Ida L. Reed

Ida L. Reed
Short Name: Ida L. Reed
Full Name: Reed, Ida L. (Ida Lillard), 1865-1951
Birth Year: 1865
Death Year: 1951

Ida Lilliard Reed (Smith), 1865-1951

Born: November 30, 1865, near Ar­den, Bar­bour Coun­ty, West Vir­gin­ia.
Died: Ju­ly 8, 1951, Ar­den, West Vir­gin­ia.
Buried: Eb­e­nez­er Meth­odi­st Church, Ar­den, West Vir­gin­ia.

Reed is said to have writ­ten 2,000 hymns in her life­time. In 1939, the Amer­i­can So­ci­e­ty of Com­pos­ers, Au­thors and Pub­lish­ers re­cog­nized her "sub­stan­tial con­tri­bu­tion to Amer­i­can mu­sic" by award­ing her a small "week­ly bo­nus."

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Wikipedia Biography

Ida Lilliard Reed (November 30, 1865 – July 8, 1951) was an American religious writer and music composer from West Virginia.

Texts by Ida L. Reed (482)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A heritage of splendor freeIda L. Reed (Author)English2
A little boy in our townIda L. Reed (Author)2
A loyal army gathers all over this broad landMrs. Ida Reed Smith (Author)English3
After the storm is over, restful the calm will beIda L. Reed Smith (Author)English3
All for Jesus, all for Jesus, this my daily song shall beIda L. Reed (Author)English2
All in Thy hands I leave, dear LordIda L. Reed (Author)English5
All the pennies gatheredIda L. Reed (Author)English2
All the way I'll walk with JesusIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Are thy days full often drearIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Are you clinging close to JesusIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Are you sowing, daily sowingIda L. Reed Smith (Author)English7
Are you tired of life's long battleIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Are you weary, heavy heartedIda L. Reed (Author)English2
As we journey down life's pathway, Let us do the best we canIda L. Reed (Author)English2
At the day dawn, O my SaviorIda L. Reed Smith (Author)3
At thy door the Savior tarriesIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Be not an idle dreamerIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Be of good courage, soldiers of JesusIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
Be sure to make somebody happyIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Be Thou my Guide, dear Lord, I prayIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Be thou my guiding light, dear LordIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
Bearing our torches highIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
Beautiful lights of homeIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Beyond the border land of earthIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Beyond the swelling flood againIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Blessed are they, the undefiledIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Blessed are they who trust in the LordIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Blessed is he that endureth, Who faithfully keepeth his wayIda L. Reed (Author)English4
Blessed is he that is trusting the LordIda L. Reed (Author)English4
Blessed Rock of our salvationIda L. Reed (Author)English4
Bortom jordens tranga gr'nsIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
Bound neath the world's heavy burdensIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Bring your trials all to JesusIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
Brother, turn thy footsteps homewardIda L. Reed (Author)English3
By and by, beyond life's toilingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Caroling clear in the morning sunlightIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Carry a message for JesusIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Cast thy bread upon the waters Though the world may laugh and frownIda L. Reed (Author)3
Cast thy care upon JesusIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Children of the king are weIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Choose my path, O blessed SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English7
Choose today, O brother, standingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Clinging to His promise, Trusting in His wordIda L. Reed (Author)English6
Come and join the army, it is millions strongMrs. Ida Reed Smith (Author)English2
Come and join the temperance army thousands strongMrs. Ida Reed Smith (Author)English2
Come, blessed Savior, with Pentecostal powerIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Come, bring thy sins to the fountainIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Come, drink of life's crystal fountainIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Come in thy love to meIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Come, the Savior callethIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Come to Jesus all ye childrenIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Come to the cross todayIda L. Reed Smith (Author)English5
Come to the Father, O wanderer, comeIda L. Reed (Author)English29
Come to the fountain, so freely 'tis flowingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Come to the Savior, come in your youthIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Come to the Savior, do not delay, Come seek his favor, come, come todayIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Come unto me, O precious invitationIda L. Reed (Author)English4
