1 Serve with gladness Christ the King,
Loyally, loyally,
To the labor go and sing,
Loyally, loyally,
Use the good that in thee lies,
He thy gifts will not despise,
Come with love’s sweet sacrifice,
Loyally, loyally.
Serve him, serve him, Christ the Mighty King,
To thy service willing labor bring,
See! the harvest fields are white
Soon will come the idle night,
Labor now with all thy might,
Loyally, loyally.
2 Serve him truly day by day,
Loyally, loyally,
Fully trust him all the way,
Loyally, loyally,
Though the clouds thy sky may fill,
He will be thy refuge still,
Yield in all to his blest will,
Loyally, loyally. [Refrain]
3 Serve him with a willing heart,
Loyally, loyally,
Give thyself and all thou art,
Loyally, loyally,
Shrink not from the toilsome way,
He is with thee day by day,
Forward go, his voice obey,
Loyally, loyally. [Refrain]
Source: The Service of Praise #48