American Lutheran Hymnal

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
501Unto Caesar let us render MT. VERNONTextPage Scan
502Lord, let Thy goodness lead our landROTHWELLTextPage Scan
503Before Jehovah's awful throneOLD HUNDREDTHTextPage Scan
504O beautiful for spacious skiesMATERNATextPage Scan
505My country, 'tis of theeAMERICATextPage Scan
506Lord God, we worship Thee!MUNICHTextPage Scan
507Lo, we tread on holy groundPLEYEL'S HYMNTextPage Scan
508Lo, in Zion a foundationHARWELLTextPage Scan
509In Thy dear name and by Thy favorELBETextPage Scan
510Great God, a blessing from Thy throneHEBRONTextPage Scan
511The Church above forever ringsCREATIONTextPage Scan
512O God, whom we as Father knowNICOLAITextPage Scan
513How blessed is this place, O LordRYDENTextPage Scan
514Eternal Son of God, O ThouFEDERAL STREETTextPage Scan
515Here, in Thy name, eternal GodALSTONETextPage Scan
516O Lord, our God, accept, we prayRETREATTextPage Scan
517Aloft in yonder belfryWEBBTextPage Scan
518Lord God Almighty, King of heavenCRASSELIUSTextPage Scan
519Praise and honor to the FatherNEANDERTextPage Scan
520The heavens cannot Thee embraceOLD HUNDREDTHTextPage Scan
521Thou, who wast a child on earthBREAD OF HEAVENTextPage Scan
522Savior, who Thy flock art feedingRATHBUNTextPage Scan
523See Israel's gentle Shepherd standSILOAMTextPage Scan
524O Christians, leagued togetherLUTHER LEAGUE HYMNTextPage Scan
525Immanuel! Our God and LordHURSLEYTextPage Scan
526O God of love and truthAMERICATextPage Scan
527O Jesus, I have promisedMEININGENTextPage Scan
528The men of the Church for the Master!HERSHEYTextPage Scan
529The Lord hath helped me hitherto, His goodness thus revealingDECIUSTextPage Scan
530O come before JehovahTESCHNERTextPage Scan
531To Thee, eternal GodGRATITUDETextPage Scan
532I will bless thee, said the SaviorMANTTextPage Scan
533Father, be Thy blessing shedVIOLATextPage Scan
534Send, O Lord, Thy Holy SpiritREGENSBURGTextPage Scan
535With Thee, O Lord, alone to goFISHWICKTextPage Scan
536Seek ye who will some other waySTRASBURGTextPage Scan
537Our Lord and God, O bless this dayEIN FESTE BURGTextPage Scan
538Let me be Thine foreverCOMMIT THY WAYTextPage Scan
539Baptized into Thy name most holyHEAVENLY FRIENDTextPage Scan
540Shepherd of tender youthHEMANSTextPage Scan
541Go joyfully forth CONQUESTTextPage Scan
542With solemn joy we come, dear LordST. PETERTextPage Scan
543The God of the ages your refugeCOMMIT THY WAYTextPage Scan
544All hail, thou day of wondrous graceSPAZIERTextPage Scan
545The Lord to thee appealethAPPEALTextPage Scan
546Thine forever! God of loveLAST HOPETextPage Scan
547O Great High Priest, forget not meFEDERAL STREETTextPage Scan
548O take my hand, dear FatherSILCHERTextPage Scan
549Lord, Thine fore'er todayMT. ELLIOTTextPage Scan
550I have chosen Thee, my SaviorELECTUSTextPage Scan
551While yet the morn is breakingWEBBTextPage Scan
552Awake, my soul, and with the sunMORNING HYMNTextPage Scan
553God, who madest earth and heavenKOENIGSBERGTextPage Scan
554Now the shades of night are goneLAST HOPETextPage Scan
555Dayspring of eternityRADIANT MORNTextPage Scan
556When morning gilds the skiesLAUDES DOMINITextPage Scan
557The sun ascendingEBELINGTextPage Scan
558From peaceful slumber wakingLAUSANNETextPage Scan
559The morning sun illumes the skiesCANONBURYTextPage Scan
560Soon as the morn with rosesEVARTSTextPage Scan
561Again Thy glorious sun doth riseMORNING SACRIFICETextPage Scan
562The sun arises nowSUNRISETextPage Scan
563Most fervent thanks I renderCHENIESTextPage Scan
564Jesus, Sun of RighteousnessWELLSTextPage Scan
565Another day has passed awayMACFARRENTextPage Scan
566Sun of my soul, Thou Savior dearHURSLEYTextPage Scan
567Thro' the day Thy love hath spared usEVENING HYMNTextPage Scan
568Glory to Thee, my God, this nightTALLIS' EVENING HYMNTextPage Scan
569The twilight shadows round me fallCECILETextPage Scan
570Softly now the day is endingEVEN SONGTextPage Scan
571Now God be with us, for the night is closingINTEGER VITAETextPage Scan
572Now rest beneath night's shadowsINNSPRUCKTextPage Scan
573Softly now the light of dayWEBERTextPage Scan
574And now the sun hath sunk to restARLINGTONTextPage Scan
575The day departs, yet Thou art nearAUGUSTANATextPage Scan
576Now the day is over MERRIALTextPage Scan
577Savior, breathe an evening blessingARUNDELTextPage Scan
578The sun's bright rays are lost to sightNAZARETHTextPage Scan
579Soul of mine, to God awakingREGENSBURGTextPage Scan
580This solemn hour O let us beST. CATHERINETextPage Scan
581What a Friend we have in JesusERIETextPage Scan
582Father, hear Thy childJESUS, BE OUR GUIDETextPage Scan
583Guide me, O Thou great JehovahDULCE CARMENTextPage Scan
584When cold our hearts and far from TheeMERTONTextPage Scan
585In the holy Father's keepingWESTONTextPage Scan
586O Thou who once in GalileeTALLIS' ORDINALTextPage Scan
587To Thee, O Lord, will I sing praisesCRASSELIUSTextPage Scan
588For the beauty of the earthLUDOVICATextPage Scan
589Songs of praise the angels sangPOSENTextPage Scan
590Give to our God immortal praise!DUKE STREETTextPage Scan
591When all Thy mercies, O my GodEAGLEYTextPage Scan
592My soul, now bless thy Maker!KUGELMANNTextPage Scan
593Living Fountain, freely flowingSTUTTGARTTextPage Scan
594Sing praise to God who reigns aboveSPERATUSTextPage Scan
595God of mercy, God of grace SULLIVANTextPage Scan
596My soul, repeat His praiseST. THOMASTextPage Scan
597Glory to God on high!ITALIAN HYMNTextPage Scan
598Thee we adore, eternal Lord!TRUROTextPage Scan
599Eternal God, omnipotentGODFREYTextPage Scan
600Let all the world in ev'ry corner singUNDIQUE GLORIATextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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