Come unto me, the Savior's voice is callingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Come, young, and old, and join our bandIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Coming to thee in life's morning hoursIda L. Reed (Author)4
Confide it to Jesus, the trouble that grieves youIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Contrite, I kneel to theeIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Contrite soul, look up, believeIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Count thy blessings, O my brotherIda L. Reed (Author)English4
Crown Him, crown Him, Jesus our wonderful SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Dear Father in heaven, Thy children draw nearIda Reed Smith (Author)English2
Dear Savior at Thy feet In humble prayer I plead for mercy sweetIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Dear Savior at Thy feet we fallIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Dear Savior, wouldst thou honorIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
Dear Savior, bend thine earIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Die to the world, to Jesus liveIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Do life's storms above thee rollIda L. Reed (Author)English4
Do not grieve the Holy SpiritIda L. Reed (Author)2
Do thou take us, dearest SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Do what you can for Jesus, humble though it may beIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Do you know that Jesus loves you, That He waits to welcome youIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Does the light of love shine o'er you?Ida L. Reed (Author)English2
Don't let it be said, too late, too lateIda L. Reed (Author)English5
Draw me near to Thee, to Thy blessed sideIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Father, the way is dark, I cannot seeIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Fear not, dear friend, though tempests breakIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
Fear not, thou care worn oneIda L. Reed (Author)English4
Fear not though tempests threatenIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Fear not to tread life's road, dear friendIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Fear thou not, for I am with thee, Be not dismayed for I am thy GodIda L. Reed Smith (Author)English2
Fill my days, dear Lord, with lightIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Fold Thy loving arms about meIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Follow, follow where the Master leadethIda L. Reed (Author)English2
For me the heavy cross He boreIda L. Reed Smith (Author)English5
For the harbor home of the glory landIda L. Reed (Author)2
Forsake me not, dear SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Forth to the battle of ChristIda L. Reed Smith (Author)3
Forward, forward, lo the battle's ragingIda L. Reed (Author)2
Forward, the Master calls youIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Fret not, though days are drearyIda L. Reed (Author)English5
From day to day, along your wayIda L. Reed (Author)English4
Gently the voice of the Savior is pleadingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Give me thy love, dear SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Give thy life to Jesus, Tell Him all thy careIda L. Reed (Author)English4
Give us, Lord, Thy Holy SpiritIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Give us the battle, Lord JehovahIda L. Reed (Author)English5
Gladly the bells are ringingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Go forth for Christ, and laborIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Go in the strength of the Master, Into the hovels of sinIda L. Reed (Author)2
Go reap, for the harvest is waitingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Go tell to the nations in darknessIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Go with Christ's own loving spiritIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Go with the wonderful storyIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Go ye forth to every nationIda L. Reed (Author)2
God is our refuge, in him we abideIda L. Reed (Author)2
Good morning, Brother sunshineIda Reed Smith (Arranger)English1
Grant us Thy blessing, dear Lord, for todayIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Guide Thou my steps, I cry to TheeIda L. Reed (Author)English4
Hail morning voices, ring outIda L. Reed (Author)2
Hail to our risen SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)2
Hark! all the world is singingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Hark, the bells are ringing, Sweet and lowIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Hark, the bells, I hear them chimingIda L. Reed (Author)English4
Hark, the call, the bugle's soundingMrs. Ida Reed Smith (Author)English4
Has thy life a hidden sorrowIda L. Reed (Author)English4
Have joy in thy laborIda L. Reed (Author)2
Have you found that Friend and SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English4
Have you found the peace that passeth understandingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Have you found the Savior, brotherIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Have you found the Savior precious, More than all on earth besideIda L. Reed (Author)English8
He guides my steps wherever I may wanderIda L. Reed (Author)English2
He healeth the broken heartedIda L. Reed (Author)English5
