1 Do you know a righteous cause
Whose defenders are but few,
Waiting for a helping deed
That the earnest hand may do?
Roll the cause along!
Roll the cause along!
Put your shoulder to the wheel,
Let the world the impulse feel;
Oh, my brother, roll the cause along!
2 Haste the cause of right to save,
Waiting not the laggard throng;
With a courage true and brave
Speed the right against the wrong. [Refrain]
3 Leave the coward ranks behind,
And the Gideon armor wear,
Trust in God and vict’ry find,
Forward go to do and dare. [Refrain]
4 Raise the glorious banner high’r,
Sound afar the trumpet call,
Let the zeal of God inspire
Till the conquered foe shall fall. [Refrain]
Source: Crowning Day, No. 6: A Book of Gospel Songs #188