Birdie Bell

Birdie Bell
Short Name: Birdie Bell
Full Name: Bell, Birdie

C. Louise Bell, also known a Birdie Bell, was born, raised and lived in New York city. She began writing hymns when she was sixteen years old. She is the author of more than 500 hymns, 200 religious poems, and 200 Christmas and Easter lyrics, as well as short stories, and articles. She wrote under the name of Birdie Bell, which is what her family called her.

Dianne Shapiro, from "The Singers and Their Songs: sketches of living gospel hymn writers" by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (Chicago: The Rodeheaver Company, 1916)

Texts by Birdie Bell (287)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A bird that has roamed far away from its nestR. F. R. Bell (Author)English6
A day of kind remembranceBirdie Bell (Author)2
A home with Christ the MasterR. F. R. Bell (Author)3
A life of lowly service may seem but small to theeBirdie Bell (Author)English2
A loving hand is leading meR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
A song of joy to all the earthBirdie Bell (Author)3
A sower was wending his homeward wayBirdie Bell (Author)English3
A wondrous song is in the airBirdie Bell (Author)English3
All along life's rugged highwayBirdie Bell (Author)2
All who are weary, sad and oppressedR. F. R. Bell (Author)English6
Alone in the garden, where dark shadows creptBirdie Bell (Author)2
Although the road is roughR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Although you stumble in the wayC. Louise Bell (Author)English2
Are you helping somewhereR. F. R. Bell (Author)3
Are you looking up for guidanceR. F. R. Bell (Author)3
Are you ready to start for home, brother?R. F. R. Bell (Author)English3
Are you treading in the footstepsBirdie Bell (Author)3
Art thou sitting by the waysideBirdie Bell (Author)English4
As I go along with Jesus, I'm singingR. F. R. Bell (Author)3
As you walk along life's wayR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Battle-fought, go forth to the conflictR. F. R. Bell (Author)English6
Battling for the rightBirdie Bell (Author)2
Be on the bright side, that is the right sideBirdie Bell (Author)2
Beauteous shelterlandR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Beauteous star once brightly beamingBirdie. Bell (Author)2
Beautiful anthem the first Christmas wakenedBirdie Bell (Author)English3
Beautiful birds of the wildwood, Teach me the song thatBirdie Bell (Author)3
Because it is true, I am telling to othersC. Louise Bell (Author)2
Blest Eden land, haven of peaceBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Bowed beneath your burden, is there none to shareBirdie Bell (Author)English34
Brighten the pathBirdie Bell (Author)2
Brooks are gaily dancingBirdie Bell (Author)2
Busy little gleaners we Toiling on, toiling onR. F. R. Bell (Author)English2
Can he count on youBirdie Bell (Author)3
Cares may beset meC. Louise Bell (Author)2
Carol the song of Jesus' birthBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Carry the sunshine wherever you goBirdie Bell (Author)English4
Children heard the callR. F. R. Bell (Author)3
Christ is beside theeC. Louise Bell (Author)3
Christ our ShepherdR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Christmas bells shine sweetlyC. Louise Bell (Author)2
Cling to Christ forever, Though the storms are wildBirdie Bell (Author)2
Clouds may darken the fairest skyBirdie Bell (Author)English6
Come back, my sheep far from me strayingBirdie Bell (Author)English3
Come to the Christ who loves theeBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Come to the Christ who will turnBirdie Bell (Author)2
Conquer the world by kindnessBirdie Bell (Author)English4
Countless are his merciesBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Darkness broods over vale and hillC. Louise Bell (Author)English2
Day dawn of gladnessBirdie Bell (Author)3
Dear Savior, as we come todayBirdie Bell (Author)English4
Do not chase away the sunbeamsBirdie Bell (Author)English4
Do you know that Christ is listening?Birdie Bell (Author)English2
Do you often grow discouraged As you climb the upward wayBirdie Bell (Author)English3
Does the gospel sunshineBirdie Bell (Author)2
Duties all around you, waitingR. F. R. Bell (Author)3
Even as a bird on fluttering wingBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Every day we need itBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Faith sees a realm these eyes can never seeBirdie Bell (Author)English4
Faithful is the one who leads the wayBirdie Bell (Author)2
Fill us with the sunshine of Thy love todayBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Flash out the light to the souls that repineBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Fly your colors, lift the standardBirdie Bell (Author)English3
Fragrant Easter liliesC. Louise Bell (Author)2
Gently through thy pastures guideBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Gleam on in splendorBirdie Bell (Author)2
Go forth, go forth, the truth proclaimBirdie Bell (Author)2