He is come, he is comeIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
He knoweth thy grief, He knoweth thy careIda L. Reed Smith (Author)English4
He leadeth me, my Lord and KingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
He maketh the storm a calmIda L. Reed (Author)English3
He shall be as the light of the morningIda L. Reed Smith (Author)English1
He shall feed His flock like a shepherd (Reed)Ida L. Reed (Author)English2
He who watches ever over usIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Hear the merry robins singingMrs. Ida Reed Smith (Author)English2
Hear the tramp of armies marchingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Hearing the blessed storyIda Reed Smith (Author)2
Here am I, my Savior, for Thee willingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Here am I, O blessed SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Here before Thy throne, O FatherIda L. Reed (Author)English2
High in the treetopIda L. Reed Smith (Author)English3
Hold up His standard, loyal and trueIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Homeward, homeward, joyfully we're goingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
How can you do without Him, your blest SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
How good it is, how sweet it isIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
How happy must the children dearIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
How sweet are the words of the psalmistIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Humbly dear Lord I waitIda L. Reed Smith (Author)3
Humbly, O Lord, I wait Beside Thy throneIda L. Reed Smith (Author)English4
I am coming home, dear SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English6
I am happy, O so happy, since a Savior's love I knowIda L. Reed (Author)English2
I am walking in the sunshineIda L. Reed (Author)English4
I belong to the King, I'm a child of His loveIda L. Reed Smith (Author)English76
I cannot drift beyond Thy love, Beyond Thy tender careIda L. Reed (Author)English21
I cannot tell how wonderfulIda L. Reed (Author)English3
I cling to Thee, dear SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
I have a friend in heaven, A faithful, loving FriendIda L. Reed (Author)English2
I have a home, a home on highIda L. Reed (Author)English2
I have a little lightMrs. Ida Reed Smith (Author)English2
I have found a blessed havenIda L. Reed (Author)English3
I have found a Friend in Jesus, and I love himIda L. Reed (Author)2
I have heard Thy voice, dear SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
I have treasures, wondrous treasuresIda L. Reed (Author)English2
I have trusted in Thy mercy, O my SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
I know not now what perils lie along my wayIda L. Reed (Author)English2
I know not what lieth before meIda L. Reed (Author)English8
I trust Thee, dear SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
I walk not alone, O my SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
I will cling to Thy hand while the heavy surges rollIda L. Reed (Author)English3
I will do all I can in my narrow sphereIda L. Reed (Author)English2
I will follow Thee, my Savior, Though the days be dark or brightIda L. Reed (Author)English2
I will lay my cares on JesusIda L. Reed (Author)English2
I will love Thee, O my Savior (Reed)Ida L. Reed Smith (Author)English2
I will praise Thee, O Lord, For Thy kindness to meIda L. Reed (Author)English2
I will praise Thee, O, my Savior (Reed)Ida L. Reed (Author)English2
I will sing of Thy power, dear SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
I will trust the Lord foreverIda L. Reed (Author)English2
I will wait upon the Lord, For from Him all blessings comeIda L. Reed (Author)English2
If Jesus should call you today, dear friendIda L. Reed (Author)English2
If the days are drearyIda L. Reed (Author)English2
I'll not be discouraged though my way is wearyIda L. Reed (Author)English5
I'm nearer my home todayIda L. Reed (Author)English9
I'm nearing the gates of the city of lightIda L. Reed (Author)English2
In the fullness of His mercyIda L. Reed (Author)English2
In the morning, in the morningIda L. Reed (Author)English4
In the service of the Master, There is joy and peace and restIda L. Reed (Author)English3
In the shadow of Thy wings I my refuge ever will makeIda L. Reed (Author)English3
In the shadow of thy wings dearest SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English12
In Thine own good time, dear Lord, we trustIda L. Reed (Author)English2
In Thy presence, O my Savior, there is joy forevermoreIda L. Reed (Author)English2
In Thy righteousness, dear Savior, On and upward lead Thou meIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Into Thy courts with an offeringIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Into thy kingdom of peace and loveIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Is thy heart oppressed with sorrow?Ida Lilliard Reed (Author)English3
It is the Children's DayIra L. Reed (Author)English2
It was so little, the kindness you offeredIda L. Reed (Author)English4
It's just before Christmas and nobody knowsMiss Ida Reed Smith (Author)English2
I've given my heart to JesusIda L. Reed (Author)English4
Jesus Christ with death hath strivenIda L. Reed (Author)2
Jesus I my sins confessingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Jesus is here, is not your heart burningIda L. Reed (Author)2
