1 Soldier, is the battle long?
Keep on praying;
Right will surely conquer wrong,
Keep on praying.
Do no heed the cannon’s roar,
War shall cease and be no more,
And our Captain’s on before,
Keep on praying.
Keep on praying,
Keep on praying;
You will conquer by and by,
Keep on praying.
2 Pilgrim, have you weary grown?
Keep on praying;
Christ won’t leave you all alone,
Keep on praying.
God will hear your eager pray’r,
Soon a starry crown you’ll wear,
And the joys of heav’n you’ll share,
Keep on praying. [Refrain]
3 Christian has your faith grown weak?
Keep on praying;
Do the tears roll down your cheek?
Keep on praying.
Soon you never more will sigh,
Tears no more will dim your eye,
You will conquer by and by,
Keep on praying. [Refrain]
4 O the joys we’ll soon receive,
Keep on praying;
If in Christ our hearts believe,
Keep on praying.
If to Jesus we belong,
Soon we’ll join the ransom’d throng,
And we’ll sing redemption’s song,
Keep on praying. [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of the Gospel: for use in all religious meetings #82