Go with the message of light divineR. F. R. Bell (Author)3
God hath a beautiful book on highBirdie Bell (Author)English2
God is good, O come with adorationC. Louise Bell (Author)2
God of love, from aboveC. Louise Bell (Author)2
God's promises hold! Like an anchor unfailingC. Louise Bell (Author)English2
Hail the morning brightBirdie Bell (Author)3
Halting on the borderlandBirdie Bell (Author)English4
Happy in Jesus the whole day throughBirdie Bell (Author)English3
Hark, the sound of bitter weepingBirdie Bell (Author)English3
Harvest fields are waiting, White the waving grainBirdie Bell (Author)English6
Have faith! just trust Him all the wayBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Have you been seeking a Friend that's kindBirdie Bell (Author)English3
Have you left the Shepherd's careR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Have you spent the day with JesusR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
He loves me! let me trust His careBirdie Bell (Author)English2
He says so! I believe it!C. Louise Bell (Author)2
Heart of mine I pray theeR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Here's a fountain pure and holyR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
هل تعبت جدا دونما معينBirdie Bell (Author)Arabic1
How is your lamp, is it trimmedR. F. R. Bell (Author)3
I do not know why shadows fallR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
I have felt His guiding hand all the wayBirdie Bell (Author)English4
I heard a voice, 'twas low and sweetC. Louise Bell (Author)English2
I own a priceless treasure, 'tis precious to my heartC. Louise Bell (Author)3
I shrink not from thoughts of the futureR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
I turn it over to JesusR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
I will lift up mine eyes (Bell)R. F. R. Bell (Author)2
I would seek a Land in a far-off climeBirdie Bell (Author)English2
I'll sing the matchless story of ChristR. F. R. Bell (Author)3
I'm on my journey homewardR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
I'm standing on the Rock of AgesBirdie Bell (Author)English7
In Egypt long I lingeredBirdie Bell (Author)English2
In the lands of darkness, far across the seaBirdie Bell (Author)English3
In the morning of life we would serve theeR. F. R. Bell (Author)4
In the shadow of His handBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Is the battle fierce and longBirdie Bell (Author)English4
It is sweet to follow Jesus In the path His feet have trodBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Jesus did it on the crossBirdie Bell (Author)2
Jesus geht heute vorbei, mein FreundMiss Birdie Bell (Author)German3
Jesus goes before you all alongR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Jesus is passing this way, my friendMiss Birdie Bell (Author)English5
Jesus is the dearest Friend I knowBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Jesus is with us at all timesBirdie Bell (Author)2
Jesus, my Shepherd, save byR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Jesus of Nazareth passed my wayBirdie Bell (Author)English4
Jesus on the stormy seaR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Jewels of light for the crown of the MasterBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Journeying with Jesus, in His chosen wayBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Just a beam of sunlightBirdie Bell (Author)2
Just one touch as He moves alongBirdie Bell (Author)English54
Just tell it to Jesus, when burdens oppressBirdie Bell (Author)2
Just to believe that the Lord will receiveBirdie Bell (Author)4
Keep a smile in your heartBirdie Bell (Author)2
Keep close to me for dangersBirdie Bell (Author)2
Keep looking up, and tread the path before theeBirdie Bell (Author)4
Lead us, O Shepherd, each step of the wayBirdie Bell (Author)English3
Lead us, O star, as weR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Let Him come near to theeC. Louise Bell (Author)2
Life is a warfare! go forth to the battleBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Life's burdens are manyBirdie Bell (Author)2
List to the bells, bright, beautiful bellsMiss Birdie Bell (Author)English2
Live in the sunshineR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Long ago I heard a storyBirdie Bell (Author)2
Look on the bright side turnR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Look up when shadows gather nearR. F. R. Bell (Author)English3
Lord, we come to seek Thy faceBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Losing the sorrow which swept o'er my soulC. Louise Bell (Author)2
Many are longing thy message to hearBirdie Bell (Author)English5
Many are seeking a helperC. Louise Bell (Author)English3
Many on life's pathway murmur and complainBirdie Bell (Author)English4
May the Lord in love and mercyBirdie Bell (Author)English2
More of thy sunshine in my heart, More of thy love to me impartBirdie Bell (Author)English6
My boat is so small and Thy ocean so wide!Birdie Bell (Author)English2