Jesus is my Helper, mighty and strongIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Jesus is our Shepherd, we His voice obeyIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Jesus is risen, peal out the storyIda Lilliard Reed (Author)English3
Jesus is willing to save and to bless youIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Jesus, Savior, hear and help meIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Jesus, Savior, I will praise TheeIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Jesus, Savior, let me be, wheresoever I am contentIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Jesus, Savior, we are coming, all thy children far and nearIda L. Reed (Author)English5
Joy, joy, joy! Hark, how the bells keep timeMrs. Ida Reed Smith (Author)English2
Joyfully, joyfully singing, Join inIda L. Reed (Author)2
Joyfully marching onwardIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Just a drop of water from a summer showerMrs. Ida Reed Smith (Author)English3
Just a word of pityIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Just one word from Thee, my SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Keep a song of gladness ringingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
King Jesus calls for volunteerIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Knights of the new crusade are weIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Kom till din fader, o vandare, komIda L. Reed (Author)Swedish2
Kom till Jesus, kom till JesusIda L. Reed (Author)2
Lay aside thy fears, O pilgrimIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Lead me, ever lead meIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Leaning on Thy breast, my SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Leave me not, O precious Savior, I've no other help but theeIda L. Reed (Author)2
Lend a hand to one another, When the waves of sorrow rollIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Let me trust thee, Jesus, SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)2
Let me walk with Thee, dear Savior (Reed)Ida L. Reed (Author)English5
Let Thy mercy be upon us, As we hope, dear Lord, in TheeIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Let us brighten all life's pathwayIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Let us do what we can for JesusIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Let us keep the lovelight glowingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Let your heart be glad as the days go byIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Life has its shady sideMrs. Ida Reed Smith (Author)English2
Lift aloft the banner of our Lord and KingIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Lift up the banner of JehovahIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Lift up the banner of JesusIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Lift your heart to Jesus When the shadows gatherIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Light of my soul, dear SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Little by little we're building a templeIda L. Reed (Author)4
Little evangels for Thee, dear SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English20
Lo, the banner of our King, 'Neath its folds we're marchingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Lo, we come, a childish bandIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Long ago at the eventideIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Long I've strayed from thee, my SaviorIda L. Read (Author)English2
Look for the sunbeamsIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Look to Jesus, He will save theeIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Lord Jesus, I come in my darkness to TheeIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Lord Jesus, I love thee, thy laws I'll obeyIda L. Reed Smith (Author)3
Lord Jesus, we are marchingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Lord, Thy children to Thee come with offerings of praiseIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Loyal to Jesus this beIda L. Reed (Author)3
Mighty foes, dear Lord, assail meIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Mighty to save, O Thou gracious RedeemerIda L. Reed (Author)English2
More fully Thine, dear SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
"My grace is sufficient for thee," O blessed the word of our LordIda L. Reed (Author)English2
My sins are forgiven, my soul is at restIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Nearer to Thee, precious SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Nearer to Thy side, dear SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
No night within that glorious homeIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Not what I long to doIda L. Reed (Author)2
Now raise a joyous anthemIda Reed Smith (Author)English2
Nur noch ein wenig Arbeit, Kampf und LastIda L. Reed (Author)German1
O blessed Savior, dearly I love TheeIda Reed (Author)English2
O come, let us worship our Savior and KingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
O happy land, so far awayIda L. Reed (Author)English2
O hearts, rejoiceIda L. Reed (Author)2
O how sweet to think that sometimeIda L. Reed Smith (Author)English3
O I love to think of the home aboveIda L. Reed (Author)English2
O lowly servant of thy KingIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
