1 If you have obeyed our dear Savior’s command,
If you have been faithful and true;
Some day you shall stand at his blessed right hand,
And there will be glory for you.
Oh! there will be glory for you,
Yes, there will be glory for you;
In that country so bright,
There will never be night,
And there will be glory for you.
2 If you have repented to God of your sin,
And pray’d him your heart to renew,
Oh! if you have cleansing without and within,
There’s going to be glory for you. [Chorus]
3 Oh! if you have loved him who freely forgave,
And have to your promise been true;
And faithfully labored his lost ones to save,
There’ll surely be glory for you. [Chorus]
4 Oh! if you have willingly carried the cross,
And kept Jesus ever in view;
Esteeming the treasures of earth only dross,
Oh! there will be glory for you. [Chorus]
Source: Songs for Work and Worship #28