My Father has a storehouseR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Nature is teaching a lessonR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Never a burden of care and woeC. Louise Bell (Author)2
Never mind the darknessBirdie Bell (Author)2
Never slight the task that's givenC. Louise Bell (Author)2
No clouds up there, be trustfulBirdie Bell (Author)English3
No matter how lowly the service may beBirdie Bell (Author)English2
No matter if clouds have over shadowed the wayBirdie Bell (Author)English3
No place can be desert when Jesus is thereBirdie Bell (Author)English2
No star shines over the restless seasBirdie Bell (Author)English3
Not always in paths that are pleasantBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Not my own, for thou hast bought meBirdie Bell (Author)2
Not the way O blessed Savior it would lead us far from homeBirdie Bell (Author)1
Not the way, we often murmurBirdie Bell (Author)English3
O beautiful palace up yonder!Birdie Bell (Author)English6
O blessed hereafter, for thee do we longBirdie Bell (Author)2
O bring them to Jesus! the wayward the wearyR. F. R. Bell (Author)English3
O haste to the RockR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
O Jesus is the dearest friendBirdie Bell (Author)English2
O night of wonder! night of peace!C. Louise Bell (Author)English2
O pilgrim are you wearyBirdie Bell (Author)English2
O precious blood, all-cleansing streamR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
O precious Book! upon thy leavesBirdie Bell (Author)English2
O precious legacy that Jesus left Birdie Bell (Author)2
O Shepherd, abide in thy heavenly foldBirdie Bel (Author)English2
O soul, thou hast wandered afar from thy LordC. Louise Bell (Author)2
O there are sheep within the desertR. F. R. Bell (Author)4
O we clasp the hand in gladnessR. F. R. Bell (Author)4
O weary years of wanderingBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Oft we learn the sweetest lessonR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Oftmals drohen Sturm und WellenBirdie Bell (Author)German1
Old Glory! we love thee, The light of each starBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Once over the hills of JudahBirdie Bell (Author)English4
Only one story which never grows oldR. F. R. Bell (Author)English7
Our barks may be launched on life's voyageBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Over and over I seem to hearBirdie Bell (Author)4
Over the ocean there come earnest criesR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Over the town of BethlehemR. F. R. Bell (Author)3
Pass it by, the lookBirdie Bell (Author)2
Pilgrim, travel stained and wearyBirdie Bell (Author)English4
Pilgrim, whither journey youBirdie Bell (Author)English3
Press on dear traveler press thou onMrs. J. H. Bell (Author)English6
Ring it out in gladness, bells of EastertideBirdie Bell (Author)English5
Ring out, O bells, right merrilyBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Search for the wandering sheep of the foldR. F. R. Bell (Author)6
Send salvation's message to the lands afarR. F. R. Bell (Author)English4
Seu fardo é pesado e ninguém pra contar?Birdie Bell (Author)Portuguese2
Side by side we travelR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Sin has dimmed your visionR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Sing a song of praise to the Savior's nameBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Sing as you journey, gladden the wayBirdie Bell (Author)2
Sing at your work and be cheeryR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Sing for joy! sing for joy! sing for joy!Birdie Bell (Author)English2
Sing when days are drearyBirdie Bell (Author)2
Softly falling, hear the messageBirdie Bell (Author)2
Softly the Christmas starR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Soldiers are needed, is your name enrolled?Birdie Bell (Author)English2
Sometimes the sun hides itselfR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Soul, art thou weary because of the journey?Birdie Bell (Author)3
Speak to every weary heartBirdie Bell (Author)2
Step by step and day by day, Traveling on life's pilgrim wayR. F. R. Bell (Author)3
Sweetly and softly on my earC. Louise Bell (Author)English3
Teach our hands to do thy bidingBirdie Bell (Author)2
Tell it, O tell it to somebodyBirdie Bell (Author)2
Tell me the old, old story, Tell it, for 'tis always newBirdie Bell (Author)English8
Tell the gospel story everywhere you goR. F. R. Bell (Author)English3
Tell what Jesus does for youBirdie Bell (Author)English4
The Bible is mineBirdie Bell (Author)2
The burden I bear may bend me lowC. Louise Bell (Author)2
The day of hopeR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
The desert, drear, and lonelyBirdie Bell (Author)2
The higher life for this I prayBirdie Bell (Author)English2
The journey of life is before theeBirdie Bell (Author)2
The joy of acquaintance with JesusR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
The Master is calling for workers (Bell)R. F. R. Bell (Author)2