O precious is the promise, His love will never fail usIda L. Reed (Author)English2
O sinner, the harvest is passingIda L. Reed (Author)2
O star of matchless splendorIda Lilliard Reed (Author)English3
O weary soul, by grief oppressedIda L. Reed (Author)English2
O what are you doing for Jesus? The days and the years glide awayIda L. Reed (Author)English2
O the lark sings in the meadowIda L. Reed (Author)English2
On the travel-worn road in the olden timeIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Once again we've metIda L. Reed (Author)2
Once for all He died to save usIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Once more the children's Sabbath dayIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Only a contrite sinner Kneeling at Jesus' feetIda L. Reed (Author)3
Only a few brief yearsIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Only a little deed of kindnessIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Only a little while here below to watch and serveIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Only a little word tenderly spokenIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Only a touch of Thy hand, dear LordIda L. Reed (Author)English10
Only to trust thee, Jesus my SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English5
Only to wait at thy feet, dear LordIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Onward, Christian workersIda L. Reed Smith (Author)English4
Onward forever, this be our watchwordIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Onward, onward, joyfully we go, dear SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Onward, Rescue VolunteersIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Onward, still onward, we're marchingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Onward we are marching 'neath our Lord's commandIda L. Reed (Author)English4
Out of the darkness, into the light, Out of your weakness, into His mightIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Out of the darkness of sorrow and painIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Out of the shadows, IntoIda L. Reed Smith (Author)3
Over the hilltops the morning is breakingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Over the silent sea, down by the shipping shoreIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Over there are many mansionsIda L. Reed Smith (Author)3
Over there where breaks the morningIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Pertenezco a mi Rey, hijo soy de su amorIda L. Reed (Author)Spanish2
Praise to the Friend of the childrenIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
Praise ye the Lord foreverIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
Precious is the promise givenIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Put your shoulder 'neath the burdenIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
Ready now, steady now, every gallant knightMrs. Ida Reed Smith (Author)English3
Rest from thy sorrow he'll give theeIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Rest in the Lord and patiently waitIda L. Reed (Author)English8
Ring out the glad carolsIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
Ring, ye bells of ChristmasIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
Rock of ages cleft for me, like an echo sweet and lowIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Safe in the fold of the masterIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Saved to serve him, Christ my SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Savior, I come to Thee, on Thee I callIda L. Reed (Author)English4
Scatter golden sunbeamsIda L. Reed Smith (Author)English8
Scatter love's sunbeams as onward you goIda L. Smith (Author)English3
Scattering deeds of love like flowersIda L. Reed (Author)English3
See the golden lightIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
Seeking for Jesus, the wondrous PhysicianIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Send out the tidings, let the anthem ringIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Send the blessings all around youIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Send us forth, O blessed SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Serve with gladness Christ the KingIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Shine, little sunbeams, shine, Shine with your beam so brightIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Shoulder to shoulder, stand In the battle that now is onIda L. Reed (Author)English2
誰若倚靠耶和華,真有福 (Shuí ruò yǐkào yēhéhuá, zhēn yǒufú)Ida L. Reed (Author)Chinese2
Sing a song of birthday bannersIda Reed Smith (Author)2
Sing when the dark clouds lowerIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Sing ye His praises, Christ the RedeemerIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Slain for the sins of the world was heIda L. Reed (Author)English2
So much to do for JesusIda L. Reed Smith (Author)3
Soldier, is the battle longR. O. Smith (Author)English1
Soldiers of Jesus. Marching alongIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Something to do for the Master each dayIda L. Reed (Author)English4
Speak, O Lord, Thy voice obeyingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Spread the light of joy about youIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Stand up for the Master wherever you goIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Stars of December, shining so brightIda L. Reed (Author)3
