1 Press forward, soldier of the Lord,
Press on without delay;
Press on to win the blest reward,
Press on in faith today.
Forgetting the things which are behind,
Let all thy doubts be o’er;
Forgetting the things which are behind,
Oh, reach for the things before!
Press forward! press forward!
Tho’ all thy way be dark;
Press forward! press forward!
Press ever toward the mark.
2 Press forward, soldier of the cross,
Stay not in all the plain;
Press on, nor stay for pain or loss,
Till thou the prize shalt gain. [Refrain]
3 Press forward, soldier of the right,
Stay not for doubt or sin;
Press on, in darkness or in light,
Till thou the vict’ry win. [Refrain]
4 Press on, and keep thy purpose true,
Press on, whate’er betide;
Say ever, this one thing I do,
And Christ shall be my guide. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Love and Praise No. 4 #133