The Master's voice is calling (Bell)Birdie Bell (Author)2
The Shepherd is seeking His wandering sheepR. F. R. Bell (Author)English9
The sun is ever shiningBirdie Bell (Author)2
The Word of God is shiningBirdie Bell (Author)2
The world has need of singersR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
The world needs Jesus! The sick and sadBirdie Bell (Author)2
There are many joys to cheer me as I journey day by dayBirdie Bell (Author)English2
There is a gift of wondrous priceBirdie Bell (Author)3
There is light at the end of the journeyBirdie Bell (Author)2
There is only one way to the kingdom of GodR. F. R. Bell (Author)English7
There was room at the cross for a sinner like meBirdie Bell (Author)English2
There'll be singing and rejoicing in the land beyond the sightLouise C. Bell (Author)2
There's a beautiful robe that waits on highBirdie Bell (Author)2
There's a blessed Book that's given for the saving of mankindBirdie Bell (Author)English3
There's a blessed story all should hearC. Louise Bell (Author)4
There's a happy songR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
There's a work that's waiting for your handsBirdie Bell (Author)2
There's sunlight on the mountain, a flood of gloryR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Though shadows fall across my wayR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Though 'tis hard to part from a friend that's dearC. Louise Bell (Author)English3
Though the storms of life were ragingR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
'Tis a message sweetC. Louise Bell (Author)2
'Tis a weary wayR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
'Tis by this signBirdie Bell (Author)2
'Tis easy to fret over troublesBirdie Bell (Author)2
To all who have in Christ believedBirdie Bell (Author)English2
To daily walk by faith, not sightR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Tossing on life's fitful seaR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Traveling the path to Canaan's landR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Turn away from earth's allurementsBirdie Bell (Author)3
Twilight shadows gather round usBirdie Bell (Author)English3
Uplift the Christ! to men reveal His tenderness and graceBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Walk in the sunlight with JesusBirdie Bell (Author)2
Walking in the sunlight, on I go each dayR. F. R. Bell (Author)English6
We are heralds of a great and free salvationBirdie Bell (Author)English2
We are Jesus' little pilgrimsBirdie Bell (Author)English2
We are Jesus' little soldiersBirdie Bell (Author)2
We are lambs of the fold, Through the green fields we goBirdie Bell (Author)English2
We are pupils in life's schoolBirdie Bell (Author)2
We are soldiers in the army of the heavenly KingR. F. R. Bell (Author)English3
We are strangers and sojourners traveling to the better landBirdie Bell (Author)English3
We are traveling the pathway to heavenBirdie Bell (Author)3
We come, heavenly FatherBirdie Bell (Author)2
We gathered with songs of rejoicingC. Louise Bell (Author)English2
We march along with battle songR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
We're going to a country where everything is newBirdie Bell (Author)English2
What are the birdies singingBirdie Bell (Author)English2
What is heaven, a gloriousBirdie Bell (Author)2
What of the journey, pilgrimR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
What we need in this world is JesusR. F. R. Bell (Author)English4
What's thy mission, O my brotherBirdie Bell (Author)English2
When heart and brainBirdie Bell (Author)2
When my heart is aching, wearyBirdie Bell (Author)English2
When the feet are bruisedR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
When the old church bell that we love so wellR. F. R. Bell (Author)English11
When the turbulent waves in their fury dash highBirdie Bell (Author)English2
When the weary march is over we shall find the promised restBirdie Bell (Author)English2
When you come to snares and pitfallsBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Whene'er my heart grows heavyR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Where do I meet my SaviorBirdie Bell (Author)2
Where the darkness gathersBirdie Bell (Author)English3
Whosoever will may comeR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Why in thy bondage wilt thou stayBirdie Bell (Author)English8
With long lost friends we'll meetBirdie Bell (Author)English2
Work in my vineyard the morning is brightBirdie Bell (Author)English3
Would you have your life transfiguredR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
Writing a book as the days go byR. F. R. Bell (Author)4
Yonder in heathen lands many are waitingR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
You and I can help anotherBirdie Bell (Author)2
You need to be washed in the bloodR. F. R. Bell (Author)2
You will find the peace which you often craveBirdie Bell (Author)2
只一摸,當主正經過 (Zhǐ yī mō, dāng zhǔ zhèng jīngguò)Birdie Bell (Author)Chinese2
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