Steady, brother, steady, though the storm-winds riseIda L. Reed Smith (Author)English10
Step over the line, my brotherIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Swing, little blossoms, the sunshine is fallingIda L. Reed Smith (Author)English6
Swing, snowy lilies, to and froIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Take hold of the promise of JesusIda L. Reed (Author)2
Take your cross, and follow JesusIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Teach me thy way, dear SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Tell of the love of JesusIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Tell the gospel story, far and nearIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Tell to Jesus all your sorrowIda L. Reed (Author)English3
The blood, the blood hath cleansed my soulIda L. Reed (Author)English2
The blossoms swinging in the lightIda L. Reed Smith (Author)3
The Easter bells are ringing, A message sweet and lowIda Lilliard Reed (Author)English3
The Lord is my Hope and SalvationIda L. Reed (Author)English2
The Lord is my refuge, in Him will I hideIda L. Reed (Author)English2
The Lord is my strength (Reed)Ida L. Reed Smith (Author)2
The Lord is our portion foreverIda L. Reed (Author)English2
The morning breaks, behold its raysIda L. Reed (Author)English2
The order went forth to the soldiersIda L. Reed (Author)English2
The world, the world for JesusIda L. Reed (Author)English2
There are lambs astrayIda L. Reed (Author)English2
There is a bright, a golden shoreIda L. Reed (Author)English4
There is a city over thereIda L. Reed (Author)English3
There is a fair, sweet, happy landIda L. Reed (Author)English3
There is a place prepared for me, a mansion bright and fairIda L. Reed (Author)English2
There is a refuge, sweet, secureIda L. Reed (Author)English5
There is joy in the love of JesusIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
There is no easy path to the mansions aboveIda L. Reed (Author)English2
There is rest in him when life's cares oppressIda L. Reed Smith (Author)3
There is rest, there is peace in the promiseIda L. Reed (Author)English3
There shall be rest for weary feetIda L. Reed (Author)English4
There'll be no night there, where God's children meetIda L. Reed (Author)English2
There'll be no sorrow over thereIda L. Reed (Author)English2
There's a beautiful home that awaits us thereIda L. Reed (Author)English2
There's a bright and happy home, Over on the farther shoreIda L. Reed (Author)English2
There's a far off happy shoreIda L. Reed (Author)English2
There's a fount of love filled with Jesus' bloodIda L. Reed (Author)English2
There's a gate that open standsIda L. Reed (Author)English2
There's a glad and shining shoreIda L. Reed (Author)English2
There’s a home for weary pilgrimsIda L. Reed (Author)English2
There's a home that waits for meIda L. Reed (Author)English2
There's a mansion over yonderIda L. Reed (Author)English4
There's a mighty army marching, Marshalled by the Prince of PeaceIda L. Reed (Author)English2
There's a peaceful shining strandIda L. Reed (Author)English2
There's a place in the Master's vineyardIda L. Reed (Author)English2
There's a song, when morn is breakingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
There's a thought that cheers me everIda L. Reed (Author)English3
There's light in the heavensIda L. Reed (Author)2
There's no other SaviorIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
They shall walk with me in whiteIda L. Reed Smith (Author)English2
They that wait upon the Lord, Daily shall their strength renewIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Thou art my hope when the days are drearyIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Thou art my refuge, dear SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Thou that goeth forth and weepethIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
Though dark the pathway, Jesus is our LightIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Though I walk through death's dark valleyIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Thronging about him, the people pressedIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Thy field is wide, my FatherIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
Thy will, dear Lord, be doneIda L. Reed Smith (Author)English7
Thy word, dear Savior, is a lightIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Till my Father bids me comeIda L. Reed (Author)English2
To him that overcometh, the Lord will giveIda L. Reed (Author)English2
To the love of the Father thy heart unsealIda L. Reed (Author)English2
To Thee, dear Lord I lift my soulIda L. Reed (Author)English2
To thee we come, dear SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Toil onward and upward, be true to your GodIda L. Reed (Author)2
Toiling together with God, our KingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Trust thy Father, ever trust HimIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Trusting in Thy promiseIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Tu pueblo jubilosoIda Reed Smith (Author)Spanish7
