save.
Jesus will give you a hope that endures,
Healing, and comfort, and peace He secures,
All that could bless you may ever be yours—
Jesus is here to save. [Refrain]
3 Life everlasting the Saviour will give,
Jesus is here to save;
Perishing sinner, believe it and live,
Jesus is here to save.
Grace so abounding delay not to choose,
Hope of salvation ye never must lose,
Surely no longer your heart will refuse,—
Jesus is here to save. [Refrain]
4 Jesus says tenderly “Come unto me,”
Jesus is here to save;
Offers you pardon and offers it free,
Jesus is here to save.
Will you His great invitation obey?
Will you have riches that never decay?
Take His salvation and take it today,—
Jesus is here to save. [Refrain]
Source: The Kingdom of Praise #92