American Lutheran Hymnal

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
301Who knows how soon my days are ended?RUDOLSTADTTextPage Scan
302O land of our King!KING'S LANDTextPage Scan
303My beautiful home is in heaven aboveDALARNETextPage Scan
304Lord, it belongs not to our careTALLIS' ORDINALTextPage Scan
305Hark, a voice saith, all are mortalROSENMÜLLERTextPage Scan
306Jerusalem the goldenEWINGTextPage Scan
307The Homeland! O the Homeland!HOMELANDTextPage Scan
308Come, Lord, Thyself, in all Thy graceSCHULZTextPage Scan
309Arise, my soul, new light receivingTREBELTextPage Scan
310My Father's house on highSTATE STREETTextPage Scan
311The Lord be praised! I'm homeward boundLASSENTextPage Scan
312I'm but a stranger hereST. EDMUNDTextPage Scan
313Behold, a host arrayed in whiteSYMPHONYTextPage Scan
314Jerusalem, my happy homeSOUTHWELLTextPage Scan
315Jerusalem, thou city fair and highJERUSALEMTextPage Scan
316Jerusalem, thou city fair and highHEAVENLY CITYTextPage Scan
317In heav'n above, in heav'n aboveCELESTETextPage Scan
318Ten thousand times ten thousandALFORDTextPage Scan
319A pilgrim and a strangerMEIROMYDDTextPage Scan
320Lo, He comes with clouds descendingSTOERLTextPage Scan
321The day is surely drawing nearMONMOUTHTextPage Scan
322And will the Judge descendBARNBYTextPage Scan
323That day of wrath, that dreadful dayWINDHAMTextPage Scan
324O how shall I receive TheeTESCHNERTextPage Scan
325Hail to the Lord's AnointedWESTWOODTextPage Scan
326Let us all in God rejoiceDRESDENTextPage Scan
327Hark, the glad sound! the Savior comesLÜTZENTextPage Scan
328O Bride of Christ, rejoice!GÖTTINGENTextPage Scan
329Arise, arise, ye ChristiansEISLEBENTextPage Scan
330Lift up your heads, ye mighty gatesCHRISTMAS MORNTextPage Scan
331Immanuel, to Thee we sing ORMISTONTextPage Scan
332O that Thou wouldst rend the heavens!TRANOSCIUSTextPage Scan
333Jerusalem, lift up thy voice!ERFURTTextPage Scan
334The Lord is near! Why should we fear?DOMINUS REGIT METextPage Scan
335Fling wide thy gates, O ChurchBETHLEHEMTextPage Scan
336Is this Jesus, then, the LordPLEYEL'S HYMNTextPage Scan
337Comfort, comfort ye My peopleLUDWIGSBURGTextPage Scan
338O joyful message, sent from heavenNIELSENTextPage Scan
339The Bridegroom soon will call usEVARTSTextPage Scan
340Come, Thou long-expected JesusST. HILARYTextPage Scan
341Rejoice, all ye believersREJOICE, ALL YE BELIEVERSTextPage Scan
342The new Church Year again is comeORMISTONTextPage Scan
343When sinners see their lost conditionRUDOLSTADTTextPage Scan
344Lord Jesus Christ, of Virgin bornREDEEMERTextPage Scan
345This night a wondrous revelationELBETextPage Scan
346Joy to the world! the Lord is comeANTIOCHTextPage Scan
347Come hither, ye faithful, triumphantly singADESTE FIDELESTextPage Scan
348With gladness we hail this blessed dayWEYSETextPage Scan
349Hark, what mean those holy voicesRUSSIAN VESPERTextPage Scan
350While shepherds watched their flocks by nightBETHLEHEMTextPage Scan
351Listen to those happy voicesNEANDERTextPage Scan
352The Child of humble virgin bornCYRIACUSTextPage Scan
353All my heart this day rejoicesCHRISTMAS JOYTextPage Scan
354Hark! the herald angels singMENDELSSOHNTextPage Scan
355Ye Christians, sing a joyful layLÜTZENTextPage Scan
356From heav'n above to earth I comeERFURTTextPage Scan
357Behold, the joyful day is nighERFURTTextPage Scan
358The happy Christmas comes once moreEMMANUELTextPage Scan
359Christ the Lord to us is born, Hallelujah!SLOVAKIATextPage Scan
360O Savior dear, Thy manger drearMANGERTextPage Scan
361All hail to thee, O blessed morn!NICOLAITextPage Scan
362Let the earth exalt the LordGRATIATextPage Scan
363A great and mighty wonderWONDERTextPage Scan
364Who shall ope for us the portalsRIPLEYTextPage Scan
365A few more years shall rollLEOMINSTERTextPage Scan
366Holy Father, Thou hast taught usMANTTextPage Scan
367For Thy mercy and Thy graceROSEFIELDTextPage Scan
368The old year now hath passed awayOLD HUNDREDTHTextPage Scan
369Great God, we sing that mighty handSURREYTextPage Scan
370Lead on, O Lord!AUGSBURGTextPage Scan
371Hail, Thou Source of ev'ry blessingDUEBENTextPage Scan
372O Jesus, King of glory!TESCHNERTextPage Scan
373O Zion, rise and brightenINNSBRUCKTextPage Scan
374As with gladness men of oldDIXTextPage Scan
375Angels from the realms of gloryREGENT SQUARETextPage Scan
376A star is moving thro' the skyMORNING STARTextPage Scan
377Brightest and best of the sons of the morningMORNING STARTextPage Scan
378Light of the Gentile nationsMAGDALENATextPage Scan
379In His temple now behold HimDULCE CARMENTextPage Scan
380Hark! the King of heav'n is callingDEARHURSTTextPage Scan
381Speak, O Lord, Thy servant hearethSCHOPTextPage Scan
382The Son of God goes forth to warALL SAINTS NEWTextPage Scan
383O Sacred Head, now woundedHASSLERTextPage Scan
384Behold the man! how heavy laySTRASBURGTextPage Scan
385Thy cross, O Jesus, Thou didst bearCROSS-BEARERTextPage Scan
386Jesus, the mighty work achievedOLD HUNDREDTHTextPage Scan
387O watch and prayARIMATHAEATextPage Scan
388God's Son vile men were bindingREYKJAVIKTextPage Scan
389Upon the cross down-lyingTHOMISSÖNTextPage Scan
390The Lord into His Father's handsSCHUMANN
391The soldiers led the Savior outWOLFFTextPage Scan
392O Lamb of God most lowlyBALFERNTextPage Scan
393Beneath Thy cross I standFREMONTTextPage Scan
394Must Jesus bear the cross aloneMAITLANDTextPage Scan
395The tribute of our thanks we bringSEDULIUSTextPage Scan
396A Lamb goes forth our griefs to sharePASSIONTIDETextPage Scan
397O darkest woe! ARIMATHAEATextPage Scan
398Jesus, in Thy dying woesLITANYTextPage Scan
399Stricken, smitten and afflictedDESIRETextPage Scan
400Christ, the Life of all the livingGOTHATextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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