1 Come, blessed Saviour, with pentecostal power,
Be thou in our midst today;
Pour out thy Spirit abundantly this hour,
For this do thy children pray.
Come, blessed Saviour, let thy Holy Spirit
In pentecostal fire descend from above;
Pour out thy blessing, endue us with power,
Power for thy service, and praise for thy love.
2 Come, Jesus, Saviour, in faith we humbly seek thee,
Come thou in thy glorious might;
Come with the gladness and joy of full forgiveness,
Each heart fill with joy and light. [Chorus]
3 Come, blessed Saviour, thy promises fulfilling,
Let this be a glorious hour;
Unto thy children thy Spirit now outpouring,
Come thou in thy strength and power. [Chorus]
Source: Light in the Valley: a new work of great merit for the Sunday school, revivals, Christian Endeavor, Epworth League, young people's society, and all forward movement along the line of battle... #186