Hymns and Devotions for Daily Worship

A historical anthology, featuring hymns and tunes with commentary and educational excursions, based on the liturgical church year and the Revised Common Lectionary, beginning with Advent and ending with Christ the King. Contributing authors include living hymn writers and scholars. Includes insights from classic hymn writers and theologians.
Editor: Chris Fenner
Publisher: Hymnology Archive, Louisville, KY, 2024
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1O come, O come, EmmanuelVENI EMMANUELText
2With joy I heard my friends exclaimRETREATText
3aThe advent of our GodST. THOMASText
3bThe Church has waited longST. THOMASText
4Come, thou long-expected JesusHYFRYDOLText
5Great Shepherd over IsraelWAREText
6Good Saint Nicholas of MyraREGENT SQUARE
7Savior of the nations, comeVENI REDEMPTOR GENTIUMText
8aCreator of the stars of nightCONDITOR ALME SIDERUMText
8bThe sky is dark with storm and cloudText
9Blest be the God of IsraelFOREST GREEN
10On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cryWINCHESTER NEWText
10bAs you yearn for Bethlehem
11Comfort, comfort ye my peopleGENEVAN 42Text
12Long in darkness Israel wanderedDAWNING LIGHT
12bComfort, ye ministers of graceText
13Lift up your heads, ye mighty gatesMACHT HOCH DIE TÜR, DIE TOR MACHT WEITText
14Hark! a thrilling voice is soundingMERTONText
15In times of old, you showed your favor, LordSINE NOMINE
16Hark, the glad sound! the Savior comesRICHMONDText
17aO wisdom, which has come forth out of the mouth of the Most HiggO SAPIENTIAText
17bO heav'nly Wisdom, hear our cryText
18aO Lord and Ruler, of the house of IsraelO ADONAIText
18bo God, who did come down from oldText
19aO Root of Jesse, who stands as an emblem of the peopleO RADIX JESSEText
19bO Root of Jesse, upon whomText
20aO Key of David and sceptreO CLAVIS DAVIDText
20bO Key of David, hailed by thoseText
21aO Dayspring, brightness of the eternal lightO ORIENSText
21bO very God of very GodText
22aO King of the Gentiles, and their desireO REX GENTIUMText
22bO God, on whom the nations waitText
23aO Emmanuel, our King and LawgiverO EMMANUELText
23bO child whose name is God-with-UsText
24My soul gives glory to my GodCONSOLATION
25aAll my heart this night rejoicesWARUM SOLLT ICH MICH DENN GRÄMENText
25bSo let our lips and lives expressWAREHAMText
25cWhat sweeter music can we bringText
25dOn the mountain's top appearingSACRED HERALDText
26Clear, calm night; Holy nightSHENG YE JINGText
27Abba, Father, we approach youKONG-EUIText
28From Heav'n above to Earth I comeVOM HIMMEL HOCHText
29Joy to the world, the Lord is comeANTIOCHText
30Angels we have heard on highGLORIAText
31While with ceaseless course the sunCHRISTE, WAHRES SEELENLICHTText
32Another year is dawning!ENDSLEIGHText
33O Savior of our fallen raceGONFALON ROYAL
34aThe souls who long in darkness pinedDUNFERMLINEText
34bMighty God, while angels bless youText
35Of the Father's love begottenDIVINUM MYSTERIUMText
36Now may your servant, LordNUNC DIMITTISText
37As with gladness men of oldDIXText
38Hail to the Lord's anointed!CRÜGERText
39Bright was the guiding star, which shoneMANOAHText
40What child is this, who, laid to restGREENSLEEVESText
41aBrightest and best of the stars of the morningMORNING STARText
41bWhat star is this, with beams so brightText
42Hail to the brightness of Zion's glad morningWESLEYText
43aLittle flow'rs of martyrdomINNOCENTSText
43bIn the midst of dreaming, warning
44aTo Jordan came the Christ, our LordCHRIST UNSER HERR ZUM JORDAN
44bWhen Jesus came to JordanText
45When John baptized by Jordan's riverDIE TUGEND WIRDText
46O Lord, while we confess the worthST. AGNESText
47Buried beneath the yielding waveMARTYRDOMText
47bIn Jordan's tide the baptist standsText
48Servant of God and Son of ManST. CHRYSOSTOMText
49Built on the Rock, the Church shall standKIRKEN DEN ER ET GAMMELT HUSText
50We give to Jehovah, as heirs of the MightyROXBURGHEText
51How many are your wonders, LordEUPHEMIA
52Sing of Andrew, John's discipleIN BABILONEText
53I, the Lord of sea and skyHERE I AM, LORD
54Your mercy, Lord, the sinner's hopeTUNBRIDGE CHAPELText
54bSearcher of hearts, to you are knownText
55Jesus, come, for we invite youUNION SEMINARYText
56We sing the glorious conquestMISSIONARY HYMNText
57Jesus, the heav'nly Bridegroom, gaveBROOKFIELDText
58For the God of my salvationBEACH SPRING
59Humbly I adore thee, verity unseenADORO DEVOTEText
60Teaching in the synagogueAMSTERDAMText
61Jesus calls us o'er the tumultST. ANDREWText
62You call to us, Lord JesusWEBBText
63My light, my Savior is the LordTHE WATER IS WIDE
64The stars declare his gloryGIBSONText
65Blest are the humble souls who seeQUEBECText
66O Master, let me walk with theeMARYTONText
67Lord, I would dwell in peaceTRENTHAMText
67bWho, O Lord, a welcome guestText
68The world his plain humanityBEAUFORTText
69God, my help and hiding placeTOKYO
70Silence, frenzied, unclean spirit!AUTHORITY
71Praise the Lord; with exultationCROSS OF JESUSText
72Light and salt you called your friendsSū-KONG-PANText
73Joy comes to those who have trusted you, Lord, for salvationLOBE DEN HERREN
74At even, when the sun had setJERUSALEMText
75Praise ye the Lord: Oh blissful themeText
76Not for tongues of Heaven's angelsBRIDEGROOMText
77When Jesus walked beside the shoreOLDEN TIME
78Hark, the voice of Jesus callingPLEADING SAVIORText
79When Jesus led his chosen threeSTELLAText

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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