Turn to Jesus, He will save theeIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Twine your blossoms, wreathe your garlandsIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Under the banner of Jesus, my KingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Unto Thee, in life's fair morningIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Unto thee, O my strength will I singIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Up in the old maple there rocks and swingsIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Up in the treetops the birdies are singingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Victory shall be ours through JesusIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Wait and trust, O storm tossed soulIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Wait on the Lord; thy Savior and KingIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Wait on the Lord, With patience braveIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Waiting at the gates of heavenIda L. Reed Smith (Author)English4
Walking by faith in the Master's loveIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Walking in the light, Walking day by dayIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Wash me in Thy blood, dear SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English3
We are bought with a price, we are not our ownIda L. Reed (Author)3
We are coming, we are coming, Dearest Savior, unto TheeIda L. Reed (Author)English2
We are going home to the land of lightIda L. Reed (Author)English2
We are little pilgrims, Lord!Ida L. Reed (Author)English3
We are little pilgrims, Marching hand in handIda L. Reed (Author)English2
We are little soldiers, Toiling for our KingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
We are little sowers, Scattering day by dayIda L. Reed (Author)English2
We are little toilers, For our Lord and KingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
We are soldiers true in the army of the LordIda L. Reed (Author)English2
We are toiling in life's harvestIda L. Reed (Author)English2
We praise thee, dear SaviorIda L. Reed Smith (Author)2
We shall reap what we sow in the harvest timeIda L. Reed (Author)English2
We shall sing the glad, new songIda L. Reed (Author)English2
We will shine for Christ our SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Welch holder FriedensrufIda L. Reed (Author)German1
Welcome evening shadows, Welcome twilight grayIda L. Reed (Author)English7
Welcome, sweet Sabbath of beautyIda L. Reed (Author)English3
We're a band of little children Working for our Lord and KingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
We're shining for Jesus, our SaviorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
What a comfort to know that He loves meIda L. Reed (Author)English3
What are you giving to JesusIda L. Reed (Author)3
What could I do without TheeIda L. Reed (Author)English2
What does it matter if God walks with theeIda L. Reed Smith (Author)3
What hast thou, O world to offer?Ida L. Reed (Author)English2
What have I, dear Lord, to bring TheeIda L. Reed (Author)English2
What if here my path is shadowedIda L. Reed (Author)English4
What is that light over yonder plainMrs. Ida Reed Smith (Author)English2
What makes the Christian happyIda L. Reed (Author)English2
What matter, what matter, if dark is the wayIda L. Reed (Author)English2
What of the night, O watchman? What of the weary night?Ida L. Reed (Author)English4
What though clouds may gather over meIda L. Reed (Author)English3
What though the way be wearyIda L. Reed (Author)English2
What though cares and trials meet usIda L. Reed (Author)English2
What though the days be drearyIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Whatever thou sowest, thou must reapIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Whatsoever be thy grief, God will help thee to endureIda L. Reed (Author)English2
When my ship shall cast her anchorIda L. Reed (Author)English2
When the shadows deep are fallingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
When the waves of my sorrow overwhelm meIda L. Reed (Author)English2
When the way seems long and dreary, Full of care and toil and painIda L. Reed (Author)English2
When we all shall gather homeIda L. Reed (Author)English3
When we walk with Jesus, all the days are brightIda L. Reed (Author)English2
When you have found the Savior, And peace through Him have knownIda L. Reed (Author)English4
Where art thou sowing today for JesusIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Where does she wander, this dreary nightIda L. Reed (Author)English7
Where the saved their joys are tellingIda L. Reed (Author)English3
Wherever my footsteps wanderIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Wheresoever thou leadeth over vale and hillIda L. Reed (Author)English3
'Who can tell the boundless richesIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Why art thou wandering alone in the darkness?Ida L. Reed (Author)English2
Wonderful promise of joy untoldIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Wonderful star, Lo, I follow thy guidingIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Work for the Master, work with your mightIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Work, work for Jesus, work while 'tis dayIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Working for Jesus, O, blessed the thoughtIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Worn with thy wanderings tired of thy sinIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Worthy to be praised art ThouIda L. Reed (Author)English2
Would you learn a secret sweetIda Reed Smith (Author)English2
Zag' nicht in trüben TagenIda L. Reed (Author)German2

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